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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Roy


    Great story, Dan.
  2. I haven't any hard facts to back this up but I've always thought that threads head south either because of their content or because of the original poster. I guess I'll just have to keep learning.
  3. Roy


    The topic tonight is " who cares about people who want to keep 300+ panfish."
  4. Wonder if TJ is shedding?
  5. Truly one of the nicest threads I've seen in a good while Simon. There's a bonus for you there as well....you'll not need to buy a baitwell aerator. Thanks for showing us Jack's progress.
  6. Ran over budget on the 18 hole golf course...couldn't afford one 4 piece bathroom. Those folks often have 2 beamers and 2 Mercedes in the driveway but feed their children mustard sandwiches for supper. Priorities are a little skewed.
  7. I'm impressed Dan. Very nice. Looking at pic #4, my kids have never had to worry about getting a crick in their neck from looking at me like that. Thanks for sharing.
  8. I'm surprised that the governments haven't bailed those poor people out with our $25 mil to start the Lake Temiscamingue Eco Resource Centre to push even more lodges towards bankruptcy. Praps just my cynical side talking.
  9. I think your best shot at it would be pet stain remover because you need an enzymed based cleanser to remove animal matter, fecal matter and the like. A light spray then brush it in and rinse with clear water. Let me know how it works.
  10. I have no idea where this stuff is coming from but here it is.... Rice Lake Tourist Association February 10, 2010 County of Peterborough 470 Water Street Peterborough, Ontario K9H 3M3 Dear Warden Jones and Members of Council, Although we have concerns, the Rice Lake Tourist Association does conditionally support the decision of the MNR to introduce ice fishing on Rice Lake. The RLTA strongly encourages the MNR and the OPP to maintain constant monitoring on Rice Lake to ensure adherence to the regulations. The RLTA disagrees with the MNR on the introduction of sunfish limits on Rice Lake. At no time during the deliberations by the FMZ 17 Advisory Council was it suggested by MNR or anyone else that the sustainability of the sunfish population on Rice Lake required the imposition of limits. MNR's own data shows that the average size of sunfish on Rice Lake actually improved on the last creel survey. We are very concerned with limits being imposed to satisfy social concerns rather than biology. Creel surveys are typically done every 4 years by the MNR and RLTa has asked them to increase the frequency to an annual survey so that changes in the fishery will be noted sooner, rather than later. The imposition of sunfish limits has negatively impacted businesses on and around Rice Lake with many resorts receiving cancellations for the upcoming season. Please direct your questions or concerns to me. Sincerely Maureen Brough President, Rice Lake Tourist Association 705-939-6761 [email protected] www.ricelakecanada.com
  11. We're even then, Mike. I won't waste my $$ on Berkley products either. It's just difficult to keep track of which companies they buy.
  12. I'll be there for sure in eleven.
  13. I suppose that I can understand folks enjoying that stuff but I just have trouble seeing folks hit each other. Just me I guess.
  14. Thanks for the heads up Julie. I checked last night...not a single tick to be found. Wasn't all for nothing though cause I did find a coupla split shots and car keys that I'd been looking for.
  15. I just kinda thought that this would be a meaningful discussion about the long term health of Rice lake. But, it has degenerated to name calling. Please ask the rlta to find an eloquent spokes person. This is not working out at all. Your turn. ( you might have to post as Stu this time)
  16. Hmmm, ok. I repeat, which of your two accounts do you want me to delete? I prefer speaking to people one on one....one on two is just tacky.
  17. That doesn't count..makes no sense. Sorry, still your turn Stu.
  18. That was an absolutely asinine remark.
  19. There's a lot at stake here. If you folks want to keep this thread alive, please keep it civil.
  20. Way to go Southpaw. I can feel your pride.
  21. Unbelievable! Was this dude selling hammers at Wal-Mart last week?
  22. There's no reason at all as to why it would not work. I have a 16'9" Princecraft deep V and the MinnKota Edge works beautifully. Did they give you a reason as to why it would not work?
  23. I'll be fishing with U & Me Guide service (Fishhunter) with 3 other folks from this board the third weekend in May. I have never fished with Lloyd but the many people who recommended him, I trust implicitly. Good luck whomever you might choose.
  24. Everything else was though....
  25. I just glanced at Dave as I passed by. You'd be amazed at how thin that guy is!
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