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Everything posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. I'm sitting here playing with the computer, watching fast cars and drinking a can of Labatt Blue. Paid $15.44 for the case at SamsClub in Hermantown, MN on the way home from my last trip to Ontario. I wish you guys up there could enjoy better prices on your drinks. I loaded up with a few cases of beer and several bottles of wine that my Doctor makes me drink every night before hitting the sack. Had to sign a form promising the purchase was not for resale.
  2. Okay, who have you been talking to about my having a limp anything? Better yet, don't answer that one.
  3. Many of you are happy with trashing this old motor just because it needs repairing. Hope you wouldn't give the same advice to my doctors when it comes to treating my ailments? What if Maureen's motor reads this thread?
  4. Glad you're back. We've missed you. Thought I saw you on TV Tuesday night holding up an HRC sign in Denver. Whopper said I was wrong.
  5. You both win because you went fishing. It's a tie and the tie breaker awards the championship to the guy with the better report card.
  6. Thanks for another super report of one of your great outings. I'm impressed that you can overshadow ugly fishermen by including outstanding photos of beautiful scenery and fish.
  7. Mike, that's some pretty good catching, especially since you were shore fishing. Taking Bro along was a good move. Keep it up.
  8. GCD, thanks, we're okay here. My daughter, Allison, left Cookeville, TN Thursday at 6 p.m. and arrived home in NO at 3 a.m She slept fast and left at 7 p.m. Friday with her two kitties, important papers and computer, arriving in Nashville at 5 a.m. this morning. Shawn stayed behind to work ER at University Hospital and will sleep at the hospital. He might get a year of experience fixing up injured guardsmen, police officers and firemen in the next few days. He showed me his stuff by volunteering to stick around. Next I need to get him on the shooting range with me. I insisted that Allison be in the first wave to bug out.
  9. Thanks Cliff. I'm not exactly as comfortable as I try to appear.
  10. Micro H, good move on putting oil to good use. Are local fast food restaurants being friendly to you? What vehicle are you using and what adjustments have you made to it? Maybe you would start a new thread on this one. I'd be interested.
  11. My daughter has been in Tennessee working on a documentary film, but left at 5 p.m. yesterday for her home in New Orleans to pick up valuable papers and her cats. She slept fast after a long drive and is now heading out of NO. Her man will probably be staying sinces he's doing his residency internship at a New Orleans hospital. I'm sure he'll be put to work or at least standing by for what might be coming. I chatted on-line with her for a few minutes this morning. Told her what to have in her car, told her I wished she would have a carry permit for protection, and instructed her to get her back to the wind and keep going. Also told her I'm here to do whatever I can for her. Unlike Kathleen Blanco with Katrina approaching, Bobby Jindal has been ahead of the curve.
  12. I'm hurting for a week or two of fishing at my favorite fishing hole in NW Ontario. It's a little under 1500 miles one way. And double that figure for the round trip. I've been home 26 days from my last fishing trip to the same spot. Using the logic that's being spread on this thread I could make it a really complicated decision and bring all sorts of opinions into the mix. To do that would be ridiculous.
  13. 38 1/2 years should be enough. Enjoy your new life, but be careful what OFC people you fish with. One of your buddies stuck a huge treble hook into my thumb. It's time to get your dance card filled. Like May 2009.
  14. Yep, Mike, it's stays clear especially if I fry up a batch of French fries about Tuesday. I try to use batter that sticks to the fish instead of gathering in the oil and burning. Sometimes we fry a big pile of walleyes.
  15. Thanks, I'll be putting it to work.
  16. Heck with Snopes. If Bill Gates won't take credit for it, I'll say it's from Holdfast. Good stuff.
  17. Is there a best time to apply?
  18. I'm a little off topic, but here's a hint. I filter my peanut oil after each use and am able to get two weeks out of a gallon while feeding four people fish all but a day or two. I'm not dealing with light eaters. Talking about Whopper, Norton, Choo Choo, and JP, to mention a few from the board. LipDip is probably the champ. I give fish a buttermilk bath, then coat with Zatarain seasoned batter. A thermometer is a must because I bring the oil temperature to 375 F. before dropping in the fish.
  19. In the old days 10% of fishermen caught 90% of the fish. Now two guys seem to be catching all the big fish. Nice job. Those are beauts.
  20. I'm probably going to put them to use also. Any hints for their use?
  21. What a great experience. Way to go for jumping into such a trip. Your post was a great read for me since I've done several fall fly-ins when I was the only person on a lake. Thanks for making my day better. I'm impressed that Andrea did so well on your trip. You're a fortunate guy.
  22. Consider setting up a gmail account. Takes only a couple of minutes to do.
  23. This is not Andrew's first article to be in Esox Angler, but he wasn't included in the previous couple of issues.
  24. Thanks for great report and photos. What more could you ask for on a fishing outing?
  25. I was wondering how your trip went and found your thread by doing some back tracktracking. Your group had a good trip in spite of the problems. Nobody can steal the experience from you. Your tire story reminds me of the time back in 1976 when my two sons, my brother and I were 50 miles up Nungesser Road when we blew out two tires and had only one spare. Yep, we were overloaded. We volunteered for the mishap.
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