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About kuhaman

  • Birthday 07/29/1971

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  • Location
    Kincardine/ Westree

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  1. Emare
  2. If it climbs up the tree to get you, it's a black bear. If it knocks the tree down to get you, it's a Grizzly.
  3. Well said man!
  4. Crestliners are good boats. It all really depends on the price point though, those black outboards scare me.
  5. A very close friend of mine is nearing the end of his life and wants me to take him on a fishing adventure one last time. I can't take him north to my rustic camp because of his limited mobility. We are in Kincardine and I ask for suggestions for a 3 maybe 4 day trip where we could rent a cottage and boat that is not too far, maybe 3 or 4 hours away, species of fish are not that important just somewhere where we can get a few fish for a good fish fry, pm me if you could help me out
  6. Local tackle shops are usually a wealth of knowledge, there are online tools like Fishonline that can help you choose a spot to check out, good luck!
  7. RIP Will
  8. Sure is, gas, restaurant, store, and lcbo.
  9. Take a look at Tohatsu, great outboards in my opinion
  10. There are 3 other lodges on Lady Evelyn
  11. The geen truly is a magnificent multi species fishery, Spent many a day in my younger years drift fishing for steel and bottom fishing for kitties.
  12. Nice man!! I can fire up my smoker if you wanna bring them by !!!!😁
  13. Stopped them, what? Were they transporting the freezer?? lol
  14. One detail you are missing is why the C O's were even there????
  15. My camp is in an unorganized township, taxes are very affordable like you said. We have a cottage association which we are all part of that collects approx 60 dollars a year from the land owners which goes to road maintenance and a volunteer fire department( we have a fire truck and properly trained crew) We also have a heli pad and a fantastic boat launch.
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