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Everything posted by grizzlybri

  1. That is right there is no Cap hit however, the leafs still have to pay his salary
  2. I love all of these musky threads lately, Come June I'll be more then ready

  3. yup it was Feb 6-16, it runs durning the same time as the Toronto Sportsman show and the Spring fishing and boat show
  4. That it is Joey, I just took the boat exam last year so its still fresh in my memory. As far as me, I'm have not had any close calls while fishing. That being said I find other ways to have way to many close calls, however they are no fishing related
  5. that is because I'm getting him drunk and locking him in a freezer at red lobster and telling him he has to catch his meal
  6. To be fair it is a humminbird lol, it is fully charged now for my next outing
  7. This sounds like it should be an great finish and looking forward to seeing who wins
  8. 9:00 cut off for salmon and bows trip for Tyler auction

  9. only 40 minutes left I wonder if there will be another "snipper" for this trip
  10. the final hour once again should be interesting
  11. no problem joey, get better soon
  12. I don't think 100 miles is far enough, if she took offense to the post. I'm sure she'll find you lol. after all look at all the amazing pictures she has, so you know she has an eye for spotting things most people might not see
  13. I just bought a C3 6501 as per Fisherpete's suggestion. I've picked up lots of musky gear from the classifieds at great prices
  14. It was bad at all walking out, the snow/slush had hardened up so it was a breeze waling out, just had to dig down about a foot to get to the ice to drill the holes. my bid was out bid early, but mine was for the ski trip as you said it is for a great cause. Thanks for the invite of course I'd be interested to go out for salmon. I
  15. you were there today? Both Pete and myself didn't notice you there. Did you get any pictures this year? if so can you post them in the recap thread I started Edited: Never mind I re-read the post
  16. What a great event today up in Innisfil and a great turn out. I believe I heard them say that they had 76 people registered for the event this year. Unfortunately I myself did not get any pictures, so hopefully another member will be able to post some. I got there at 5:30 and the park was empty with the exception of Tyler's father and another gentleman (sorry forgot your name). Shortly after I arrived a 5 others had showed up including FisherPete who I spent the day with fishing. We got out to a spot about half an hour or so before sunrise. We dug out enough snow to get Pete's hut right down to the ice which took about 20 minutes before we set up his hut, it was at least another half hour before sunrise. We fished the spot from about 7 to 11. We were marking a bunch of fish, but nothing was biting for us at this spot, we were in 78 FOW We finally moved into 40 FOW and Pete started catching perch, nothing bigger then 6", I had a few bumps and nibbles but nothing at this spot again. After this we moved into 28 FOW and Pete kept marking perch then we marked something big at bottom which we both believe was a whitefish, but by the time i could get my Meegs down it was to late. To finish the day we ended up in 30 FOW and by this point I knew i was going to be skunked on the day, but gave it a go and nothing. We decided to head into the BBQ around 12 and got to the parking lot, to hear of some of the big fish that were caught. While waiting for everyone to come in we see one young fellow coming in and in his hands was a 31 1/2" NGL Trout. OFC member Chevy4x4 had the biggest perch at 13 1/2" There were a bunch of 12 1/2 perch also and a big Whitefish but can't remember the length on it. When the draw prizes were being given out, at one point i joked with Pete saying the next one was going to be mine, and it turned out that it was his number called. At this point he present the French family with the money raised from the two trips he offered in the auction. They once again had the polar bear dip at on the lake at the same time once again. Driving to the event early this morning was not the best but because it was so early, there were to many people on the roads so it made it bearable. The drive home (Milton area) was much bad, It was snow packed highways the whole way. With the worst spot being from Canada's Wonderland/Bass Pro right to the merge onto the 401. Then the 401 wasn't any better even with traffic reports saying the plows were out I didn't see any Overall it was a great day and glad to see as big as a turn out considering how the weather was. Looking forward to it next year. When I'll be offering up something to raise money. I mentioned it to Pete and he thinks its a good idea, however I will not mention quite yet. Sorry once again for not having any pictures myself. Hope to see you all out in 2016
  17. take time to enjoy the little things, that you or other may take for-granted. I'm sure many of us will say go fishing, but that only a brief escape. I find the best thing is to talk about it, because there will always be a support staff their for you, either from home, work, friends, our ofc community. The best thing is to keep it off your chest because tryst me and I speak from experience, you do not want your stress to build to potential depression level. There wi;; a;ways be someone to lend a ear
  18. Just in from the Tyler event, always great to fish with Fisherpete, report to come

  19. I'll post one here by this evening, I was the event with Pete. I won't have any pictures to post but I'm sure some will turn up
  20. Tight lines today no matter where you will be out on the ice, as for me its off to the Tyler event

  21. well the morning is going to come fast now, so I'm off to bed hope I get to put some faces to names tomorrow
  22. You'll have a blast , I won one of the trips last year with Jeremy84 and Chris K. Eat your wheaties the day before for when you hook into the big one
  23. there is our snipper nice bid shag
  24. Here is another one, trying to get the settings right
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