yooo al,
I would just bring your gear and work the shorelines.. I looked and there is not much in the area .. I think youll do better waiting the surf and maybe taking a pattleboat out.
i have 3 frabill Spring perch rods that are Great... 2lb-4lb test and your good to go !
For whities / lakers i use what med action rod good for jigging.. just need some backbone and im good to go... I have so many i cant think of what brand
I have a clam2000... Worked great last year.. Pulled it behind my atv BUT if i had to do it again.. Id get the 2 mang fold over my clam... no comparison..much easier to navigate
great fish but honestly no point in posting those...
If your scared about posting your face or the background might as well keep it to your self... Just my 2 cents
congrats ! what kind of crossbow did you buy ? scoped ?
I have been thinking of getting into it the last couple years but never seem to have the time for it. Maybe next year !
nice pics ! I wish i was going to the moose hunting this coming week in 56......work didnt give me hte week off .. But i did get a week for deer !
i shoot 7mm rem mag in 170gr...perfect for whatever comes my way.. shot placement does the killing in my books.
My buddy shot a nice bull last year with 150gr .308.. one shot through the lungs and 40 yards..went another 30 into the bush and dropped for good !!...
Congrats on the bull tag ! ! we get one every 5-10 years in our area
great report... makes me wish i wasnt sitting in my office in downtown toronto ! ! (thats like everyday )
... My hunt camp has been hunting the ponds on our property for the last couple weekends and did well ( up north not southern dist )
I ll be after grouse on sat and ducks in the mornings... mostly woodies in our around our ponds... Cant wait.. Best time of the year is NOW !
lots of great info !
I watched my buddy dress our camps first bull moose.. Took a while but he got it done.. the funny thing is that out of 9 guys that were there .NOBODY has dressed or shot a BULL moose before... only a couple calfs over the years....
Key... SHARP KNIFE...alot of friends to help. and a Polaris Ranger to haul it out... Makes it so much easier then qtring it on the spot
when you find a good dealer/Mechanic hold on! .. Becasue there are ALOT of Careless people out there just trying to make a buck
Sounds like im talking about a wife