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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Someone hit send to all in thier email list? Frustrating I am sure.
  2. Ya, how loud do you have to have the radio to not hear that?
  3. That smile right at the very end of the second vid says it all.
  4. Old news up here. And ps we don't want him back.
  5. That old Patrick division has always had the sweetheart travel sched. I think the floridas will be happy having snowbird butts in the seats even if they outnumber thier own fans.
  6. A bar of soap, and a long walk off a short dock?
  7. I've heard the same, but there is no confirmation.
  8. Rarely has the count even done anything for the fans. His only priority is the owners, despite the fact that without fans the league is no difference then the 11pm beer league,.. except the beer leaguers care more.
  9. Still no word on how the semi finalists are seeded. Amateur hour.
  10. In today's world it needs to stay near the top of the news cycle.
  11. Twelve posts and I already hate you. Nice fishes. Might not want to put the boat away too soon. I don't know about freeze-up in central Ontario this December.
  12. He is getting a lot of publicly. Turns out he's 16 and did all the music, editing and shooting him self.
  13. Come on Ryan I know your's was Beiber. You can always say it was your daughter.
  14. 16 year old from the Peg seems very talented. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrNcD34KFhM
  15. Man, I hope you don't have to look at it everyday until spring.
  16. You're right Roy, I've never seen a trout look like that.
  17. Agreed about it looking like a char. My first thought was Arctic char This site has three chars listed: http://fish.mongabay.com/data/Finland.htm
  18. Ultimately the fingers should be pointed at us.
  19. No intention to minimize the situation. As someone who was near the area this September it was a misunderstanding I had myself.
  20. For what it's worth, my understanding was that the reserve is near/on James bay and the fishing lodges are hundreds of km upstream.
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