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Everything posted by bbog

  1. Can't beat a Crappie day, especially when phish are involved. WTG Terry!
  2. It was wide open in the bridge area yesterday. Where do I drop in the canoe?
  3. Was keeping my eye on the weather and ice conditions hoping for one last shot at Perch this winter. Only started ice fishing a month or so ago and can't get enough Got out on the ice around 10 and went to a spot that worked last week. It didn't produce much and so we found ourselves moving around - alot. Caught many fish with most being 7-8" but did manage two over 12. Both of these females were released. Also caught the odd Rock Bass but nothing else. Here is a shot of the difference between the more common and the odd big one. The ice was deteriorating rapidly during our time out. Arriving at the shoreline revealed open water. I made my best to step from good ice to good ice only to .....slip! Found myself up to my waist but refusing to let go of my pail. Water was a bit colder then the last time I was in it. Oh well, better to get wet on the way out then the way in, Had a great time. Thanks for reading.
  4. We've had decent success using Reef Runners in BOQ for Wallys. Haven't tried them on any other species or had any incidental catches.
  5. Nice fish! Have a safe trip home.
  6. JerseyDog has done a great financial analysis but for me it really breaks down to this. 5 days of extra commuting time to save on one weekend trip = not worth it. Just my opinion and coming from someone who has seen his daily commute go from 35 minutes to over 1 hour during the last 10 years - with NO CHANGE in commuting distance or location. You grow to HATE traffic and driving.
  7. Several weeks ago when the Simcoe Perch were really fussy I switched from minnows to a Powerbait micro and had some success. Depends on what they want I guess.
  8. Exactly what I was thinking
  9. This is the kind of helpful information I'm looking for, thanks Bernie!
  10. Walking and driving a truck on the ice are not exactly the same thing. I'm well aware of the post with the Jeep going through and I have no intention of driving on the ice.
  11. This what I had been led to believe. That the ice would be fine for another couple weeks at least but you would need to get from shore to the ice in places that vehicles, run-off, etc. disrupted or broke up shallow areas. I hear locals will put down boards to get across early on, then....? Was hoping to get out another time or two (as long as it is safe).
  12. With the warm weather today CP24 reports that the ice on Simcoe is now unsafe. Can this be true? And unsafe for what? Vehicles, walking? It was 30" thick on Saturday - and now it's unsafe (you can see I'm new to this ice fishing thing)
  13. Exactly!
  14. Wouldn't be surprised given all the problems with the boat. Guess we'll have to have a close look at it before heading out for the first trip.
  15. Try Original flavour Fish Crisp. It does not overpower the delicate taste of Crappie.
  16. Yeah Bonnie Boats for one. $10 to launch and an additional $30 to park for non-residents.
  17. Sorry I can't help you but I'll be watching this one with interest. My buddy had a Fulton swing-away and it is sagging quite badly after one season. He thinks it's just loose bolts - would be good to know if there is a trick to keeping these things secure.
  18. Yes, I use ground up Fritos BBQ corn chips when I am out of Cajun Fish Crisp. For more delicate fish I stick to Original Fish Crisp. Anyone notice the second ingredient in Cronzy's? SALT! followed by MSG - no thanks.
  19. You've got my eyes - I'll be keeping a hopeful lookout.
  20. Great report and pictures as always GCD! Hope you get you boat back soon although it looks like you don't need it.
  21. It was fantastic! My son and his lady friend came over for me to fine tune her new bicycle and were treated to a pretty nice feed.
  22. This questions seems a little fishy. I don't kiss 'em but I certainly eat 'em.
  23. Guessing around 30" - getting close to the handle on the manual auger See now why we initially opted for the open holes we found LOL
  24. What I don't understand is these people will gladly wait at the Timmys drive thru 15 minutes for a coffee but are busting for a fight if they have to wait 30 seconds to launch the boat. Isn't fishing suppose to be a relating pastime?
  25. I am experimenting with braid and so far have been very happy with it. When I use mono I look for a copolymer type as the blend usually provides greater strength at smaller diameters. Don't have any one favourite line or brand and like to experiment.
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