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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Boating in cold weather is much different then boating in temps below freezing. Ice will form on the boat and greatly impact handling and safety. You're out on the water and temps go from 6 degrees to 2 degrees you get colder, but no big deal. Temps go from 3 to minus 1 and you can have some real problems.
  2. Staffman did a pretty good job of explaining things, but I'll add this: Centre pin and float reel are two names for the same thing. Although an argument could be made that a moching reel is technically a "centre pin", I've never heard it referred to that way. Reasonable quality fly and moching reels can be fairly economical (note qualifying words reasonable and fairly) because they don't require the same level of precise design that a float reel does.
  3. That is a right handed person using a "right" handed reel. Awkward. Looks like fun.
  4. I have a strict see-food diet at this time of year. It's only been the last 3-4 years where it has caught up to me.
  5. If this was the type of weather I liked for winter I'd be living in Virginia.
  6. Those are my favourite walleye rods. The bottom three are laker sticks for 100 foot water.
  7. The photo section might have the info that you need. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showforum=35 Many of us use photobucket to host/post our photos.
  8. Sounds like a couple of you nighttime dreamers tried billy bob's candy whiskey?
  9. I'm doing the same thing. This weekend I was looking at a plaque for WWII vets KIA and saw my name. It was a little surreal. As far as I know I have no relations from the area.
  10. A Christmas Carol with Alastair Sim is my families' tradition on Christmas Eve. National lampons is always good for a laugh. This is the first year our son is aware of tv programs and so far Frosty the Snowman gets his vote, although he likes the book How the Grinch Stole Christmas best for bedtime stories.
  11. Some of us are without ever drinking a drop. I don't think I've heard of rock candy. Where would someone find such a thing?
  12. Where you goin'? More rain this week and overnight lows above freezing locally. I don't bring them all every trip. sheesh.
  13. It is a nice video and song, and should be posted again. My only concern would be "news" that is 2 weeks old?
  14. Still thinking it might be 2012 before there is ice for me to fish.
  15. Great party. After a long work week, 3 hours of driving, 5 hours of drinking, eating too much of the biggest shrimp I have ever seen, I hit the wall. Eight hours sleep and I'm ready for my friends kids hockey game at the Tillsonburg arena.
  16. Thanks, I'm at a Christmas party and I've had way to much to drink to explain viral hemorrhagic septicemia
  17. All you need to know is that beta was better then vhs, but we still ended up with vhs.
  18. Sorry guys, my silk reference was to old fly line. Not the new stuff.
  19. Won't it look silly without some silk line on it?
  20. I don't think it is unreasonable to ask for advice on how to clean up glass from an explosion.
  21. http://www.thepostgame.com/blog/dish/201112/friends-busted-using-fire-hydrant-backyard-ice-hockey-rink Friends Busted For Fire Hydrant Backyard Ice Hockey Rink Wednesday, December 14, 2011 9:56 amWritten by: Ben Maller It sounds like a Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson comedy: Best friends decide to make a backyard ice hockey rink, end up stealing water from a school fire hydrant and get nabbed by cops. Only this isn't some Hollywood production, it's reality! Police caught two buddies illegally using water from a fire hydrant in order to make a really cool backyard ice rink. Tony Nelin and Timmy Ryan, each 20 and from the suburbs outside Chicago, thought it would be "productive" to have the ice rink over the frigid winter months in Tinley Park. One of the kid's parents signed off on building the backyard rink for $350. The innovative youngsters, along with a couple of other friends, began filling it with water from a garden hose last week. After close to four hours, they decided it was going be too expensive. The friends borrowed 250 feet of fire hose from a relative who works for the fire department to finish the rink framed with lumber. The homemade frozen pond even includes a penalty box, according to the Chicago Tribune. ThePostGame brings you the most interesting sports stories on the web. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to read them first! These puck lovers would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for a meddling school janitor. The custodian at Tinley Park High School discovered the fire hose connected to a running fire hydrant on school property and called police. Officers used expert detective skills, following the hose through a wooded area and right to the 91' by 43' partially frozen backyard ice rink. Nelin and Ryan were given citations for tampering with a school fire hydrant. With a court date next month, they're expected to have to pay for the water. Both accused water thieves didn't think it was a big deal. "I really just thought it was water," Nelin said. "I didn't think it was this big of a problem." The Chicago Tribune reports they used an estimated 26,000 gallons. That's a lot, but in the end the expected bill for the water will be close to $130 dollars. The good news is that they will be able to keep the backyard rink because it was built on private property, and therefore it doesn't need a special building permit. The four friends plan to split the expected fine and water fee.
  22. I remember a female comedian used to joke that because her husband gave her an engagement ring on Christmas that, before they were divorced he owed her a Christmas present.
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