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Everything posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. Clive, I hope you had a great birthday. I'm surprised because I think of you as being too young to have birthdays.
  2. Restoring the draft in the U.S. would slow the feminization of the American male, but would weaken the military. Too many males can no longer be turned. The door of opportunity is closed.
  3. Canadave can put you onto some good action. He's close friends with the bootlegger's daughter. They go way back. C'Dave spent time there.
  4. Two father/son fishing days might be a best present for your son. He can buy the other stuff for himself.
  5. For years I received tons of catalogs from BPS and Cabela's at both my home and office. Double clutter. My life is better since I stopped delivery of all catalogs. On-line shopping is doing fine for me. I'm not allowed to cross the border with my handguns or my potatoes. Don't think Cabela's is the cause.
  6. Nice choice. Consider fishing where your dog is welcome.
  7. "It's posts like irishfields that baffle my mind and make it tough to understand how people who supposedly respect and love nature can be so disrespectful when nature conflicts with personal interests." Ask Mr. Irishfield about his recipe for guys who piss him off with their lack of sense of humour. Sp??? humor
  8. Fishermen don't have problems with Raps, but fish sure do. If you didn't pop a rock with it or close a lid on it I'm sure that you'll receive satisfaction from a great company. Give them a chance to make it right. Don't give mess to the Rapala Guy who used his knife to undress those thugs in the alley. I have a feeling that you're going to like Rapala Company even more after them.you contact
  9. I never let a gullet go to waste. They make a difference. A huge difference. Stink helps. I even add them to a bait such as a Suick.
  10. Army 54-56. That's 1954-1956, not 1854-1856. One year at Fort Knox and one year at Camp Casey, Korea. Right now on R & R near Sarasota, FL. Pretty good duty.
  11. Okay to look forward to guiding, but buy several pairs of gloves to use for hitting nails, shoveling gravel, stacking stuff, hauling stuff & .................................
  12. Better not to look a gift card in the mouth of an exchange rate.
  13. I've seen him a few times at AA Chattanooga, in spring training with the big club and several times in Cincy last year. He's a combination of great talent and class. Nobody outworks him. Will be in Sarasota for a few games beginning March 20.
  14. He's putting on a great show.
  15. Hey Spiel, I got a recall notice for those items on my 2006 Toyota Sienna. Will get them replaced free at the next oil change. Same thing might have been available for her dad's van.
  16. Hey Glenn, I had blood drawn yesterday. Got the results today except for the vitamin D part of the profile. It'll be there for me tomorrow. For sure I get enough sun, but we'll be finding out if my body is making good use of it. I'm accumulating a few after market body parts. Some others have excessive miles and may be slowing down. We'll see. Good post on your part. Docs are pushing the D test. My Doctor is doing the same test for himself after finding out I was doing one.
  17. Dave, thanks for one beauty of a fishing report. It'll help get me pumped for my May 15-30 trip. I also like shiner spawns. They usually produce a barrel of fish. Hit them early today, late today, early tomorrow, late tomorrow, until the spawn is over.
  18. Our recovery came from a lot of brave people fighting for our country and much of the balance of our population was highly productive at their work place. Defense workers worked a bunch of overtime. 70 hour weeks were not uncommon. We sacrificed through rationing so our military could be properly equiped. The speed limit was 35 mph on our best highways. Gas was rationed. School kids collected milk pods for life jackets. Tires were recapped. Everybody helped pull the wagon. Very few rode while others pulled. I don't remember anybody taking a vacation during the war years.
  19. Don't know about up yonder, but down here we have private schools doing a much better job than government schools and at half the cost. We would benefit from a voucher system.
  20. Our nation hasn't been hit since September 11, 2001. Keeping that streak going will be a huge undertaking. Keep us safe. I can handle the rest of my problems.
  21. If I said something after every bite I'd be hoarse before lunch.
  22. My remarks come only when what I have to say is better than silence. Let's not underestimate the value of silence on the water.
  23. I hang out in a community where only half the population is into Chas'in bearer.
  24. Due to her short face, I say, multiply 40" X 40" X 40" then divide by 3500. Add two pounds and that should be close to the weight. It would help to know the height and weight of the guy in the photo.
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