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Everything posted by Landlocked

  1. My inlaws have booked a cottage in Collingwood in August and was wondering if anyone can recommend a charter for some trolling with my kids? Or is that a tough area for fishing in general? Thanks
  2. So tell me how charter boat operators identify whose fish is whose? (just playing devils advocate here )
  3. Sgt. Major, IPA by Scotch Irish Brewing in stubbies to boot!!
  4. If he has comprehensive coverage the insurance will respond, if not he is outta luck. Where you have to be careful is with snowmobile/ATV coverage, some companies add an "amphibious use excluded" endorsement. (but as we say in the industry, there is no exclusion for stupidity)
  5. My inlaws bought me one up in the Sioux that reads: "There's more to life than fishing but who cares?"
  6. I agree...just make sure you have the current flares handy and separated from expired for those spot checks.
  7. FYI: OPP to take in old flares Posted By THE SUN TIMES Posted 1 day ago The OPP and Transport Canada will be running a week-long marine flare disposal campaign next month throughout the province. Boaters are encouraged to safely dispose of their unwanted, expired marine flares at any of the 165 OPP detachments in Ontario, including those in Grey and Bruce counties. The OPP will turn the expired flares over to Transport Canada's Office of Boating Safety after which they will be taken to a certified disposal site. The drop off will run the week of Aug. 1 -8.
  8. Whatever you do make sure the groom has several changes of clothes you purchase from the Goodwill......the louder and tackier the better, it's all about embarassing the poor fella.
  9. Looks like a beauty! Great choice on the black nose and big blocky head!
  10. Don't forget to upgrade the clips on the Off Shore planer boards to the OR-18 releases Angling Outfitters is the best!
  11. Yup...gotta go with the 16footer.
  12. John, you are 100% correct and couldn't have said it any better. I'm a broker and have this conversation about 10 times/day....your policy is setup to take debris away, "rebuild" with new materials and the market/selling value of your home has absolutely no bearing at all. Try explaining that to someone who purchases a large Victorian home for $300 000 but they have to insure it for $700 000...
  13. Try and get on a charter boat...you'll learn more in 4-8 hrs than you will all season.
  14. Garry, These fish were around a "beaver building" as he calls it in about 6 ft of water. We had the bait suspended about half way down and simply drifted along the shoreline. The weather was pretty cool with showers on and off so it may have just been good timing for us. I highly recommend the slip floats for young and old..they are a lot easier to cast and use than the traditional bobber.
  15. Went away for a week to the Muskokas with my family and my 4 yr. old once again showed my why he calls himself the "Crappie Hunter" He was using a slip float and Gulp leach that Jos @ Angling Outfitters set us up with...the Crappie loved em. Oh, the stringer was simply for the photo as he couldn't hang on to the "big and wiggly fish" by the lip. The fish was set free to live another day. Thought you guys would enjoy.
  16. Literally just got all of the above up and running on the weekend including inputing the MMSI...I play on Lake Erie with young kids and figure it's a small price to pay for the benefit it provides.
  17. Check here: http://www.longpoint.on.ca/forum/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=2
  18. Elephantiasis anyone?
  19. Depends on the value, you can add it to your homeowners but preferably it is much better to insure with a marine specialty company. That being said, find a local broker who deals with Cowan Insurance. If you're not worried about damage to the boat you can likely extend liability coverage from your homeowners fairly economically.
  20. Anybody else find it hard to read a GPS screen with polarized sunglasses? Are there any lens colours that help this? (I know, I can simply take the glasses off or get non-polarized but was just curious)
  21. ha, ha, ha...should have seen that coming! Guess it's too late to edit this and say it's my Dad's beer!?
  22. Long story short, my parents bought a cottage on a channel in Long Point and today we finally had a chance to relax and enjoy some minnow dunking with my kids...pardon the pun but I think they're hooked for life! Here's my kids with my parents (oh, just some clarification, those are my tall boys )
  23. I've heard dog food (kibble) is a good thing for the trap as it breaks down gradually if you leaving it our for awhile.
  24. GMC Yukon Hybrid! (don't know about the price though )
  25. Have a great Summer Bud!! Let me know when you're flying into Woodstock for some tackle.
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