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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. The NASCAR guys came up with it....did you notice it's always the left gill plate...LOOK ANOTHER LEFT TURN.....
  2. NICE OUTING....want to trade for some perch..... ...need something for the smoker.... The gill plates are clipped here in NYS to show they are our fish....so now you must trade those fish....LOL....no really....NYS has clipped the plates for years. Now go catch some more.... Bob
  3. Bring that puppy down to Lake Erie and we'll do a little perch fishing on it....then have your butler clean em up and your chef cook em up.....Lancaster Ice Teas on me...
  4. UGLY...someone had to say it......I'll take Drifter's over that "Thing" any day of the week and twice on Sunday's....
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong.....but they don't trawl for perch....but rather set those nasty gill nets for perch....
  6. This might be a easier option that I did when I extended my garage.....I also used it on my new driveway 25 years ago....but the weather has worn it off the driveway but it's still GOOD on the garage after all these years...makes sweeping up easy and if you spill any oil, you can wipe it up with a paper towel. http://www.bestmaterials.com/detail.aspx?ID=16103
  7. NO...I personally have never eaten the roe from perch...when I went to fishing school years ago our teacher cooked some up for us but I just ate the fish....most of the guys were on them like stink on a monkey... But who knows....I now eat sushi and caviar while in Vegas...get few Lancaster Ice Teas in me and I'll try almost anything....
  8. Forget the RAV4 and get the BIG BOY Tundra....gas prices are coming down here...went from $4.14 per gallon to $4.09 per gallon... Another reason I like to fish out of the Catt is the Res gas is $3.71 per gallon...
  9. SURE...but right now I have 2 other guys that want that spot....I'll put you on the LIST...
  10. Be careful of the Liberty as the tow rating is deceiving with that 5K limit....it requires the following.... Class III receiver hitch has a 2-inch opening and can handle loads of up to 5,000 pounds of gross trailer weight, if a trailer is equipped with a load-equalizing hitch. Check Owner's Manual for hitch types, load capacity and heavy-duty equipment required. Do not exceed rated tow capacity of vehicle as equipped. Towing may require some items not supplied by Mopar®. Also at that weight you must have brakes on the trailer.
  11. We would need someone local around Fort Erie to the Port Colborne area that has contacts to use a park or fire hall to do the fish fry....everyone could just start fishing at daylight of the day planned and be back to the meeting area with fish and fillet knives by 2pm......shouldn't take more then a hour to fillet and clean up....then a huge fish fry.....there use to be (35 years ago) a lot of cottages in the Crystal Beach area for rent for those who want to stay over 1 night....
  12. Do they make good bait...maybe I could use them for my next fishing trip....if they are FREE I will try them....
  13. That TUNDRA truck is one fine sweet refined ride you got there......what year is your's....I got a '07 and it the best vehicle I have ever had....named my puppy after the truck....that's right....my chocolate lab is called TUNDRA The Queen of Labrador... BTW...Icefishing guy....that RAV4 will treat you right, I'm sure....
  14. When I get a "Way to go bud, nice catch" from the FARMER I know I did good... Perch fry you say....yes sir, the bride and I plan on one tonight...it's going to be 76 degrees here today.... ...so it will be a perch fry with lots of Lancaster Ice Teas (you listening Cliff) and a camp fire on the back deck....it don't get no better then that... OH, BTW....you guys all know I'm the most frugal of the bunch here....so I did purchase Cabela's "Rip Cord" late last fall for my perch rig rod...I was going to get Power Pro but it was twice as much....but anyway's I got the Cabela's line in 15# test and they advertise it to be 4# Diameter but it's really 6# Diameter and it works FANTASTIC fishing in that deep water for perch...I wouldn't cast with it but this rod is only used for deep water perch fishing on Lake ????....LOL Now here's a idea.....a G2G for Lake Erie Perch get together and a huge fish fry afterwards......and those who don't like keeping the big boys (really girls) can eat gobies......anyone in the Niagara area have any contacts like a fire hall that we could gather for fish fry ? ? ?
  15. I guess these perch should of read your avatar then.... You do realize we are talking about Lake Erie here that has a fleet of commercial fishing boats that are out there taking these perch by the THOUSANDS....I called it a day with under 50 fish for the two us. You can always count on a couple guys here to beat down a fishing report...seen it SOOOO MANY times now that many now don't even bother doing a fishing report..... But anyway's......I glad I had a good day to share with those who enjoyed looking....and I have had several PM's for more info which I am always willing to share. Bob
  16. Now Simon...if you would of kept a few tasty tasty tasty.....let me say it again...TASTY Crappies....I would of traded some perch for them... .....but now I have to deal with the friggin cat....
  17. Almost all were females....fishing in 60 feet of water, they don't survive MOST times...they then become sea gull food.
  18. Thank You....I appreciate the compliment.
  19. There you go again Mr Pike Slayer Sir.....no fish for you....come back one year.
  20. Sinker, and that's the real tall 7 gallon bucket.
  21. Ya, we really lucked out this time out....we usually get a few big ones, but today they were almost all big boys....and we only fished from 9:30am to 1pm....and only one other boat out there....I guess they all heard the hot spot is off Buffalo and not the Catt...
  22. My old buddy Don wanted to hit Lake Erie for some big perch.....he called me last night to change the game plan....my spot he heard was producing ZERO but his buddy Rick was getting some nice fish off the Wind Mills on the east shoreline......OK...we'll do that......dipped my own bait yesterday on the Niagara River trying to get the big Lake Erie minnows....zillions of them down there....one dip was enough to fill a bait shop, not my bait bucket....took only 1/4 of the dip home and still was concerned there were too many in my special 7 gallon bait bucket...... Well today we towed my old rig down to Small Boat Harbor in Buffalo....but when we were driving over the Sky Way we could see the white caps already forming well before 8am.....got down to the launch and the wind we up and we could feel it blowing right into the inner harbor....we decided to tow my boat to the Catt and hopefully the winds would stay south as they were when we left Small Boat Harbor......along Hamburg Beach with the south wind the shoreline was nice and calm... When we finally reached the Catt (about 45 miles west of Buffalo) the winds had already started to turn to the SW......but not too bad, YET.... When I hit my hot spot per my GPS we had a hard time getting the anchor to take hold....we finally tied my small 10lb mushroom anchor just above my 3 feet of chain to add more weight...it worked....and this time we were only 52 feet off my hot spot when the anchor took hold.....and boy did all this Bull pay off in PIGS....I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story....BTW we got blown off around 1pm...but we did manage 47 nice perch, which 35 were just friggin HUGE...you be the judge. This is the tall boy 7 gallon bucket filled with only 47 perch And finally filleted up.
  23. Did you know...(you probably do) that Honda doesn't make a vehicle with a V-8 engine.....with the way gas is going, they may be on to something...
  24. Terry, I'm on my second set of car tires (got new ones 3 years ago) and I also have been jump on about it.....but I do hear their concerns "IF" the tires will not carry the weight.....each tire has it's weight capacity printed on the sidewall of the tire....so if one tire will take 1200 lbs then your rig must be under 2400 lbs unless you have a tandem axle. You may also be able to go slightly larger in width to gain carry capacity....most trailers have lots of room under the fenders. When I used trailer tires it seemed about every 3 years I was replacing them....and they are EXPENSIVE compared to car tires. The last set of car tires lasted me no less then 10 years. I also recommend when getting either tires, to have them balanced. That will help them last longer.
  25. If you do Cliff......don't bring your dog....he's not a dog guy....on the way maybe pick up a possum or something along the road and maybe Pike Slayer will share his spot with you....
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