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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Deer camp is one of the most enjoyable outings a man can have. Sharing time hunting and just being in camp with guys you sometimes only see once a year is something that must be experience to enjoy. Although hunting has dwindled over the years in population our camp has not and has even grown in recent years. We average 12 -15 hunters for opening weekend for the last 5 or 6 years making it sometimes difficult to find a bed for the night if you're one of the last hunters to arrive at camp. We did have two of our older hunters pass the last two years and will be dearly missed. Our camp foreman has always welcomed anyone who wants to hunt but tree huggers are not welcomed. Last year my nephew at the age of 31 joined our ranks and hunted for the first time taking a buck on the second day. I hunt so I am.......
  2. You Canucks crack me up......
  3. If you do use a five gallon bucket you should drill two holes in the bucket at the top edge and tie a rope across the bucket and then tie a rope to that rope and to just one cleat on the transom. If you tie the rope to the buckets handle chances are that the handle will be ripped off. I have done like I have explained and it works very well for my boat. Only one 4 foot rope from the starboard side cleat to the bucket is all you need.
  4. If you have used both in real life fishing situations then the answers are right in front of you...........
  5. Well put, but you forgot to mention what are the guide lines for eating red meat................ you hear ALL the time people having heart attacks, etc.......... from red meat but I never heard that someone died because he ate too much fish..........the red meat industry makes sure that no guide lines are ever produced.........since there is no sport fishing lobbyist in Ottawa or Washington we are bombarded with don't eat this fish or that fish....get my point. A health serving of Lake Ontario Salmon is probably less dangerous to your health than a New York Strip State......
  6. This is exactly why I have given up guiding and fishing ALL tournaments.......I am now back to my hobby and that is a much more relax state of fishing.........
  7. The owner of Ivanhoe Lodge told me he removed all his 4 stroke small outboards that were only 1 year old because of the extra weight AND they couldn't get out of their own way. Traded them all in for 2 stroke Yammys. He had too many complaints from his clients about the lack of speed. The extra 42 lbs could be crucial in a small boat. AND the two stroke will give you more power and speed than the same hp in a four stroke. This might not effect you or it might depending on how much other weight you fish with....do you fish alone or with someone........how heavy are you and or fishing partners..... Now both of these factors might not play into your decision depending how small of a hull you boat is. Here is what I would consider giving the two choices you have with everything being equal. 1) Is the 2 stroke oil injected or do you have to mix oil manually each time you need gas. If not injected I would go for the 4 stroker. 2) Are you handy to do your own oil changes, etc........... if not go with the 2 stroker. The prices everyone here have quoted is ONLY the parts, labor is going to COST you much more if you take the engine to the dealer for maintenance....... 3) Saving $350 PLUS all your taxes up there comes to what, almost $1000.........LOL You are in a great position, purchasing new power for you fishing machine. Try to chew the dealer down with today's economy. Too bad your not dealing with tow different dealers on the engines you have to choose from. Working one against the other always helps.........you should be making a offer on the engine of your choice.......the price is always dictated by the BUYER.....retail is for suckers (not the fish).... Now go purchase one of those motors, report back and catch some fish before the ice returns. Bob
  8. Lake Erie - 2.5 to 3 mph Smaller Lakes 1.8 to 2.2 mph
  9. Or they make GREAT road flares when you break down...............and they are FREE..........(my favorite word)
  10. I'm with the original poster here.......that lure should of been replaced with a apology letter included from Rapala....OR they should stop Al Linder, Dan Sura, Jim Linder, etc......... from teaching the very same technique of bouncing RAPALA'S off the bottom while bass and walleye fishing. I must have seen at least 3 or 4 of Linder's Angling Adventure TV show as he promoted his biggest sponsor RAPALA bouncing RAPALA'S off the bottom.
  11. I took your advice and did both (merc and ETEC) and they are about the same when googled.....the results is something that can be researched and found on just about ANY product out there. There is always someone have problems with something they buy......I don't put too much faith in that kind of thing... BTW I don't own either but if I was in the market I would be comparing Honda, Yammy and ETEC engines......I had a Merc years ago and the bad taste is still there but doesn't mean they make a bad motor....
