Very avid angler here in Ajax Ontario, Enjoy fishing within Durham Region the last few years as i have fished all over
Ontario in the past 33 years. I have caught and released for the past 30 years bass,walleye,pike,muskie,various trout and salmon.
I just wanted to share information on fishing spots within Pickering, Ajax, Whitby..
As most of us know that the rivers will soon be stalked up with all kinds of the trout and salmon variety that i have been taking walking tours
of our local streams,creeks,and rivers to see if the fish have started there journey upstream....These are my findings
Duffins Creek - local brook,brown trout just north of the bridge in the S-turn in Whitevale...(Seaton Hiking Trail)
Duffins Creek - The Mouth @ Lake Ontario - Fish have not stalked up yet meaning there are small amounts of trout in however
at the mouth of the river where it meets the lake there not a staging taking place just yet, all though the temperture is
starting to drop in the evenings we now need lots of rain, once that occurs within a couple of days they will stage and start
there runs upstream. its truly amazing that we can fish these sportfish right in our backyards...
I will report after our next rain fall regarding duffins creek.
I was wonder if anyone out there could share some information on fishing spots that produce
within Pickering, Ajax, Whitby for Bass, Walleye and Pike other then Frenchman's Bay.....