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Everything posted by ttahhan

  1. lol, funny stuff. Well not for one of the members here, something like that happened to there hunt camp.....
  2. Bay Of Quinte ...Absolutley hands down like others have said "Eye Factory"....
  3. Looks pretty cool, if you were to find 3 more dead hard drives try filming from a 45 to 60 degree angle as opposed to dead on So when you edit it and slow it down, you will be amazed of what you don't see....and yes go closer, just hope your cam doesn't get ricochet in the process...
  4. Ive had a few Chinooks and Browns eat dew worms (earthworm the fat ones)...
  5. The Goby was decimated on land by about 200 Ft Lbs Of Force ... was not released !
  6. No No..i just checked and yes its in the middle sorry if this caused confusion....
  7. At the left corner at the bottom of the page there is an option where you can change your theme....presently your option is set to OFC Mobile you need to change this to CLUB.. Hope this helps Troy~
  8. Hello, As everyone has pointed out You Tube Downloader here's a link for a free download Download Youtube Downloader
  9. So this is what a Goby looks like....yuk Hi everyone, i would like to share my little outing last night.. I started in Hastings at The lock caught a couple of walleyes (released) when daybreak hit i decided to head home and stop by Scott's Mill Dam, This is where i caught my first Goby ! When i lifted my rod i was surprised as i was like what the is this.. After closer encounters with it i realized this is a Goby, With my polarized glasses on i hook up a earthworm and dropped it back in.. Now this is the crazy thing i saw as i tossed the line back in, I noticed a bunch of fish that were really hard to see, they within 3 seconds..decimated my worm it had nicks all over.... I caught no walleye there and would like to report and say holy cow the water level is very very low and clear, as i was heading back to my vehicle i took a quick look in the channel and wow i probably seen about 6 big smallies just cruising just outside of the weeds...i did not attempt to fish them i was tired from my journey and started to head home....Father duties call......All in all it was nice to get out a dip the line... Here are some pics....
  10. I would recommend Optima Deep Cycle Marine Batteries sure they are a little pricey however it will start and go just like a plug n play the advantage is that they are gel filled oppossed to being acid charged...
  11. Chev Volt is about 10 years behind as honda and toyota tried the market about 10yrs ago I believe the people will not spend the money we are way to power hungry look at our boats! 300hp Outboards and 500hp Cars straight from factory cmon save a little all we need is half that power and as for fuel and oil my opinion there's enough oil its just the new way money money money my two sense
  12. Congrats man I know the feeling my son is just a little over 2 and he can side cast its hillarious
  13. This i fear.....its getting very popular with the tv stations
  14. Awesome and mostly if not all True......Nice
  15. Congratulations on your personal best ...nice fish....nice release.....
  16. How often do you all fish.......
  17. A little information of the situation..... Institute for Watershed Science Trent University Proceedings of the State of the Kawartha Lakes MNR Aquatic Invasive Species Here's a video post i found From The Root Admin ""Spiel""... of round gobies decimating a smallmouth bass nest I guess that explains why lately the bass are consuming gobies as there prime meal source.....Hmmmm
  18. What do you think ?
  19. Hi All, was wondering how everyone's season's panning out..... This year has been in contrast to all years before, In previous years my wife and i would head out to our waters with little to no effort and been locked into fish. This year has been unproductive. Im not saying we didn't catch fish though, saying the quantity wasn't there. Either we are not focused our have forgotten everything we have learned. For us the bite wasn't there. Im sure the water levels contributed. In the beginning of our season which started on the Trout Opener we were rewarded with some decent fish. On the Walleye and Bass Season, We have done horribly biggest , Walleye 2.5lb Me My Wife 4.5lb Smallmouth Bass 4.0lb Me My Wife 3.5lb LargeMouth Bass ----- Me My Wife ---- Pike 30" Me My Wife ---- Muskie 40" Me My Wife 30" Salmon 22lb Me My Wife ---- These were are biggest fish this year so far, We are excited that the fall is here, which decent fish start actively feeding, From this day forward we are hoping each to lock into a 50" Muskie this would not only make it a great year for us, it would be our personal bests.....Tight lines and hoping to say Fish On !
  20. Here's a couple of links check em out ....... HPR BONE-DRY Affordable Rain Gear 100mph Gore Tex Pro Rain gear Pro If you in the serious.....
  21. That so cute ...looks good !
  22. Male Chinook Salmon
  23. Finish the deck! just do it
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