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Everything posted by Victor

  1. i get what solo's trying to say and I also thought it would be a great idea. What I have in mind though, is that the sub-board will not be used for discussion much. Rather, it'll just have all the informative posts listed there. i.e. "How to tie hair rigs for carp" ... this question probably gets asked 10 times every year on the board. What we can do is when we have one of these threads that might be useful and informative to everybody, the mods can put them into the sub-board once it dies down a bit, kind of like "my favourites" for your internet browser. a whole bunch of others threads that would come to mind is like ... "how to winterize your outboard" ... "how to wacky rig senkos" ... etc. ... it's more-or-less like the "FAQ" section we have right now
  2. sounds like a great year for you! got a boat and now a house, congrats!!!
  3. 300m x 100m can hold'em for sure. i've fished at one where it's approx. 40m x 70m. Only caught the dinky ones but I did spot one at around 3lbs.
  4. turning carp into biofuel?? ... so in the future when I go out for carp fishing... I can tell my girlfriend ... "I can't come home yet, I haven't caught enough to fuel my car. Another 2 20lbers should be enough for me to make it home." nah, i can't do that to carp lol.
  5. Hi everyone, Got a family camping trip planned this coming long weekend up at Killbear PP. Does anyone have experience fishing that area from a boat? I did a search on here and on google as well ... didn't find much. One of our members did go there earlier this month but it seems that most who has commented were shore-bound. Many said that the fishing around the park isn't that good ... does anyone know of a near-by lake with a boat launch I should try? O yeah, I'll be targetting Bass/walleye/pike/muskie. Thanks in advance! Victor
  6. how did i miss this report?? .... Congrats on the PB Carole! That sure sounds like an amazing day to me! Great report and pic Cliff
  7. Nice fish kemper! I love the first pic. Don't know a thing about the gums neither though
  8. i'm still waiting for my first dsn .... congrats!
  9. i have never used braid as mainline ... it's something I'd want to try next season. A lot of carp guys use it to fish areas with zebra-mussles. However there's one potential problem i could think of... with so little stretch in the line you'll probably have to be more careful with the 'hook set' ... take it easy and not rip its mouth open.
  10. Some nice fish your girl's got there! Congrats on the PB smallie!
  11. Ditto. I have a feeling that your PM box will be full in a few hours filled with "No shirt please", "Why the %#$@ you wearing a shirt?" messages. Good to see you out catching still!
  12. Hi Lorne ... I rarely post on CAG ... just bought a boat this year so I've gone out less for carp. I do have a carping trip planned on saturday though ... hoping to hook one with the pin .... enjoy your time here, it's a great place
  13. you already know i'm at U of Waterloo ... if I do get the use of a vehicle during the school term... we'll definitely hook up to fish the speed or the grand sometime!
  14. Thanks for the very informative post! Nice fish too, it looks real chunky!
  15. Great report Cliff! Glad to hear that the weather was nice for you guys. what's wrong with the pic? first thought that comes to mind ... you look like you're having diarrhea and is getting ready to run to the bathroom once the group shot's done
  16. welcome aboard man, nice first post!
  17. i used to work in an engineering consulting firm and i got 50c/km ... from all the others I have talked to in the industry it seems that the standard is around 40-50.
  18. were there mermaids? If so I'll have to go there sometime. Thanks for the report loved it
  19. o man. I did the same thing last year .... could only watch it sink deeper and deeper down and do nothing about it... nice fish though!
  20. holy crap what a monster! Great job finally finding the GBay muskie that you wanted! Congrats, that's gotta be a catch of a lifetime!
  21. nice haul leechman! it was indeed a beautiful weekend to fish. thanks for sharing!
  22. O wow! It's rare to see a "lack of bass" report from you lol! But it seems that the quality made up for it! Thanks for the report and pics!
  23. have a great time cliff and carole! weather is actually looking quite nice for you, hope that it'll hold. play safe and i expect to see a fish-ful report !
  24. A very beautiful place indeed, you took some amazing pictures too Sean! Glad to hear that you had a great time and the weather gods seem to have cooporated with ya. Nice pike too! Thanks for sharing!
  25. dang I'm jealous kemper, i'll be waiting for that report.
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