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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Anybody out Saturday or Sunday? How did south Simcoe hold up?
  2. That fish eats a few more hotdogs and its belly will start to fill-out reel nice.
  3. I caught a bit of the show this morning. I was busy getting ready for my son's 2nd birthday parties
  4. Or just lazy. Metre/meter and lets just leave "left-tenants" alone.
  5. When did you stop using your maiden name?
  6. Thanks for the heads-up. I hadn't looked at the flyers yet. I just got (1:30pm) the second last one (at least out on the floor) at the north Barrie store.
  7. Sounds like something a seven year old girl might use as bait. Anxious for the photos.
  8. I do that too. Canadian shield, pines and H2O. It all looks familiar. Easy to get lost too.
  9. You are getting quite creative.
  10. Tonight's news showed a snowmobile racing along side the icebreaker and crossing in front of it. I don't know how dangerous it was (I wouldn't do it) but the video was pretty dramatic. Many (most?) of the non-snowmobiling public sees us all as the same.
  11. Globe and Mail article about Canadian owned WFN: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/angling-for-an-even-bigger-audience/article1851360/ Some numbers: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/the-fishing-industry-in-the-markets-where-wfn-is-broadcast/article1851393/?from=1851360
  12. Sunday it took us an hour and a half to cross at the peace bridge. That was at noon. On the way back at 11:30pm it took us a half hour.
  13. I have a feeling many of us would have trouble passing the testing protocol.
  14. Would have hated to see your artistic masterpiece ruined by you hooking an actual fish. Thanks for takin' the time.
  15. I haven't tried any of these battery powered boots but I think Mark's workwarehouse has a version of powered boot heaters as well. Might be worth a look.
  16. Fishing for bass during the spawn is legal in areas of Ontario and Canada (not necessarily your point, I know). I do understand your frustration, and support full discloser from hosts.
  17. Eight six seven - five three oh nine?
  18. Here is a link to some photos from the Canadian game on Boxing day. Tips, photos from US game and story to follow. http://picasaweb.google.com/robricephoto/WorldJuniors?authkey=Gv1sRgCNapiu6d-PO1RA&feat=directlink
  19. Game time. Car is topped up. Passport is on person. Camera is charged and cleaned.
  20. Our little guy is going to be 2 on new years day. This morning when my wife and I woke up at 8am I commented that this will be the latest we sleep in on christmas day for a looooong time. BTW yesterday he started climbing out of his crib, soon to be bed. He "helped" everyone open their presents. Priceless! Even if I did get anything, I have everything I could possibly want.
  21. NHL.com has a camera showing the progress as they put the rink in at heinz field. The Steelers game finished around 11:30pm last night.
  22. Can you say Pavlov's dog? I stopped reading this post after the first 6 or so responses because it was making me so hungry. Now I don't even have open it, I just have to see the title and my mouth starts to water. Anybody else hear that bell? My go to steak is strip loin, or any of the other names it goes by. But who would limit themselves to just one cut all the time?
  23. The fan 590 had a suit from the group hosting the turny on the other day. The vast majority of the tickets sold have been to Canadians and the border is aware, and are going to have all lanes open. Fingers crossed. As stated, I am planing on crossing 4 hours before the game, but I will have my water wings in the car just in case. If you're down there I'll be easy to spot, so say "Hi', I'll be wearing a red team Canada jersey. Can you say? Where's Waldo?
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