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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Heading down this weekend. My buddy's two older boys (4 and 6) are really keen to go fishing. Are there any spots close by that would provide some action for them? Send me a pm if you like. Thanks
  2. No fanatical interest for either team. I'm just looking for an entertaining, close game. I do predict a bunch of sallys complaining about not being able to watch a bunch over-hyped, lame commercials that make the game last too long.
  3. You and me. And it's only 26 months, but who's counting.
  4. Hey guys, glad you got together and got some fish. Being from Nord Bay originally, I would have liked to make it. I wonder if a separate post should be started to post the photos from the day? Some of the other members may not think to check the OP to see photos.
  5. Glad you and your neighbour are all right.
  6. "Everybody loves a parade." :clapping: :clapping:
  7. #27 You should not believe everything you read on the net. Answer: True
  8. Cause there was an airplane on the sign and it was an attack helicopter.
  9. This might be something of interest. http://www.padpivot.com/
  10. Lots of hot air, but no substance. That goes for both by-the-way.
  11. I just got $500 to spend on a new colour gps/sonar combo unit. Of course when I mentioned this savings to my wife she mentioned that her birthday is coming up. Hope she's happy the combo.
  12. I've got a few of his books. I was reading one once while on an island in Algonquin Park. I started to feel REALLY small.
  13. http://www.universetoday.com/83030/kepler-discovers-6-planet-exo-solar-system/comment-page-1/ One of the main criteria is temperatures that would allow surface water to be in liquid form. Bottom line: more fishing spots, new hotmaps, new lures, new techniques and new fish. Boy, it's been a long winter already.
  14. FYI. 1977 performance of the Who for those who might be interested. Channel 1623 on bell expressive. Repeated at 1am.
  15. This has been talked about quite a bit in the last few weeks, so it's not news to hockey fans. Not really sure how this billionaire will spend his money differently than the last?
  16. It's got nothing to do with brand. That is such a tired whizzing contest. Trucks are great for a lot of things, driving in snow on pavement isn't as close to the top as many believe.
  17. There is a very long list of vehicles that would handle snowy roads and highways better than that.
  18. I used it all last year. Like it, didn't leak. I would have like to have less small containers and more larger ones, but that's me.
  19. Me man. Me scared of what people think of me. Might laugh, make me feel bad. What word priorities mean? Me not strong enough to say no. Me think my job soooo important. Me have no identity with-out my job. :blahblah1: I make ALL my decisions for myself and nobody tells me what's right for me and my family. Feel free to make our own, just shut-up about it already.
  20. That's right. How much parking you got Hoppy?
  21. It's getting harder and harder to get though a fishing magazine these days without either an article or photo of someone from this board. Nice work guys!
  22. Grumpy, old and from Innisfil? I thought terry had a second account on the go, but then I realized that you can catch fish. Welcome, and don't worry when you meet some of us at the fishing for tyler event, most of the others are much worse.
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