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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Hey guys, I'm just sitting back and trying to learn form others on this one. I have some questions: Does it make a difference where the engine/fuel is stored? Heated/unheated garage. Would the climate make a difference? Coastal regions- wet, south-warm, north-much colder.
  2. Change your settings. You can have 40 posts per page. And yup it'll work just fine.
  3. By May it will only have a few more hours on it.
  4. What an I am. I forgot about fishhunter.
  5. Would solve a lot of headaches at the ramp... and you don't need to find a parking spot for your tow vehicle.
  6. A couple of times I've left a note at home, just in case. So far I've always made it back before she got home.
  7. I have had the plesure to have fished with: b2kptbp no photo and Grimace no photo Irishfield Glen Speil ChrisK Slowpoke Heck I'll even include Roy and greencoachdog, although they would let me on their boat Met many more at G2G and events Lakair 2008 Fishing for Tyler 2009
  8. 2 in 1 day is rare... I only subscribe to 3 fishing related mags.
  9. Today I received two fishing magazines in the mail... not one, TWO! One more reason why my wife thinks I'm a wack-job.
  10. A lot of us use photobucket to host photos that show up in our posts.
  11. Sure, at home it's easy, but out on the ice, with mitts on, decimals are hard to work with.
  12. Finally looked at the gps today. The second spot was a 4km round trip. In the dark, after a long day, it felt like a lot more than 2 klics.
  13. I ask because, while we were out Saturday, we talked about the likelihood of getting a really big walleye out of a 6 inch hole. Alas, I did not get to find out that day.
  14. http://www.nugget.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2944543 Lake Nipissing access points up for review Local News By GORD YOUNG, THE NUGGET Updated 7;30pm Jan, 2011 North Bay city council unanimously supported an assessment of public access points to Lake Nipissing on Monday. Municipal politicians agreed to adopt a motion tabled by councillors Dave Mendicino and Daryl Vaillancourt directing staff to complete a comprehensive review of city owned accesses and make recommendations about how best to utilize the lands. Mendicino said the lake access issue is one that has been simmering on the back burner for a number of years. He said he was warned not to take on the issue because it would be too controversial." But Mendicino suggested it's council's job to look at the approximately 45 access points, despite any contention that may be stirred up as a result. He said many of the access points are road allowances, including some that have been encroached upon by abutting property owners, and others that haven't been maintained. He said some along Lakeshore Drive are a stone's throw" away from each other. As a result of the review, Mendicino said he hopes to see access points that are well-used by the public designed as park land. Likewise, he said something should be done with other accesses that aren't as well used or that have been taken over by an abutting home-owner. It needs to be addressed," Mendicino said. Although there was unanimous support for the motion, some councillors promised they're not interested in selling off access points. Others said they initially had concerns about the motion, but offered their support because its intent isn't simply to identify lands that can be sold. I am not in favour of selling off any access points," said Coun. Tanya Vrebosch-Merry, noting she's interested in knowing what access points have been encroached upon. Coun. Mike Anthony said he's not interested in selling any public access either. Some councillors noted the review may be an opportunity to improve signage and clean up some access points that haven't been maintained. I think it's high time it got done," said Coun. Judy Koziol, noting there are some points that don't provide access to the lake because they have been taken over by abutting owners or are too overgrown. [email protected]
  15. That would have eaten' mine for a snack. What size hole is that?
  16. I would speculate that they don't have the luxury to fish for recreation.
  17. The scuttlebutt back at the cars that day was that most of the groups did well in the am but not in the pm. I got mine at about 4:20pm and the 2 others at about 4:40pm.
  18. I have a buddy whose inlaws have a cottage right above the ferry outside of Picton. Next trip, I'm going to check for avaliblity Now you tell me. I'll bring a slide show for our fly-in in September.
  19. Makes me feel like my walk back to shore yesterday was a stroll through the mall. I haven't looked yet on the gps to find out how far it was. It was dark and felt like a looooooong way. My fear is I find out it was only half a kilometre 'cause it felt like five. Nice fish.
  20. The "big" one went right back down the hole that's way I didn't get a messure or a weight, although I should have at least eye balled it against the rod which is 32 inches. The 2 smaller fish and a couple of perch were eaten today for lunch. My wife and our 2 year old son may like fresh fish even more than me. They'll get some more use soon. Me, that's who.
  21. Up a 3am. On the road with my brother by 4am. Meet our buddy at 7am. Holes drilled and lines in the water by 7:30am. Nice fresh morning: Moved around the first spot, only marked a few fish, and my brother was the only one to hook-up before lunch: Headed in to a small town dinner in Desironto ($45 that the town of Innisfil will never see, plus 2 tanks of gas and gatoraid $140) and stoked the furnace for the afternoon. Lunch for 3 guys, and I'm the smallest one by at least 80lbs: onion rings, burger and fries, poutine, toasted western omelette with extra toast and sausage, 2 bowls of potato soup and fish and chips. Head out to our buddies second spot, and we're fishing by 2pm. Set up a special tip-up at afternoon location. Although set lines produced no fish for us. Mark a lot more fish but can't get them to commit until I switch to a jigging rap after 4pm. First fish that shows after switching I stop jiggin', pause and then give it a quiver and BAM. Nice solid fish. 20 minutes later I got 2 more walleye around 2lbs and that was it except for some perch. Long drive back to Barrie in a snow storm. in bed by midnight.
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