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Everything posted by lew

  1. Guess they need the extra $$$$ for the multi gazillion dollar Christmas bonusus for the execs .97 ¢ in Toronto this morning
  2. Same with me Roger, I was a kid in the 50's, same as in the movie and can almost see myself in that show. I had a BB gun (but didn't shoot my eye out), drank Ovaltine and am pretty sure I had the same snowsuit as the little guy and I couldn't climb outta the snowbanks either........always great memories of a better era everytime I watch it Christmas Vacation is also a favorite that I watch every year
  3. Absolutely outstanding guys !! ....... 17 pickeral over 10 pounds in 1 day
  4. Very nice Peter, hope you got a Jumla sticker for the back window ??
  5. One of my favorite movies and it get's funnier everytime I see, infact I just saw it again last night
  6. Hey Roger, good to see you stopping by again bud, but what the heck ever happened to my glass musky baits your pal was making and wanted me to test drive ?? I've been sitting here waiting patiently for a couple years now and don't know how much longer I can stand the suspense
  7. Certainly nothing as elaborate as Bill's umbrella, but I did manage to snag a nice little Jake off the bottom of Lake St. Clair last December
  8. David, thanks for the report and congrats on your best Quinte day ever.....that says alot coming from you. Those are some beautiful fish and to see double & triple headers of those huge fish shows just how great the Quinte fishery is once again and it's also nice to hear of so many folks releasing them, rather than hanging the breeders on their rec room walls. Great stuff !!!!
  9. I'm 99% a musky fisherman and when their in season, it's the only species I fish for. In May, before musky opens, I enjoy fishing for pickeral in the Kawarthas & Quinte (and hopefully tomorrow) and then in the winter I fish with Squid a few times on the Lower Niagara, and even the odd weekday salmon trip thrown in early in the season on Lake O No interest in ice fishing though.
  10. OK Jamie, I'll start knocking the dust off some pickeral rods.....if I can remember where I put them Leave the Dawgs at home though, NOTHING eats them things
  11. When I'm using the receiver, it's padlocked to the hitch. When I'm fishing and the truck & trailer are parked at the ramp, the trailer is padlocked to the ball. Then I take the spare wheel off the trailer tongue and lock it in the truck. Plus my expensive chrome truck wheels are locked onto the rims with special lock nuts. It's a pretty sad world were forced to live in, isn't it ??
  12. lew


    It's beautiful Bob !! I just came in the house from working in the backyard wearing shorts and a T-shirt and I'm heading back out shortly to wash the truck Gotta luv El Nino
  13. Perfect Jamie, just gimme 3 minutes to pack my gear and I'm there
  14. Merry Christmas to you & yours too Phil and all the best in the New Year !! Lookin forward to sharing my boat with you again next September Beautiful job on your home too
  15. Hey Jamie, if you can find a boat to take to Quinte, I'll join you for sure this week.
  16. Staring at a 6" hole in the ice all day is sorta like........ hmmmmmmm oh ya..........bowling But what the heck, if that's what turns your crank........go for it !!
  17. Well done Rick, nice to have a few choices
  18. Their calling for + 13 for the Toronto region tomorrow and looks like it'll be staying above freezing for awhile yet. Last winter started the same, but the ice finally came in, although later than usual. Maybe there really is something to this global warming.
  19. JPD and CX Thanks guys, your info is very helpful and appreciated, and if I can get an SS prop for that kind of money, I may just get one next summer & keep the old one for a spare.
  20. Thanks CX, that's interesting info. This prop is in good shape again now since the re-build, and has a new coat of paint (white) but when it's time to buy another one, I'll have a look at the SS. I put ALOT of miles & hours on the boat and if the price is right it may be worthwhile. My boat is stored up near Peterboro and I can't remember the size of the prop, but how much extra speed would I be looking at with SS, roughly........I currently get about 47 MPH @ 5700 RPM And what sorta $$$$ are we talking for SS ??............ball park $$$$
  21. Yup, got a couple Jack........but there pretty dusty !!
  22. Great news Verno, congrats to your whole family !!
  23. 1216, but of course I wasted 30 minutes of my life to do it
  24. Yup, I understand that performace is improved with an SS prop because it's not flexing like an aluminum, but it's also ALOT more $$$$ is it not ?? On a large motor, 200-300 HP, I spose you could see a big improvement, but I wonder if it would warrant the extra expense for a 90 HP. Can't really see an extra couple hundred dollars to only gain a couple MPH ?? I was just wondering if I would see any difference going with the rounder blades of a Merc prop, as compared with the elongated Yammy blades. There must be some difference created by the different shape of the blades ?? hmmmmm, things to think about now that my fish'n season has ended ??
  25. Thanks Glen, it's good to hear she's gonna make it OK and I'm sure she'll adapt with no real problems, dogs are pretty versatile. Hope Santa has a few extra goodies in his bag for her next week, but I guess there's no doubt about that eh ??
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