  12. Oh yea, I can see the big line there waiting to get in.........LOL........I have seen several of these roadside stands in my travels through out Ontario and believe it or not this has the most business I have ever seen. It must be the times I drive by......... Here in the Buffalo, NY area anyone older than 50 years old called walleyes "yellow pike" but now that has changed. On Friday's Buffalo was big, no HUGE on Fish Fries at every tavern, watering hole, saloon, gin mill or restaurant. It still is but a lot of the local watering holes have come and gone but not all. However, the fish that was on every menu was "yellow pike" but that has changed over the years because they are no longer commercially fished in the US. Now every fish fry is haddock and most wouldn't know what a "yellow pike" is if they did see it on a menu........times have changed and not always for the better. Everyone still brags what restaurant has the best fish fry in town........and of course that would be in my back yard and "yellow pike" is still on my menu not to mention homemade fries, coleslaw and macaroni salad. Bob
  13. The Evidrude ETEC outboards are maintenance free for 3 years. Not so with 4 stroke engines with periodic oil changes plus many are required to return to the dealer so the heads can be re torqued, etc..........None of this is required on the ETEC motor. The two stroke ETEC will produce more HP faster than your 4 stroke Honda. It just the way it is.... Now don't get me wrong, I think the Honda is a great motor and the quietest of the bunch but it's just not the best at everything. I even bought my wife a Honda Civic for herself. Honda is world wide know for producing great motors......
  14. If you're concerned with all out speed the 2 stroke engine is the way to go and that would be the Evinrude ETEC engine. http://www.evinrude.com/en-US/Flash/index.html For quietness I would look at a 4 stroke Honda or Yammy outboard. But 4 strokers are more money and more maintenance and more weight and that could be a safety factor in a small boat. If it was me purchasing a brand new motor right now it would be the Evinrude ETEC series. Good Luck with the New Rig, Bob
  15. EXCUSE me but that is EXACTLY what "Hear Say" is. When you tell me what someone else says it equals "Hear Say". Again I know NO ONE who is broke or lost their homes because of a stay in the hospital...........Their are MILLIONS of people here that have no health insurance what so ever and get FREE health care at ANY hospital in the US. It's called Medicaid... stop believing what you hear from hear say as I have stopped believing hear say from many here that say if you need a operation in Canada you will probably die before you can get it. I don't see any Canadians dieing along the roads when I fish up there and you wouldn't see any here.
  16. The cost can vary very much depending on the size of the boat and which week of the year you want. Here are the two sites on the Kawarthan's that I know rent houseboats. If I did it again I would go with Happydays Houseboats. http://www.houseboat.on.ca/ http://www.happydayshouseboats.com/index.htm
  17. I rented from Three Bouys Marina back in the '80's in the Kawarthan's. GREAT GREAT time. Did it again about 5-6 years ago with my cousin and his bitchy wife and she ruined the whole week. Rented that time from Egan Marine. The Three Bouys boats were MUCH better....the Egan boat's fridge would not work the whole week even after they caught up with us and changed it out........made things not good especially with "Donna" the witch.... all she was concerned with is how much everything was costing. I told her if you want to save money you should of stayed home......she didn't talk to me the rest of the week....no big loss there........bottom line if you do go with someone else pick the right people........the first time we did the second time we didn't...... Weather was great both times and I believe that can make and break a houseboat vacation...
  18. Tried one time with a wine party on my deck. All I got was a bunch of laughs from it.......flies were still around.
  19. I like the conversation on this from both sides but if we have to exchange info ALL must be real facts not hear say. Where is the world did you hear it cost $30,000 per child ? ? ? Under our health insure the cost would be $10 for every doctor or hospital visit. So that would equal 3000 Dr/Hosp visits per child to add up to $30,000.00..........Now of course you have to factor in the cost of the insurance per year and that right now is $1300 per year for the family plan. Dental is ZERO deductible but eye glass coverage only pays about 10% of the total bill including the exam. I'm 54 years old and know too many folks that had to be confined in the hospital for days, weeks or even months like when my mom passed away. NO one ever had to sell their homes or anything else. The most my dad had to pay when my mom was in the hospital for months was under $2000.00 There is a saying going around here in the Great USA..........."If you think Health Care Cost too much now, wait until it's Free from the government". Bob
  20. From all I have read here, it's MUCH cheaper to pay our Health Insurance with Dental and Eye coverage than to have your Canadian "FREE" health coverage and then have to pay for Dental Cover. MUCH CHEAPER..... I guess it all averages out at the end of the day........ Bob
  21. You will all be assimilated so get use to WALLEYE and Ruffled Grouse and stop saying "eh"........ you know....LOL
  22. How did a simple thing like going fishing turn into such a money grabbing thing. It's a shame what your/mine leaders have done to something that should be a right to all that are resident's of that area....... What's next.....a indoor card to go to the mall........
  23. By FAR the best deal out there right now if still available is the Navionics Hot Maps 2008 chip (almost the same as the 2009) for 50% less than the 2009 chip. Here's the deal.......... http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true
  24. What do the Red Meat eating guides say about how many meals you should have per month.......get my point...huh:
  25. WHY should you be any different then the rest of them. Go fish and have a good time....launch after 8:30am and you will have launch to yourself.
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