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Everything posted by Landlocked

  1. This is scary...at one point my family was looking for a cottage on the French and I stumbled across these pictures online and couldn't believe the ignorance. (just my opinion)
  2. Find a local broker...they have many options available.
  3. SWEET!!! Nice fish but the expression on your face is definitely "priceless" Good times, good times!
  4. because it's off season and this is the "Winternet"
  5. 3-4 ice cubes, 1-2 ounces of Vodka, 3-4 dashes of Worchester, 3-4 dashes Tobasco, couple teaspoons of pickle juice, add Clamato juice to top, stir then float celery salt on top Some like a spoonful of horseradish if you like the stuff! (sorry about the spelling, trying to get this to you as fast as possible )
  6. COME ON FOLKS!! NOBODY NOTICED THE "AIR AMERICA" POSTER IN THE FIRST PIC??!?! bwah, ha, ha, ha, ha.....only a fellow pilot would have the cojones to bring that up eh?
  7. Cripes....this is where I'm at now: Beer before liquor, never sicker; liquor before beer, never fear
  8. Delicate subject for sure. Being a small business owner sure gives you lots of perspective on this as we are bombarded with charity requests, sponsorships etc. We've decided to keep the $$ local and have the same outlook with our personal contributions. Ask some of those "volunteers" where they're from and you'll be surprised with the answers.
  9. A good walk around the house with a video camera is also a good thing to have on hand!
  10. Hi All, Just hoping I can prevent some future headaches by suggesting you snap a few pics of your gear while it's tucked away for the Winter. I know, I know, where do you begin. I personally just took some since I've been accumulating attachments for the boat along with new and used rods/reels. I've seen too many insurance claims where a "fisherperson" gets cleaned out and can't provide any receipts nor proof of purchase/ownership of said gear. Personally, I don't have all of my receipts either so it's "do as I say, not as I do" Documentation goes along way to covering your Another tip is to keep the boxes those items come in if at all possible. The bonus is it gives you a chance to play with all those toys while we wait out the long cold Winter!
  11. Hey Gerritt, Sorry I missed this..I was in at Jos' last week and he has a pile of them coming within several weeks. (I am looking for the same thing )
  12. I had the same questions after purchasing a few different boats over the past several years and was told by Service Canada it is quite possible I'd receive a letter in the distant future...but was also told by another source to "ignore it like any self respecting boater!?" huh? Last purchase I screwed up and took the receipt for the whole package to the MTO and they still only charged me tax on the trailer. I think you're fine as long as you specify the value of the boat, motor and trailer.
  13. Wayne, I'll be driving by Angling Outfitters tommorrow and will stop in and check there for you.
  14. Thanks...now is there any chance gas provided to the marinas would be any different? I'm assuming not but just curious if anyone has heard anything different? Bear with me, just getting through my first cup of coffee.
  15. So does this apply to 260hp I/O engines?
  16. I'll second that Wayne, very funny!!!
  17. Great post...I've always wondered the same thing! My handle came about from feeling "landlocked" due to living in town, at least an hour from water and having a passion for floatplanes, boats and fishing. Pretty original eh?
  18. No worries Gerritt! BTW, my three year old loves your avatar.
  19. Oops..my bad, I've edited the post. Thanks for the info.
  20. OK! I understand. I've dealt with the company you're referring to on the PWC, all I can say is what are they thinking?
  21. Check PMs
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