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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Very nice, what a horse. WTG
  2. One day your buddy will get what he deserves (ie. an ass-full-of-fender). And even if the other guy is found to be at fault, he will still have the hassle of having his car layed up in the body shop.
  3. Well we're one step closer to common sense. MP's voted in favour of repealing the long gun registry. Good riddance!!!
  4. There are lots of people that are not considered high risk who come in contact with many more people in a day than hockey players. There is a huge difference between high risk and having a high probability of coming in contact with someone who has been infected. Pregnant women and young children are high risk because the virus hits them much harder, not because of the number of people they are in contact with every day. Athletes are not high risk....in fact they have very healthy bodies that are better prepared to fight the virus.
  5. Very nice! Nothing like having a bro' to fish with!
  6. WTG Ben!
  7. Great advice
  8. I would love to see those stats. Wonder where he gets them from.
  9. Got to agree the votes for Ariens. My neighbor and I went shopping for snowblowers a few years ago. We checked several brands and after checking everything out we decided the Ariens was the best-built machine. Steel discharge chute, easy to use controls, etc. The Toro came in second. Doug bought the Ariens (it was the last one they had), so I ended up buying a Toro. He hasn't had any problems with his Ariens and my Toro works like a charm too. I would've bought the Ariens if they had another one in stock, but I'm happy so far with the Toro (plus it's a nicer colour haha). I paid around 1500 for mine and I believe Doug paid approx. the same for his Ariens. My driveway is about 85' x 25' paved and the model I bought was 8hp 28"wide and it takes me about 20mins to clear my driveway. Good luck with your purchase......
  10. Yep, us taxpayers have a never-ending supply of money.
  11. Wow. with that mentality it's no wonder we're screwed.
  12. Well, well, well. Once again when faced with the facts (5,000 H1N1 deaths wordwide compared to 250,000 - 500,000) the name calling starts....this time surprisingly by Moosebunk and Doug. I guess unless we do just what you do and act just as you do and think just as you do we are ignorant. Thank god we have overpaid healthcare workers to show us how to see the error of our ways. By the way, being you are a healthcare worker that knows everything, maybe you could tell us what obscene amount of our taxpayer money is going to be thrown at this "pandemic". I can see the healthcare bean-counters salivating already. I wonder how much the pharmaceutical companies will make on this vaccine? Probably nothing as they just want to help us, right? And GCD, you sound like you're trying too hard to be controversial. Maybe the droves of people standing in line for hours climbing over each other, jumping the queue and getting in line before the "high-risk" individuals (as shown on CTV news tonight) are the real skeerdy cats. Skeerdy cats fueled by media hype. As I said before, the sad thing here is that our political and business leaders have become so untrustworthy it is very hard to decide which side is telling the truth anymore. And in light of the corruption and greed shown by our leaders, and the obscene prices that pharmaceutical companies charge for their "legal" drugs, I think I will err on the side of caution and keep my family away from their vaccine. I hope I'm right for the sake of my daughter, but there is no way in hell I trust our politicians or the very big business of drugs/pharmaceuticals considering the amounts of money involved.
  13. C'mon.....just as many people die from the regular flu each year. IMHO this is yet another example of the countries biggest drug dealers (phamaceutical companies) cashing in on.....you guessed it ......FEAR! Fear sells people, you should know that by now!!! Lot's and lot's of huge profits to be made and our gov't. is right in bed with them. Just like they are in bed with big oil and insurance companies. A few years ago the flavor of the day was West Nile Virus.....Don't hear anything about that anymore do we? This is typical knee-jerk reaction to fearmongering. Maybe I'm wrong but, if we had politicians or a political party that could actually be trusted I would consider getting the shot. To me that is the real shame here if in fact this threat is as real as they claim. Many, many Canadians and Americans no longer have any trust in their leaders and that is a sad state of affairs. Yeah maybe I'm just another conspiracy theorist......but I'd rather be that than someone who blindly trusts the most powerful criminals we have on the planet. They lie, cheat, steal and waste billions.....you gonna trust THEM with your health????? Not me.
  14. They say that if you learn music on piano, other instruments are easier to grasp. Maybe a good place to start....he will probably want to strap on a guitar as he gets a bit older. My 10 yr. old daughter started taking piano lessons at her school last year. She gets a half hour of lessons per week and she can read music and play songs out of a book. She practises about a half hour a day. We got her a Yamaha keyboard for a few hundred bucks and her lessons are $15 each or $60/month. Pretty inexpensive if you ask me. If your son takes an interest in music and you feel he could use more serious training there are many music academies and schools out there as well as freelance teachers. Also check local studios, some of them have wide ranging programs including music lessons. Going rate seems to be around $30/hr. for lessons but don't quote me on that. Good luck, there's nothing sweeter to my ears than my daughter practicing her piano and singing.
  15. This used to be on CHEZ 106 Ottawa during the 90's. Don't know if it was on the air elsewhere. I think it was comedy duo McLean & McLean that originally did it.
  16. First, maybe you should re-read my two posts on the topic and show me where I said that. Second, I believe the question was whether or not we were willing to pony up more coin for the MNR and my answer is no. But to answer YOUR question....So you don't want more CO's on the rivers? Actually, yes I do, believe that the CO's should be out there enforcing the already adequate laws we have. But IMHO throwing more money at the MNR is not the correct solution. If gov't. agencies and departments were adept at managing our (the taxpayer's) money and held to a reasonable level of accountability, there would be more than enough money to have CO's on the water. Let's fix the real root of the problem.....mismanaged taxpayer money.
  17. Here's another idea. To all of those who would like to see more money going to the MNR and don't mind paying extra.......go ahead and send it on in. Anyone who wants to pay more taxes should be allowed to do just that. Please don't ask me to do the same tho'. Thank You
  18. Hehehe....when have you ever seen acountability from those in charge of spending our money. Sounds good, but dream on..... There are a lot of things we all pay for with our taxes that we may or may not use. Fishing licenses were and always have been just another tax grab. As someone else pointed out, years ago our income, property and sales taxes took care of everything quite nicely. Now it seems all of our taxes go towards paying the salaries of our grossly oversized governement and everything else becomes a user fee. Anybody who thinks we need to pay more taxes on ANYTHING is out of touch with reality. Government agencies collect enough from us that they could run two countries the size of Canada.....but our money is shamefully mismanaged. If we only had some REAL acountability our taxes could actually decrease.
  19. Chris

    NHL 2010

    The big bad Bruins are going all the way!
  20. Who's really the one using semantics here? Maybe it's time to take a look in the mirror Doc. Just like many others on the left of center, maybe you are desparately looking for something to hang Harper with, especially after yet another Liberal implosion with the resignation of Denis Codere. Is that what really triggered this thread? In the end, they are all the same anyways.....slimey little puppets for big business and the wealthy.
  21. Glad to hear you are happy with the outcome. I would have never paid a cent. They would of had to take me to court. Sounds like crappy maintenance of their own stuff.
  22. Very nice, thanks for posting!
  23. Very sorry to hear of your loss. It's great that you were able to enjoy fishing with him.
  24. Hahaha good one!
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