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Everything posted by grizzlybri

  1. So I went into the Milton Target today just to see how "good" the deals were. I did not buy anything however I did go to see if they had any deals on Bluetooth (hands free) earpiece, which they did not so that is when i walked around the store just to see other things. A few things I noticed while walking around were: a group of 4 or 5 employees huddled together just chatting clearly not caring about doing their job and who can blame them I only noticed one person working in the electronic area the Starbucks was a storage area for carts and other crap like shelving part of the what was the children's clothing area was filled with racks and more shelving However the store was full of people trying to find that "big deal" I'm was glad to hear that both Wal-mart and Canadian Tire are looking at moving into some of the spaces, and I'm more happy to say that is the last time I for me going to a Target
  2. found the video, no it isn't mine, to short of a tree to be mine
  3. the one I was in was a six man with 6 holes, I believe he said he has a 4 man (4 holes) also. The holes where 12"
  4. what episode because that sounds like it cold be it lol
  5. I have to find that clip
  6. Mine wasn't that expensive the one i lost but the way I lost it, Last year Jeremy84 and I where fishing on the Trent between two lake up in the Kawathra's and I tried to do a long cast to get my Live Target Froge up stream a bit further but the wind took it right into a larger pine tree, it made it from the top of the tree right to the bottom. So common sense would be to get over to it cut the line and re-tie, well i decided to pull to see how bad it was caught, only to pull a bit to hard and sent it back up the tree where it is now caught and I'm willing to bet still there.
  7. Hey Matt, I was out last weekend and went out at Cook's, The group of guys I was with went out from Gilford road where all the up operators are set up. There were between 20-30 there were truck, suvs and even cars parked on the ice near shore, but go at your own risk. Another point you can access Cook's from Gilford is at the end of HWY 89, you can unload you gear right near the water, other wise it could be a long walk from where you would park along the side of the road on 89 hope that helped
  8. very nice report, and a beauty of a ski also.
  9. I'll be there tomorrow with Jeremy84 and a few other friends not on OFC, I'll be sure to stop by say hi and even buy some gear since Musky is my main target this year
  10. You just needed to make the request for them apparently to get them all flowing in. Great fish Chad and report
  11. If I'm corrected that is who Bass Pro gives all the trade in rod and reel too, during their trade in event, Which is actually happening right now. If you aren't near Bass Pro then I'd also suggest Boy and Girls club
  12. I was raised in Mississauga and now live in Halton Hills, I can say I have never had an issue with anyone while fishing in or around the city. In fact more often then not, the people I have interacted with have been more interested in knowing what type of fish are in the lake, river, creek, etc I'm fishing and if they are good eating. and in the word of Phil Robertson
  13. having thought for soft water fishing already

  14. The only time I haven't caught any fish this year (so far, knock on wood) is when it was just me and Jeremy, so trust me its him lol, I say this now but He'll out fish me when it comes to bass season great post and great looking fish
  15. I helped out with the derby in Brighton last year that Presqu'ile Bay Outfitters put on, it was great seeing 100+ kids fishing
  16. is the deal buy 4 and get a free shirt happening all weekend or just sunday
  17. nice report, and I only needed 2 coffees to get through it. I have the same feeling with Lady Simcoe and even once my ice fishing itch is satisfied, there will always be the pursue of fish. Great report again and can't wait for our next trip out
  18. What booth are you at again? Was it right across from Musky Canada if i remember right
  19. This is fitting considering Swamp People is back on History tonight. Great pictures, did you try any gator meat while you were there
  20. the jets are getting a 2015 1st from buffalo also, does anyone know if the sabres have more then one first (anohter teasm) or would it be Buffalo's first
  21. So with Jeremy84's lure thread it got me thinking to see what is everyone's dream fish. Fish Bucket on their list to catch. It could be any species from anywhere in the world, and how what would you want to catch it on or with. I actually have 3 and all different methods to catch them White Sturgeon on the Fraser River guided Blue Catfish and I want to noddle for it Barracuda deep sea
  22. Sounds like i need to pick up a few of these
  23. So would you have to use it while ice fishing? I'd be in, now I just have to figure out what is my go to lure
  24. I'd suggest get in contact with Motv8tr (Maureen). Having them up as an auction prize i bet lots of us would place bids
  25. looking forward to the event again, had a great putting faces to names last year
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