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Everything posted by grizzlybri

  1. Well for those of you who may not know over the last two years I have not been contributing to the site as much, I still have gotten out for a few fishing trips here and there but nowhere near the volume as I did in summer of 2015 and before. I had been busy with my other passion which is running. Since my last actual fishing trip post. I have ran 3 full marathons which is 42.2 km each and 18 other road races. However since my last race I decided to finally get back out fishing while I rest up and get ready for the next round. So with that I'm hoping to be more active on the site again and on the waters this year. I just hope I have better luck then how musky opener went where I got skunked. I was so out of practice I couldn't even catch the panfish at shore . I can say one thing about my fishing in the last two years. 1) I can count on one hand how many times I actually got out fishing and 2) I can count on one finger how many fish I've caught in that time With that I'm looking forward to getting back to it and hoping there will be some of the " colorful" stories that I remember having a chuckle over here and there in the past.
  2. well let me be the first to welcome you aboard, great looking fish. I wish I was as successful for my opener trip but kudos to you. looking forward to seeing more posts from future outings
  3. That isn't too bad, I cant remember the last time I got out. I think it was sometime last May or June, and the last time I caught a fish was Family Day weekend 2016 My one knee got this treatment yesterday also but that was after running the Mississauga Marathon...which is another reason I can't remember when I fished last. Yesterday was a great day for a run however running by Lake Ontario I couldn't believe how high it actually was, I'm just glad the paths beside the lake weren't washed out.
  4. Great pictures
  5. Well I guess it is time to ctach up on everything that's been going on since I've last logged in...however long ago that was

    1. Acountdeleted


      It's been a while. (Cue Default)

  6. Great to see Fisherpete yesterday, always a pleasure. Thanks for being the middle man again for me



      literally one of the nicest fellas ive met in my entire life. No even exaggerating.

  7. We'll after a summer of training my butt off I ran my second Full Marathon today in a time of 4 hours, 12 minutes and 10 seconds taking 53 minutes and 32 seconds off my time from a year ago

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. aplumma
    3. grizzlybri


      I just hope you all left some fish for me to catch in my absence this summer

    4. DaveRoach
  8. I went to the game against Montreal last sunday, got to see Mathews first preseason game. Looking forward to seeing what the kids can do this year. With no baseball til Friday, hockey will do for tomorrow night.
  9. A quick P.S.A AVOID Downtown Toronto this Sunday as the Toronto Waterfront Marathon is taking place. There will be major delays and closuers

  10. First time I've logged in all "summer". This year has been so busy for me I can count on one hand how many times I've gone fishing this year

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      Same sadly. Got distracted by work and women this summer. Who wants to help me detox this fall and winter?

    3. grizzlybri


      Thanks Brian, It's been going good, coming up to the big event on October 16. But I'm with Jeremy I do plan to be out allot more this winter then last

    4. Fisherpete
  11. No sure if anyone has said this, but I drove by Glen Edin/ Kelso C.A yesterday and there was no ice left on the ice there
  12. I'd suggest Oakley, Pete suggested them to me, even let me try one of his pairs on a trip. I got myself a pair back in November at the outlet and use them for both fishing and while out on runs. They are by far the best ones I've owned and they come with a warranty
  13. Welcome aboard you wont be disappointed here. You just have to watch out for certain members like the one above my post . but honestly he (Brian has some of my favorite posts on the site
  14. Yup I always keep my on til April, just in case we have what happened over the last 24 hours happen.
  15. Going to try and get some Suckers this weekend for a certain someone

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fisherpete


      Git'r'dun B! Weee-haaaa!

    3. Acountdeleted


      I'm told white sucker is a delicacy to some anglers.

    4. Fisherpete


      Brian eats'em raw. seen it wit my own two eyez.

  16. !!!!!!!!!! AMBER ALERT !!!!!!!!!! Tan colored 4 Door 1997 Toyota Camry, Ontario # BWRC 161. CAR STOLEN WITH 3 MONTH OLD BABY INSIDE

  17. !!!!!!!!!! AMBER ALERT !!!!!!!!!! Tan colored 4 Door 1997 Toyota Camry, Ontario # BWRC 161

  18. Hey Brian B, I would love to see your take on something like this
  19. Great to see you as always Pete, getting all that line from you motivated me into getting my reels ready for the new season

    1. Fisherpete


      I need to do the same... ugh... probably 12 reels to do!

    2. Acountdeleted


      Whoops. Turns out I didn't message pete after all. My bad. (whistles as I walk away)

    3. Freshtrax


      I had to take apart a convector just to see how to put my cold water back together last week...oops.

  20. Anyone going to the Sportsman show next week, I see it's back at the airport (international center)

    1. DaveRoach


      I'll be going for sure

    2. Acountdeleted


      Nikki and I were thinking of it. Wanna meet up?

    3. grizzlybri


      it would depend on which day you two are thinking of going

  21. yup I got it watching the walking dead last night, I'm with bell fibe, a window popped up with the alert but i had the option to escape out of it once all the information scrolled across the screen
  22. cool thanks for sharing, ill have to PVR it because won't be in the house at that time
  23. :clapping: I just remembered about the auction, and was looking in to see if my bid held up, It did not but I'm happier about the money raised Well done Shloim and bc23, I've been out for both species before with Pete you guys will have a blast
  24. Well said Art, and I agree all the money raised is for a great cause
  25. I believe the winning bid for Musky was $225, So that is why I'm shocked my $200 bid is still leading. If i remember right the winning bids both came in the final minutes of the auction
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