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Everything posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. As a guest on this message board I'll not be making any unsolicited suggestions to those who are working hard to make it function.
  2. Nice fish. Thanks for posting the photo. Too bad about not getting to have school today. Maybe they'll catch up. Later.
  3. Your basketball goal needs a new net and a warm barn to stay in.
  4. Hey Marcus, Nobody's pounding you. You're okay. Just keep at it. Be smarter than the next clerk and you'll own him/her.
  5. 10% of all customers have at least 90% of all problems with retailers, salespeople and service. That 10% never put any business over the hump.
  6. We have the power to make ourselves happy. Putting that power to good use is optional.
  7. Nice! 2008, "It Was A Very Good Year"
  8. Pappylachia, we were practically neighbors. To keep from boring others I'll shoot you a PM.
  9. The Lindners can catch fish. Others can as well.
  10. Welcome to the board. I spent a year at Dennison, OH. How close are you?
  11. Simon, a few of us can make about a 30 minute stop at the Dairy Queen in Dryden on May 15. I met your neighbor, Skylane, there last May.
  12. Check Les Stroud and the Pikes. Same guy, making music. Also a decent pike fisherman when he has proper fishing gear.
  13. Hey Dave, nice post, but how is Sam doing?
  14. Congress has to share part of the blame for our failing auto companies. Congress set cafe standards for all autos, putting U.S. manufacturers behind the curve compared to Toyota and Honda which were already tooled up to produce gas sippers. Our big 3 were at a disadvantage that was increased by mixed signals from consumers. I'll bet our auto executives would look a whole lot better if allowed to produce vehicles that customers want to buy.
  15. We're sorry Rob. Our thoughts are with you and Nicole.
  16. You were right to give them the opportunity to do the right thing.
  17. Are you scolding me for my opinion? I've learned that Toyota and General Motors sold nearly the same number of units in 2007. GM was free to screw up and show an annual loss in the neighborhood of 39 billion U.S. dollars. Toyota, selling the same number of vehicles, showed a profit of around 15 billion U.S. dollars. Both companies are free to manufacture and sell as they see fit. And I'm free to buy what appears to be the best vehicle for my money. I've purchased 8 new GM vehicles and 2 new Chrysler vehicles. My most recent new car purchases were a Honda (assembled in Ontario) and a Toyota (assembled in Kentucky). The Honda and Toyota are far superior to all the rest. I'd like to be free to purchase the best vehicle I can find for the money instead of contributing (a very small amount) to companies that are failures.
  18. Keep the government out of the mix. Let free market take over.
  19. Rob Lindner informed me that Chris Lindner left us around 8 a.m. today after a 5 1/2 year fight with cancer. Let's put Chris, Rob, his sister Nicole and his mother in our thoughts and prayers. Chris was a fighter with tons of courage.
  20. I use the same one as Ted for my Garmin. It does the job and is worth the money$.
  21. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'll take personal responsibility for making it through any recession. It won't be my first challenge. Any problems with it, go with a PM.
  22. There are two ways to interpret the article. 93.3% of workers are employed. I made a hire yesterday. She'll start working January 2, 2009. With the extra 10 pounds I've picked up in the past few weeks I'll be able to make it through a tough winter. Won't starve.
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