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Fish Farmer

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Everything posted by Fish Farmer

  1. Watch CFL games Moves most recently watched were good,Clint Eastwood's (Torino), (Nebraska) with Bruce Dern, and 3 part movie, Harley and the Davison's.
  2. Was a close game, now the big game coming Calgary's Bo-Levi Season ticket holders, 7 of us east side concourse. GO CATS GO
  3. Man what a shock, I figured you were a lifer Lew. I can't imagine myself even saying selling my fishing stuff. But you never know what life changes are in store for oneself. I keep telling myself how long can I keep pushing my boat by hand up my driveway and into my garage, I can barely do it now. I can understand your change Lew. Enjoy your trip east and take your time, lots to see.
  4. Lucky guy, Got to watch the news, might be the only fish I see the rest of the year the way Erie has been.
  5. Trump all the way, he calls a spade a spade, and I bet he'd sooner catch a Sheephead over a Walleye and eats Muskie fillets, and centre pin Steelhead while in full spawn, My Man. Remember the senate pulls the strings.
  6. Johnny, It was our lucky day. over 12 hours in the sun and those dam bugs was brutal, my buddy is suffering today, his face has all blistered.
  7. Sorry guys, I should have spaced them Try 7 to 8 LB., I wish they were smaller, better eating.
  8. Fished 12 hours, 2 guys, 2 riggers and 2 Braided Deep Divers, all with worm harness. 65' to 75 FOW Down 35' to 40' Back 150' we fished off the fingers.
  9. J & J Marine Services Prop Shop 905 768 9188 #6 south just passed Caledonia. Big Gull Lake, been going there for Years, Kirk Kove Cottages. Heading there soon. Sounds like you were on Little Gull, west end.
  10. Way to go Bro, nice side of Fiddleheads would be nice. Going to have to make a boat whitie day up there, not doing much on L. O or L. E
  11. Brian, let you in on a little secret, bite your minnows in half, keep one half in your mouth till you need another piece.
  12. Way to go Jeff, We ended the day with 46, what a struggle to stay on top of them. Thank goodness on the new ipilot, I don't think we would have caught as many as we did. After you left we had a big school under us but had lockjaw, maybe because the storm moving in had shut them down. What a beautiful day, water was like glass till we left at 6pm. See you out there another day.
  13. Frost in the winter could have split your blige pipe or live well pump pipe. Water left or caught inside could have broke or split something.
  14. You goter Bro Who has more fun than People Now if I could get miss Brooks to bite him in the butt
  15. Just one tip, watch for line burn. Mostly fishing erie for Walleye I always check. Large blades and clevises do burn your line.
  16. Nice work my friend, the one you built for me looks better, only thing I have some scales to be cleaned off mine. Do you do Butt cleaning? Now get back to work, we have a meeting tonight so Harvey says. How's misses Brooks?
  17. Give Reg a call at R&R Canvas, call 905 774 6774 Dunnville Tell him Farmer sent you.
  18. And a BIG storage compartment for your secret baits My lips are sealed buddy.
  19. Thanks for sharing, now that's the kind of show I'd sooner watch on TV, very informative. Canned Whites, how do you eat them after, chowder, Whitefish salad sandwich or ? I've canned Salmon, it's great making Salmon sandwiches.
  20. Was a great day, I spent most of my time talking to everyone, that's the best part of going there to me, but I did get a couple good deals in between my lips flapping. Thanks for a great entertaining day talking to my friends here on the OFC. Mr. Dunker and myself should have a flapping contest. Dunker my lips are sealed or your secret lure . Gota give Brian & Terry credit for making the long trec. My arm was sore after carrying all Bruce's jiggs around, thanks Bruce, those jiggs will get a workout. Going to bring a security guard next time, buddy's trying to shoplift from my bag of good deals . I had a super day, ended the day at the 477 Wing for all you can eat Fish&Chips. Thanks Kelvin and Albert for dropping in. Johnny D" you missed the best deal, I'm sure you'll hear about it.
  21. Those live Target are a lot cheaper at the swap meet.
  22. Toronto lost a Great Man, Rest in peace Rob.
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