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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Sorry Bud. When I read your thread this morning I had a couple of minutes and thought I'd try to help. So I Googled "EZ Dock gusset removal" and this is what came up. http://www.baylinerownersclub.org/forum/showthread.php?74949-Need-EZ-Dock-advice As you can see, I read your join date as your post date. Please accept my apologies. Now back to my time loop.
  2. Another great report Dave. Some super fish you have there but my favorite shot is of the ciscoes. To store for winter use, do you flash freeze them on a pan and use as needed? Do you need to salt them or do anything else to keep the flesh firm enough for use as bait. What great pike or laker bait they'd make. Nice.
  3. I have no idea but you asked that same question on the BOC board 7 years ago...has no one helped you yet? My best advice would be to go to an EZ Dock dealer and ask them about any tips for dismantling. Good luck.
  4. Another excellent report, Simon. A fine supper of fish, fowl and gigot as well.
  5. Blue is VERY visible on the water.
  6. A really nice weekend for you both, Cliff and Will. Glad you got into some beauty fish. Were most or all fish taken on body baits or did you throw a few blades too?
  7. This is an interesting educational online fishing show that Marc Thorpe does. The October episode came out yesterday. It's a 35 minute show so, get yasseff a coffee and enjoy. http://www.fishfactor.tv/show.html
  8. Must be the antibiotics....
  9. You're probably right, Lew. I'll check mine when I get a chance. I re-armed mine this past spring.
  10. A fine perch festival for sure! I'm glad to see Cliff out there with the gang too! Wonderful.
  11. Those of you considering an auto-inflate model, do yourself a favour and buy a re-arm kit at the same time. If you are away for a weekend or a longer holiday and you happen to get dunked, you'll be stuck without a legal PFD unless you carry extra regular PFDs in one of the hatches. It'll cost you $25-$30 for a re-arm kit but there's really no expiry date on them so you'll be good to go.
  12. Have a good and safe time out there, Dave. Looks like rain for Tuesday and Wednesday but not cold.
  13. Beautiful work, Chris. Looks similar to mine but I don't have a hook keeper on mine. I must say that it's the best muskie rod I have and the best I am likely to ever have.
  14. It can get pinned in 17 days John. Dang, I wish I could go.
  15. Dang, hope someone jumps on this quick! Wish I was closer. Very kind of you Brian.
  16. Jim asked one of the team members if he had been muskie fishing lately.. I didn't hear the answer but I heard Jim say "I'll be fishing with Mr. Thorpe next weekend". I'll be interested to hear how that works out.
  17. Some of these are very funny. Remember one thing though, both the FCC and the CRTC have very strict regulations which apply to prank phone calls. If a person is being called by a radio/television station, the first words out of the mouth of the broadcaster must be that the call is being recorded and will only be used with the 'victim's' permission. Very few will challenge the authorities on that as the fines are astronomical. There have been some classics though. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mkdoogjic4I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  18. I'll be kind and say it's a 50. Nice fish all the same.
  19. You'd be fine but your dog would probably get 2 years less a day.
  20. That's probably as correct as it'll get.
  21. Well, it's a great fish, they're to be congratulated and I'm sure that Michigan authorities will sort it all out if it needs sorting out.
  22. Let me clarify that. Friends will always say that it was a team effort. It's the right thing to say. But if one of the three was able to put the guy on the fish because of his knowledge of the water and another was very helpful because of his experience as a netman, it'll have been a 3 man effort but only the guy who set the hook, fought the fish and brought it to the net will get credit for the record.
  23. If that's really the case, I think it will be disqualified.
  24. Only one name can appear on the application and that'd be the name of the person who hooked, fought and landed the fish.
  25. A truly beautiful specimen, Pete. Congrats to you. It's not everyday you'll capture a tiger and especially not one of that size. Yes, they grow faster than muskies but never attain a true muskie's full grown size. They are sterile. Many US States stock tigers but I don't know if OMNR has a stocking program for them. I don't think so but I'll check.
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