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Everything posted by grizzlybri

  1. Well hopefully we'll get some nice meals on sunday
  2. No such luck at the Milton location
  3. i know where im going later
  4. Was the day before so no, but in 2009 i was back out in Peace River for work and on my way back that time I went through them
  5. 95% of the tools in it are my Dads, but I have my share of my wood working tools and mil work tools. so if i need to make a change I'm sure i can find a tool to use
  6. I remember this clearly because i was on a greyhound bus the day before from Peace River Alberta to Edmonton to catch a flight home after spending the summer working out west. I remember after getting sleep after a busy day of travel, waking up and seeing this story on the news. I dont really know what to think on the news as this is the first I'm hearing of it but, wow those memories from the story and the trip back for me that day are flooding back
  7. This is all great feed back and i look forward to taking it out this weekend on Lady Simcoe to see how she handles on the snow,ice and what ever kind of mess the surface will be this weekend. If I do need to change my set up I think I'll use your idea, mainly because I have an near endless supply of 2x6 at my work
  8. Umm my name is Brian lol
  9. I have an question for all of those who have commented and all that will. For those that use a Smitty sled how many of you tow by machine it and how many of you pull it by hand That is what I was thinking for the bigger foot print, as said will try it out on the ice this weekend and see what needs to be changed if anything
  10. well running around the fresh powder that fell today in my yard it was working great for me
  11. I like that idea actually
  12. No worries Wayne it take more then words to burst my bubble thanks for the feed feed back, as i said i'll be taking it for a spin this weekend and will make any necessary adjustment after
  13. Finished my "smitty" sled today, report is now up

  14. Well as some of you know from one of my status updates, that I have been working on my own take on the smitty sled. Here is a back story to start, last year I bought a pelican 45 sled from Canadian Tire and after a season of using it i found out that i acquired more gear then the sled was able to hold, plus it was the biggest one i could get in my then Nissan Sentra. Flash forward to this winter now with a F-150, I could justify getting the Pelican 60, but seeing everyone's ideas and reports on their take on smitty sled I figured I'd take a stab at it and including price of the sled and material used I spent under $100.00 on this project. I spent between 3-4 hours on it I used the followig 1 pelican 60 snow trek sled Canadian Tire $54.99 got it on sale boxing day,,i think that was the price 1 pair of cross country skies from play it again sports $19.99 8 - 1" screws and 2 - 1 1/4" screws I striped everything off the top of the skies, then striped then sanded the bottom of them to make them smooth again. I then place both skies on the ground the proceeded to screw the sled into (onto) the skies. I used the "dimples" on the bottom of the sled to screw threw into the spot where the boot lock thing was on the ski. After i had it assembled, I foolishly grabbed interior paint because i wanted to re paint the skies, not realizing it was interior painted the skies. Later that evening my father came and asked me what type of paint I used i showed him. He then laughed at me and told me that I would have to sand and strip it down again. After removing said paint I decided to keep it bare and just wax it, but my mistake did give it a nice colour. Here is some pictures of my handy work, I'll have a secondary report once I take it out for its first spin on Simcoe this weekend
  15. as for your other question, for Zone 20 permanent ice hut have to be off, ZONES IN WHICH ICE HUT REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED ICE HUT REMOVAL DATE 17, 20 March 1 zone 14, 16, 18, 19 March 15 9, 10, 11, 15 zone March 31 12 Above Lake Timiskaming Dam - March 31 Below Lake Timiskaming Dam - March 15 Ice hut registration numbers must be at least 6.3 cm (2.5 in.) in height and clearly displayed on the outside of the hut. You do not need to register your ice hut or abide by specific removal dates: • in Zones 1-8 and 13, or • if your ice hut is a tent made of cloth or synthetic fabric that has a base area of seven square metres (75.4 square feet) or less when erected.
  16. Sunday March 8 at 2:00am or 0200 HR if you prefer military time
  17. I'm gunning for everything thing this year, but last year i had a blast with the channel catfish, pike and walleye. However it seemed like catfish in general were my specialty last year
  18. i check my eyelids and keep sleeping
  19. way to hammer it, nice report and great video I'm hoping to get out next weekend for some whities
  20. working on my on take on the "smitty" sled, report to come

    1. misfish


      Look forward to seeing your work Brian.

    2. grizzlybri


      I have about 2 hours into it right now, and at most another 2 at most before its done

  21. Yes I'm quoting myself, but I figured out my go to lure, and it is a Red Erie Dearie 3/8 oz
  22. I agree, all of this musky talk on the board lately be it this thread or the rod/reel set up thread it will make this year easier to get into musky fishing as this is going to be my first year aggressively chasing them.
  23. http://www.cabelas.ca/product/56557/rapala-north-coast-mooching-rod
  24. I'm won't lie i was excited when they signed him, but i also think the Nonis should be given gm of the year after trading him and not eating ANY of his contract
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