30000 muskies die off in LSC, virus found in other species of fish in the great lakes chain, minnows form southern Ontario banned form use up north. These are just some of the headlines that have graced our news over the last year. So the question is what the fishing will be like this season. My primary species will be muskies followed closely by walleye. Targeting Salmon and Bows in Lake Ontario will be filler for me as they are easier to catch. The Salmon were larger in size over previous years and there seemed to be more Rainbows to be had in Lake Ontario last year. Personally, I believe that fishing the great lakes will produce a banner year in the Salmon and Trout categories.
What will be interesting to watch is the rebounding of Lake St.Clair in 2007. Was the die off due to, to many fish in the lake, allowing the virus to spread more easily between fish? My belief is that there will be plenty of Muskies to be had in Lake St.Clair this season. So let’s get those rods and reels ready, sharpen those hooks and hit the water running when the seasons open up. What are some of your thoughts on fishing in the coming year??