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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Any name brand #4 mono....like Triline XL or Stren or Cabela's Proline that I have been using for about 15-18 years now without any issues....just keep it simple with small 1/32 jigs and a small slip bobber or I just use a small foam cigar bobber. Catch lots of crappie, bluegills and pumpkin seeds....all good eats. Oh, a longer 6.5' or 7' rod really helps you cast that light stuff, especially on those windy days....short rods are not good for this kind of fishing. Have Fun, Bob
  2. OUCH....your lug nuts must hurt after all that torque......
  3. :rolleyes: The man had serious concerns about a problem with the Ford F150....I just mentioned he has other options....
  4. I would of guessed KING Salmon.....
  5. Crappies are my favorite fish to eat and catch.....the meat is pure white when cooked....but just treat them kindly after your catch as they are delicate and should either be kept alive in your life well or put on ice in a cooler....DON'T put them on a stringer and let them cook in the sun...the meat will get mushy and fishy... When I had my cottage on Chautauqua Lake years ago the lake was literary teeming with crappies....every bay you could catch hundreds casting without a bobber a 1/16 white bucktail jigs that I tied up myself....the lake no longer produces like it use to and that saddens me....but as Sinker has said, you sometimes have to be on the spot on the spot for any action whatsoever....now I find some of those spots on Chautauqua Lake and have to keep them secret from even my best of fishing buddies.....LOL...but true......the last few years I have been beating this one spot to death as it seems to be the only small 10' spot that produces day in and day out....hoping this season will even be better. GOOD LUCK, Bob
  6. Why settle for only 360hp and only 380fps torque @4250 torque when you can get a Toyota Tundra that has 381hp and 401fps torque @3600....and no chance of a shutter at any speeds....just something to think about if your diving in with both feet for a new truck.
  7. Here kitty kitty kitty.....
  8. Lots of open water down here......boat coming out of winter sleeping next Wed or Thursday........then maybe some CALICO fishing, weather permitting......
  9. Get a BIG BOAT....
  10. But where is the the northern line........
  11. Good Idea........for those with tillers....
  12. I KEEP HEARING THAT...but never seen a copper nail...
  13. ANOTHER Great Farm Report....... My fishing machine is due out on the 15th......
  14. Hey Bill your room ready......and it has padded walls.... :rofl2:
  15. SURE......I'll let you know.....it's bound to quit right....but how old are you....it might out live us both.....
  16. I would think it would depend on what kind of presentation you like to use to catch Mr Walleye......smaller lakes will be good for casting minnow type baits after dark and jigging during the day which is my favorite type of fishing....The BOQ will be more trolling then anything, so if that's your thing return there. ....that's my least favorite way to catch walleyes. GOOD LUCK, Bob
  17. And just think.....water is being sold at or sometime many times more then a gallon of gasoline.....who would ever of thought that would happen and no one complains about the price of bottled water....I myself can count on one hand the times I purchased a bottle of water.....now beer is another story....LOL....
  18. I have a 6'-6" LIGHT rod I like to use for crappies but I do agree, a 7' would even be better.... Crappie fishing is usually done in the spring when the winds can be stiff at times....as Sinker has mentioned a long rod is better for casting light, sometimes very light jigs and a foam bobber....but that longer rod also helps to take up that slack laying on the water the wind has caused to set the hook....but then a light action rod will keep that hook set in the mouth of old paper mouth without tearing it out...all important at the end of a hard day on the water with Mr Calico... I have this rod from Cabela's and it works out great...GS662 but if you want the same rod in 7' get this model as it's the same but longer...GS702... http://www.cabelas.com/product/Fishing/Fishing-Rods/Spinning-Rods%7C/pc/104793480/c/104764680/sc/104836680/Cabelas-Fish-Eagle174-II-Spinning-Rods-150-08/738725.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Ffishing-fishing-rods-spinning-rods%2F_%2FN-1102841%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104836680%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%25253BMMcat104793480%253Bcat104764680&WTz_l=SBC%253BMMcat104793480%3Bcat104764680%3Bcat104836680 Now for perch fishing I go a completely different root....but I'm fishing Lake Erie Perch straight down in mostly deep water....for these perch I have a custom Fenwick I made many years ago....it's a soft ultra light glass rod that is only 5' long and can detect the extra weight of a Lake Erie Perch just holding onto my bait. I credit this rod for MANY limit catches while others around me have difficulties detecting the "bite".
  19. Sinker, experience has told me otherwise........my big motor is going to be 27 years old at the end of this month and I have no issues with it....my buddies motor has to be 10-12 years old and again not issues with it....neither has a kicker and niether boat has transom problems or engine problems and both boats troll right down.....one is a 2 stroke and one is a 4 stroke.... 40 years ago outboards were a pain in the to keep running, etc....but the last 25 years or so they have been built much better, last a LOT longer and have a LOT less problems all while being much more dependable....I am only speaking from experience.....but if you have a extra 3-4k to throw around and want to add the extra weight on the back of your transom....go for it.....someday someone down the line will thank you when you sell that kicker at a discounted rate.
  20. Well after 40 years on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario this has NEVER happened to me...... My vessel is well maintained, has all proper safety equipment onboard, has a VHF radio and I carry a cell phone....maybe I should also tow a dingy behind my fishing boat.....just in case...
  21. You sound like the kind of guy that would buy snow tires living in Florida....
  22. BIG waste of money IMHO....my buddy has a 115hp Yammy and it trolls down very nice and there is no need for a kicker....and if you maintain your big engine it will outlast you.
  23. I purchased this one (X-Large, 44") for my 16' boat for slowing me down while drifting on Erie.....never tried it for trolling but I'm sure it will handle 16-18' boats without a problem.... http://www.cabelas.com/product/Cabelas-Advanced-Angler-Pro-Series-Drift-Socks/700074.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3Fform_state%3DsearchForm%26N%3D0%26fsch%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Ddrift%2Bsock%26x%3D0%26y%3D0%26WTz_l%3DHeader%25253BSearch-All%2BProducts&Ntt=drift+sock&WTz_l=Header%253BSearch-All+Products
  24. When pleading other then guilty and paying the fine on the spot you risk having all your equipment seized for evidence.
  25. All you had to do is as me......I survived on squirrels while going to college.....and for Armadillo Road Kill, just remember the garlic...
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