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Everything posted by bbog

  1. Is this the amount of time GM should be able to survive on their own merit?
  2. It's already been said that working for FREE wouldn't fix the problems facing GM. 'nuff said!
  3. Very well said Cookslav. Treat your GPS as a "just another navigation aid" and not a "life saver" and you will never suffer from the fickleness of technology (I usually carry two when in unfamiliar territory AND another navigation aid).
  4. Bernie I hope you enjoy this passage that a good friend had sent to me after the passing of my best friend. "God summoned a beast from the field and he said, "Behold Man, created in my own image. Therefore, adore him. You shall protect him in the wilderness, shepherd his flocks, watch over his children, accompany him wherever he may go…even unto civilization. You shall be his companion, his ally, his slave." "To do these things" God said, "I endow you with these instincts uncommon to other beasts: Faithfulness, Devotion, and understanding surpassing those of man himself. Lest it impair your courage, you shall never foresee your death. Lest it impair your loyalty, you shall be blind to the faults of man. Lest it impair your understanding, you are denied the power of words. Let no fault of language cleave an accord beyond that of man with any other beast or even man with man. Speak to your master only with your mind and through your honest eyes. Walk by his side, sleep in his doorway, forage for him, ward off his enemies, carry his burdens, share his afflictions, love him and comfort him. And in return for this, man will fulfill your needs and wants which shall be only food, shelter, and affection. So be silent and be a friend to man. Guide him through the perils along the way to the land that I have promised him. "This shall be your destiny and your immortality. So sayeth the Lord. And the dog heard and was content."" (Author Unknown )
  5. My heart goes out to you Bernie. We lost our eldest Golden June 12, 2008 and feel the pain of his absence daily. God bless.
  6. Now that you mention "Triton" - run, don't walk to your retailer and get your money back. The Triton series is a total piece of junk. I wouldn't use one if it was FREE. Do a search at any of the repected GPS resources on the web and you will find a legacy of issues with the Triton series. If you are glutton for punishment then keep it.
  7. Sorry it didn't work out for you Sinker. The questions you asked are what anyone should want to know before adding a new family member. Tough crowd... but then there is the generousity of Big Cliff! A GSP is an excellent dog if you're looking for a hunting companion.
  8. The Leslie and Lakeshore stored indicated stock on just about every clearance item when I checked monday. I go down and find all the big stuff but none of the little stuff (rods, jig, etc). I ask the friendly guy moving shelves to check (I had a list) and his records match mine. It turns out all the ice fishing stuff was in drawers below the shelves. THEY HAD EVERYTHING!! Including red auger covers in EVERY size. If it is convenient for you check it out - everything is still hidden away below the shelves in hide-away shelves. BTW, they still had a great mix of gas and manual augers.
  9. Glad one of our own got it! Don't you just love the power of our community?
  10. As of 20 minutes ago, Pickering Parkway store had a 3HP Jiffy in 8" (new in sealed box so hope it has the handle and gas cap). If you want it call ahead and have them hold it. (905) 686-2308. Guess if I was as nice as Wayne I'd pick it up and hold it for you...
  11. Just came back from Pickering Parkway store (in Pickering of course). They had a 3HP Jiffy 8" Auger for $224 and a 2 man Sub-Zero hut for $125. If you want them you'd better hurry or call ahead to hold. They are new in boxes and hadn't sold already because they were hidden on the top shelf.
  12. I was out today. There is a fair amount of water on top of smooth ice (ankle deep in a lot of areas). Ice is no less than 20" thick though. You will need your cleats and watch for holes in the ice. Noticed a few big enough to drop into. After this weekend it gets cold again and should deal with the slop on top. Interesting that there was no slush..
  13. Remember everyone it is a CLEARANCE of what is left over. So lets not have a repeat of last year when certain people got their shorts in a knot.
  14. If I had an opinion on this, I'd say the Silver Fox did a much better job as a caretaker last year than the so called Messiah Burke (did today). The only positive thing I can say about Burke is that he refused to overpay Moore as would have been done with the previous ring leaders. Guess us Leafs fans will have to wonder what could have been had Gretzky been tossed for his high stick on Gilmour back in 1993.
  15. Go Leafs Go
  16. Right place + right time = great deal
  17. Nothing beats time together - doing what he'd really enjoy. Good to hear a success story from a US ICON that has been faced with reinventing itself over the last decade or so.
  18. I put all my crappie tubes in a plano but keep the larger plastics in their bags. Never had a problem with them drying out.
  19. I'm going to have to check this out as a low cost replacement...
  20. Topo Canada includes road data so assuming you wish to purchase a Garmin product you do not need to buy two maps. If you are looking for FREE and LEGAL topo maps check out this link. Only downside is that auto routing is not supported. http://www.ibycus.com/ibycustopo/ Cheers, Barnie I probably should mention that the Venture HC is limited in memory size (24mb fixed) so you will have to download map sets as you need them. Topo Canada is very compact considering it contains just about everything you would need. On the off chance this GPS unit can be exchanged try for one that uses MicroSD cards. Then you can load to the limit of memory or limit of map segments (I think the limit of map segments is around 2048 - Garmin NT style maps have larger map segments to assist in avoiding the max segment barrier but these larger map segments make it a trick to load on constrained memory devices like the Venture HC). Also be advised that Topo Canada is not available in an NT version and the maps themselves are a little dated. Not an issue for Topo purposes though.
  21. If I get anytime out "for good behaviour" I'll be taking another shot at Simcoe Perch. The schedule is just not working out this year to take in the show.
  22. No license required and the ability to target Bass out of season. Is this really on the up and up?
  23. As has been stated here, the key factor is what you expect to invest in glass. If you are looking at buying a "kit" and sticking with the basic package offering then it is most important to compare the optics of the kit lens(es). A lot of the most common packages are offering pretty basic quality lenses. An exception to this is the Olympus E-520. The quality of the kit lenses far exceeds those of the other manufacturers (Canon and Nikon kit lenses included). I would not advise the Olympus E-520 if you expect to grow beyond the 2 kit lenses since their line-up is a little thin and expensive. But if you expect that these two lenses would meet you needs - this is an excellent camera package. If you want to grow and expect to buy more glass - go with the Canon!!
  24. Take the Canon you won't be disappointed.
  25. With a name of "troutguy" you were expecting...... Whities?? Looks like you had a great day and one Laker is much better off.
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