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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. 16, 9 and 7. All were worn by Bobby Hull durning his career. His brother wore 9 I believe.
  2. Last night my wife and I went downtown (Barrie - not even close to the gta) for a Christmas party for one of the companies I work for. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we took a cab home. Get up Sunday morning and head down to retrieve our car at 8:30am only to find a ticket on the windshield of our car for parking downtown between 3am and 6am. I assume this is a winter/snow removal related parking issue, no snow last night btw, but it burns a little that we felt we did the right thing (both of us may have been fine to drive) and end up with a $30 ticket ($20 if paid early). In all, the two of us had a nice dinner out, with drinks, for $45 ($25 cab, $20 ticket). So I feel a little silly ranting , but a drunk would have had the same night out and maybe not paid a cent... or he may have T-Boned us while we were in the cab. Merry Christmas folks, I feel better. Time wrap.
  3. The kardashians xmas card had lots of fake fur.
  4. A feel good story about never giving up. http://www.simcoe.com/community/barrieinnisfil/article/917424
  5. Different times but his dad gave people the finger too.
  6. I believe I have the exact same rod. I used it for the first, and only, time this spring for walleye. I intended to use it for casting crank baits and maybe drifting harnesses on 3 way rigs. It worked very well casting tail dancers and wally divers. I did also use it for trolling. It worked fine for that too, although it did seam to be close to its limits with the extra deep diving baits. I still intend to use it as a 3 way harness outfit, but know it will serve as a back-up to a trolling set up as well.
  7. Another relevant point would be number of trucks vs passenger vehicles, the kilometres traveled and time on the road. Not easy to point a finger at one group or another.
  8. Other factors to consider: 2 wheel drive, front or rear 4 wheel drive All wheel drive Vehicle wieght? Heavey vehicles will often have better traction to move, but also more momentum when trying to stop. I learned to drive before there was Sunday shopping. My dad made me practise in the snow in the mall parking lot. Studying theory is nice, but hands on experience is hard to top.
  9. I love people talking out their . As the temps drop farther below zero salt (and brine) losses its ability to work. Sand is the option at that point. Crews will use salt, sand or a combination of the two depending on the forecasts and road conditions. All impact the environment to varying degrees and ways. Some highway ditches have plants growing in them that are usually found in brackish coastal areas because of the salt content. Moose and deer also love the salt as well so keep your eyes open.
  10. North is a relative term since almost all of this country is north of you... and good chunk of the states. But you are above "us".
  11. Anybody see what happened in Edmonton today? I guess they don't read the doc's post either?
  12. Oh no my masculinity has been called in question due my footwear colour choice. What ever shall I do??? A good cry really helps sometimes. Does your employer have trouble keeping you on task? Maybe he should have a better reward system.
  13. I have both. Take a look at annual snow falls for parts of the "snowbelt". And again since you seem to not have the ability to comprehend what has been written. Driving in conditions that are around freezing is much more treacherous then constantly cold temps.
  14. Fact: The best all seasons don't even come close to the cheapest winter tires. Factor in the kilometres saved on the all seasons when they are not one the vehicle and the "cost" of winter tires drops considerably. ps My winter tires aren't for me... there because of all the other drivers that are out there.
  15. I guess you can't keep us wussies straight. What we did have was someone who doesn't even use winter tires telling people how to handle driving conditions 6-10 hours away from were he is. Keep up the good work, we all appreciate your input.
  16. http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20101216a7.html Team finds 'extinct' local salmon species in Lake Saiko KYOTO (Kyodo) A scientist said Wednesday his team has found that an indigenous freshwater salmon species classified as extinct by the government around 70 years ago still exists in Lake Saiko, Yamanashi Prefecture. Kyoto University professor Tetsuji Nakabo said he examined nine fish from the lake and found that their characteristics matched those of the "kunimasu," or black kokanee, salmon species. If confirmed, it would be the first time a Japanese fish species classified as extinct has been found to be alive, the Environment Ministry said. The ministry said it will try to verify Nakabo's claim and possibly review its classification of the species. The fish, a landlocked sockeye, had earlier been seen only in Lake Tazawa, Akita Prefecture, and was thought to have gone extinct after an inflow of acidic water into the lake starting around 1940. However, Nakabo said there are records showing the salmon's eggs were taken to other lakes, including Lake Saiko and Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture, to develop their stocks about five years before the species was thought to have become extinct. The species "likely propagated from the eggs from that time," Nakabo said. The discovery came after Nakabo in February asked fish expert and TV celebrity Sakana-kun, who also serves as guest associate professor at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, to draw a picture of the extinct fish. Sakana-kun sent for samples of "himemasu" — another type of sockeye salmon close to kunimasu — from Lake Saiko and found some of the fish had features similar to kunimasu.
  17. Canada's roster finalized: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/world-juniors/canada-finalizes-world-junior-roster/article1838439/
  18. To continue with the "I haven't needed it so I don't need it" theme: House insurance and seat belts. I've never seen a dime of my insurance money, and my seat belt has done nothing but wrinkle my shirts. I'l continue to ponder this list and see what else I haven't needed yet. Bare with me, I'm a moronic wussie, or I'm I a wussie moron? I am too much of a moron to remember which it is.
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