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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. I didn't say you would get something for Copeland, I said to package him with someone for a big name
  2. Personally I think they are Showcasing Copeland to trade him, show that he's major league ready to draw interest to package him for a big time pitcher! There was no other reason to push Sanchez back, especially after throwing a beauty of a game last outting, 9th inning and only 100 pitches!
  3. have you tried shaw yet? or ruralwave
  4. no, they should not be a sub 500 team with that roster, think it boils down to whos driving the ship....gibbons, time for a change there i think. a consistant starter and a bullpen arm would be great as well
  5. head south on brock, then take taunton rd across and pick up 7 again after oshawa
  6. need some sunglasses to look at the 2nd one!
  7. Rested bullpen here we come! Sanchez and Buerhle rolling recently
  8. guess he didn't have the trailer assist option..........
  9. i think they're all around that weight to make it easier for carrying in a back pack. theres this one by outcast as well, 300lb capacity, weighs 7lbs, and twice the price. http://www.basspro.com/Outcast-Trinity-Float-Tube/product/1303271113/?cmCat=CROSSSELL_PRODUCT
  10. difference of 100lbs in the carrying capacity though
  11. I think he means the resulting debate on what species it is would not turn out well
  12. put a fence up and a lock on the gate
  13. musky and pike can co exist, they do in Georgian bay, but they live at different depths, so it works, in the kawarthas they share the same habitat, and since pike spawn sooner, the pike fry eat the musky fry, thus eliminating the population through lack of fry.
  14. They were stocked everywhere in the kawarthas in the 20's and 30's http://mffp.gouv.qc.ca/faune/peche/ensemencement/Pdf/esocides.pdf scroll down to page 8 for the number of fry released into what waters, and how many
  15. Tigers would have been stocked there correct? since a natural reproduction would mean a pike/musky breeding
  16. temagami! so many species with access to so many lakes
  17. This has been a debate on other forums, is there pike in Lake Scugog, I have a very reliable source, who between him and brother, have a combined 60 years experience fishing the lake in all seasons, who says absolutely no pike in scugog, just musky and tiger musky. Thoughts?
  18. I've seen guys in a 10ft zodiak with a 30hp merc on the back go out on Lake O, and run dipsy divers for salmon. the boat stands almost vertical when the engine at half throttle with a guy sitting on the bow
  19. the OFF one is a cheap copy of the thermacell. the thermacell ones are great! a friend of mine uses it while turkey hunting,
  20. I have started wearing long sleeve t -shirts and my waders every time im out in the tribs no matter how warm it is. its not just for sun protection anymore. accidental contact can happen no matter how cautious you are
  21. be especially careful if you take your dog out as well
  22. They're just doing their jobs, its like a RIDE program for boaters. just deal with it and move on. I was told by a local officer that there is a minimum number of tickets they need to reach. He explained it this way, Officer Joe goes out day in day out, and consistantly hands out 40 tickets. Officer John goes out day in, day out and consistantly hands out 35 tickets, you go out day in, day out and consistantly hand out 10 tickets. Can you justify your job as an officer on patrol in a performance review? Your job as an officer on patrol is to be on look out for violations of the law, no matter how big or small. if your performance isn't adding up to other officers, why should they keep you?
  23. can even give gps location as well with phone tech now.
  24. Giant hogweed is the devils spawn. Can be found around river banks in Ontario, and has been seen on the credit
  25. Bears are only dangerous in certain situations, get between mama and her cubs, walk up on them suddenly, or when they're feeding, other than that, they're pretty calm and serine, They're beautiful creatures, just give em a little respect. Just don't be like these citiots! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgT1jEzPMDw
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