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Everything posted by Landlocked

  1. Can anyone tell me how the fishing is in this area? Thanks!
  2. That's hilarious!!
  3. Check out this link for fishing reports on Long Point Bay: http://www.longpoint.on.ca/forum/default.asp
  4. Sheesh...careful where that knife is pointed!
  5. ..and you didn't even ask me for a quote..LOL!! just kidding Wayne, sounds like a good price.
  6. Hmmm.thanks Wayne, hadn't thought about that!
  7. Are the self inflatables worth the money? (I'm going to have to set an example for the youngins so looking for something comfortable
  8. You guys are awesome...now I can sleep at night not wondering what the best solution would be!!
  9. If you owned a 17 foot Lund Pro-V and the cottage you go to for several weeks out of the year didn't have a dock what would you do...moor the boat or nose it in on the gradual sloped sandy beach? I used to moor my little 14footer but am now a little more concerned now that I have a larger boat and a few more $$ invested! Thanks once again!!
  10. Hi everyone, My inlaws need to clear an area for a driveway at their cottage and were wondering what was out there for "walk behind" brush cutters....the heavier duty the better! Anybody ever used them or have any recommendations? Thanks!
  11. Not sure where everyone is located but I just had my registration decal changed (imported Lund from Michigan) by a gentleman in Ingersoll Ontario...he did an awesome job as he was able to save the pinstriping under the old registration and also comes highly recommended by other local boaters. PM me if you need further details.
  12. I was thinking the same thing Irish...sure makes a guy want to go home and give his young boys a good hug. RIP
  13. 2500 ft of grass: http://www.wildernessnorth.com/fly-in-miminiska.php
  14. Hi Basskicker, There was a great recent thread here: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;hl=INSURANCE
  15. Sheesh, what's with all the State Farm guys?? LOL! Taper nailed it saying Premier Marine or even a company called Cowan Dalton has great rates when you're getting into boats from about $15 000 and up. Not trying to toot my own horn but the best bet would be to call a local broker who may have more options availble than an agent like State Farm. You wouldn't have to have what they call "supporting" business ie. homeowners with them. You can also increase your boat limit to include "all attached equipment" along with "accesories" which most are aware can really add up. Anything not attached to the boat can be claimed under your homeowners but most likely would be best to try under the boat policy. There are so many variables involved to try to answer all questions on a message board and that is why I recommend calling a broker....or pm me with a phone number and I can try to help. Again, not a sales pitch, just trying to help some fellow fisherpeople!
  16. Bull, I'm in the business and can tell you there are many options...generally the higher value the boat the better (read cheaper) it is to insure outside of your home through one of the dedicated boat markets. If you need further info. feel free to give me a pm...not trying to sell, just trying to help!
  17. For sure..I'm just wondering if they are offering the 7 yr. warranty because you won't need it!
  18. Just looking for opinions on these two motors...I'm looking to upgrade the motor on my 16ft. Lund and have heard the newer four strokes won't "rev down" enough for proper trolling speed?! Is that true for this size of motor and would the ETEC be a better option? I see there is a 7yr warranty being offered on them if purchased by end of month. Thanks!
  19. Wow! Thanks for all the response fellas....sure gives me lots to think about. Hmm...so would the console be better if trying to control an "energetic" 2.5 yr. old son?
  20. Hi everyone, Been spending some time catching up on many all of the quality posts (probably too much time!) and wanted to say what a great site this is! Just wondering what your opinions are between the tiller and SS. The mission is to get into the water a little more this summer and looking to upgrade from my 14footer. I won't be fishing any huge water, won't need a full windshield and won't be into any watersports. Sooo....for your basic walleye fishing, what would most recommend? I like the wide open feel of the tillers but am wondering if the SS would be better for re-sale in the future? Thanks in advance!
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