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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Good times again at Lakair. Here are some of my photos, not much left to be said however. Pre tourney strategy... ...and new boat admirin' cmmt looks awful relaxed for someone who will only be nettin' fish for the next few hours Our fearless leader... talkin', even when no one is around Air dog Back to the people Blast-off No one finger salute here Captain A drum on a spoon One of these has gotta work Lew's boat Post tourney break-down Prize table And the winner TJ holding court Final shots... till next year
  2. Thanks guys. The photo was from last years Lakair G2G.
  3. And that's how the brothers made their first tv appearance..... on COPS.
  4. I am on there. Don't use it as much as in the beginning, but still handy to keep distant friends and family in the loop.
  5. Use a snell knot for both hooks. Start with the total length of line that you want the whole harness to be. Tie the bottom hook first, then the second hook the distance you want (I use about 3-4 inches for mine). Then add your beads and clevis (I use quick change, so that I can change spinner blade colour and size without re-tying the whole rig). For the other end you can add a swivel or a snap or leave it plain depending on what you are attaching it to. I use 3-way rigs and bottom bouncers the most. For line the conditions you fish will obviously play a role, but I use 8-12lb fluorocarbon LEADER material, but I used to use 6-10lb mono with no major issues, although that was before braided line. My harnesses are about 24-48 inches with 36 inches being the norm. Good site for knots, although there are many others: http://www.animatedknots.com/indexfishing.php Good luck, play around and see what happens.
  6. Can't be. The new record bass is going to come from Texas...... or California...... or Mexico........ or Cube. Clearly that bass can't read fishin' mags.
  7. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/the-be...article1204855/ Third photo, click on "hide caption" to actually see them.
  8. Glen and I were on Wayne's boat the day he had that follow. That musky looked like a railroad tie. Could be the same fish. "Red Devil spoon going after pickerel" Classic example of someone with little clue as to fishing, catching a fish that I am still dreaming of.
  9. July 1st is the big moving day in Quebec isn't it Roy?
  10. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/opinio...article1203065/ The Union of the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, under the new Constitution, takes effect to-day. We heartily congratulate our readers on the event, and fervently pray that all the blessings anticipated from the measure, by its promoters, may be fully realized. So far as the people of Upper Canada are concerned, the inauguration of the new Constitution may well be heartily rejoiced over as the brightest day in their calendar. The Constitution of 1867 will be famous in the historical annals of Upper Canada, not only because it brought two flourishing Maritime States into alliance with the Canadas, and opened up new markets for our products, and a direct railway route to the Atlantic through British territory, but because it relieved the inhabitants of Western Canada from a system of injustice and demoralization under which they had suffered for a long series of years. The unanimity and cordiality with which all sections of the people of Canada accept the new Constitution, gives the happiest omen of its successful operation. And, assuredly, if the people of the United Provinces are true to themselves and exercise a persistent and careful control over all public proceedings, there is not a shadow of doubt as to success. The only danger that threatens us is, lest the same men who have so long misgoverned us, should continue to misgovern us still, and the same reckless prodigality exhibited in past years should be continued in the future; but this we do not fear. We firmly believe, that from this day, Canada enters on a new and happier career, and that a time of great prosperity and advancement is before us.
  11. Nice trip Bill. Thanks for the photos.
  12. TJ and electricity? That might be even better than TJ and fire.
  13. I'll post some photos during the week, I didn't take as many this year, maybe I figured I wouldn't need them for evidence? TJ and his wife Monique (forgive me if I've spelled it wrong) put a lot of effort into this and I don't think they get as much thanks as they deserve. Had a chance to meet some of the usual suspects and some "new" members in person for the first time. I also missed some who were there last year. No, not you Dawg. But the others know who they are. Hope you make it back next year. A special thanks to Spiel who made a spot in his boat for me during the derby, very generous, even if I did have to share space with your's and ChrisK's dogs. I couldn't have asked for better boat mates. The two of them didn't piddle once, too bad I can't say the same for Spiel and ChrisK. Some shots from last year: bly and ccmt coming into the docks That will have to due for now.
  14. I was there this morning, but did't get the call as to what to pick-up. Joey? John?
  15. Why does no one think the camera man makes a difference? O.K. the camera is of a certain quality.
  16. Lucky Charms? Should I bring milk?
  17. Headed up to Orillia right after work to catch the airshow. Turns out a CF 18 Hornet flying "fast" and low makes A LOT of noise and scares the crap out of a 6 month old baby (note to self... dad's a dumb ) It was not as loud for the Snow Birds but by that point the little guy was a bit "gun shy" and I wanted to get on the road home and beat the crowd. Here are some shots: Did I mention close, fast and loud??? What everybody came to see: A link to these plus a few more: http://picasaweb.google.ca/robrice72/Orill...feat=directlink
  18. I use my canoe and many others have small boats or use the ceder strips at the lodge. There are small and largemouth bass, walleye, musky and yes pike. Besides the salmonids there is not much that can't be caught close to the lodge. If I new how to do more than respond to posts and search for porn I'd provide a link to some maps of the area. It is on Lake Nipissing but the west arm is much different than the rest of the lake. Drop by, the group is not that scary, and most of them are drunk anyway.
  19. You can't please all the the people all the time. Last year "our" Dawg from the south made the trek from the DEEP south twice in the span of about 3 and a half months. We had members from Virginia, Ohio and 3 generations from Pennsylvania last June, as well as many other points unknown I'm sure. I think that says a lot about the spot, the people and the fishing. I went last June for the first time, and then made two trips in the fall. I liked it that much, and I grew-up in North Bay and the South Shore of Nipissing. I would be happy to go elsewhere as well, start working on the details and let me know. A tradition has to start somewhere.
  20. SON OF A GUN! I just signed-up for a subscription on-line a few weeks ago. I have not had any correspondence from the company at all. I hope I get the regular In-Fisherman a fall-back. I'll have to check the difference in rates.
  21. I like both Shimanos and Diawas. But for $99.00 I would really consider BPS brand of spinning reel. I just bought another Stratic 3 weeks ago and if this wasn't going to be "the one" I would have probably tried the BPs brand for sure. Good luck!
  22. Sorry no time to read the other responses, so I may be covering someone else's post. I love the gulp alive products. The tubes are more economical and fairly convenient, but do leak, I use zip top bags. To start maybe just get some gulp in the zip bags. That would let you try a few more styles and colours before getting a bucket. The bags are a lot more handy if you are shore fishing or are concerned about weight.
  23. Ya, thanks Marty. The PFD under the clothes doesn't help, but while my wife lost her baby weight, I seem to be finding more and more.
  24. Thank goodness for mudslides, block roads and forest fires eh. Great trip.
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