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Everything posted by cityfisher

  1. We better not let them in our waters ! !!
  2. nice fish wallacio !!
  3. who cares if CC posts reports hes not naming rivers or spots...if people wanna drive around southern ontario looking for fish they can do that.. .there are many rivers and lots of fish... ill be out in the morning .. and ill make sure to post a pic when i get back
  4. While i believe its up to the driver to drive SAFE and CAUTIOUS the sleds these days are really crazy fast.. drove my buddys new 4 stroke yami 700 all day today and he calls it slow compared to his dads beefed up 750 or 800 yami...i was happy driving it at 50 -60 km on the ice...let them blow by me i wanna come home for dinner in one piece !!! My deepest sympothy to the familys
  5. My babe loves to hit the soft or hard water with me shes a keeper
  6. If i had to rent( which i dont anymore ) id go to SIMCOE FISHING ADVENTURES... rick knows his sh$t !!
  7. amazing !! one day i hope to tackle the north on a trip like that... working for the MAN really holds back on my dreams BUT for now ill just read and watch your posts !
  8. Of course you can !! My goose pepperettes are amazing !!
  9. NICE !! were they hitting jiggin lines or mostly still minnow lines ?
  10. New homes are CONSIDERABLY less then in my area( richmond hill ) 300 000 in barrie compared to 500 000 plus for the same home in richmond hill...LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION... Too bad i work downtown or id be moving to barrie asap !
  11. thanks guys .. spent today looking at some nice new homes in the barrie area...I then realized it may be a nightmare renting out a brand new spotless home..why should i let renters destroy my brand new baby ..lol.. Im gonna look into some older homes for now ..
  12. Hey all, Im considering buying a new detached home in barrie as an investment. How is the housing market ? How is the rental market for small detached homes ? any info or recommendations are appreciated
  13. nice alex caught similar size ones when we were up in minden on tues. very nice
  14. thanks guys..im headin for bait in the am then off in search...gonna Wing it
  15. Hey all, me and my brother are gonna try something new. We ussually stick to simcoe for whities and lakers but this time we have decided to go a little more north and give minden area lakes a try. Can anyone recommend a lake with decent lake trout fishing ? methods of success ? We were thinking Gull,Mountain,12 mile,boshkung... PM or post would be great !
  16. woood i think we have some bad smells goin on in our boxes ...lol ... we need some garlic powder !
  17. there isnt a quick easy way for perch....the basic filleting way get it done but if you got 20+ it gets very tedious.... I never keep more than 15 perch for the day mostly for that reason
  18. WOOOOOOD ! we will get them next time....for now im heading NORTH NORTH to try my luck !
  19. i have the same tipup...used it a couple times but still havent got a fish on it...hopefully this weekend !
  20. I live 10 mins from bond and there is no access unless you have lakefront property. I fished there many years ago and got some mini pike too...Nice catch
  21. i went to cozumel last year and had a great time....i brought my gear with me but since my resort was on east side south of downtown .. NO FISHING IS PERMITTED... rent a car and investigate the shoreline... p.s the west side of the island gets hit hard with huge waves so its basically impossible to fish from shore.
  22. i stopped fishing the bog a couple years back....wont be back anytime soon
  23. what caught the fish on saturday ? I tried it all... meegs,bad boyz, williams,crippled herring, live bat with a minnow and a high hook...
  24. Nice Greg ! You parked right behind me ! Very nice machine !! The winds picked up in the early afternoon and the occasional squal blowed through but I still have a great day.... My buddies Fish Trap was great. Ill be out searchin again next weeked I went out on simcoe again on sunday afternoon but after perch... landed a bunch .. 5 over 9 inches.. didnt keep any this time.. just some fun with my gf for 2 hours
  25. hey all, went out this morning EARLY and jigged hard for 5-6 hours ... moved 3 times and only had one solid hit... marked many on the vex but no takers.... not sure what we were doing wrong but we have had better days.... We may have been to shallow....67-74 ft in all 3 spots anyone else do well today ? lotssssssssss of huts and peeps out everywhere
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