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Everything posted by caper

  1. Had the same problem with my 99 F150. It was a fuse under the hood which blew. There are two separate fuse boxes in mine. One inside and one under the hood. Can't remember what it was called in the manual though. I would certainly check out the related fuses first. Hopefully that's what it is for ya. My experience with wiring and electrical stuff is nill...
  2. or Transport Canada approved. That's not to say you couldn't use it if you had other approved PFD's on board of the right size though. Although if your going to buy one may as well be approved for Canada
  3. caper

    Hi All

    Welcome, I'm sure you'll enjoy it around here..
  4. Nice going, thanks for sharing. You need a waterproof digital for sure...
  5. Thanks T.J. ... I just checked the date after posting of course and I'm working that weekend so if you want Squid was in behind me so you can fire them off to him seeing as I won't be available to go. Enjoy Squid
  6. Awesome, looks like a great time. Thanks for sharing
  7. Nice going, thanks for sharing
  8. Whenever I get some free time is when I determine when and where to fish.....
  9. Then you will be doing the main breath test at the Police station after being arrested because it will show that you failed the roadside. Not so sure you want to go down that road..
  10. My sister in law in Nova Scotia went back to school after many years in a hated job and took the PSW course. She's been out working now for about a year in a nursing home. After a little adjustment time she now says that it was the best move she could have made and really enjoys her job. Best of luck to you.
  11. I'm going out on a limb here but I'm guessing you had a bad experience there?
  12. I just started last sumer out on Lake O mostly out of Whitby. Was my 1st year and I love it. Can't wait to get the boat back out on the water. Had a pretty good summer for someone who didn't (or still doesn't) know anything about downriggin!! As for tips I'm not too sure I can pass any your way but I'm always interested in new ideas. Craig
  13. That was a great read. Looks awesome.. Thanks for sharing
  14. That bites Lew. Sure makes it harder to get over it when your crawling around in pain.. All the best to her.. If there's anything I can do from my end just let me know..Craig
  15. Sorry to hear about the loss of a loved one. It's always tough. Take care.. Craig
  16. That's brutal Lew, glad to hear the she is going to be ok. Scary stuff but unfortunately an everyday occurrence as you know. Hope she has a speedy recovery..
  17. Nice going guys, thanks for sharing
  18. Great report, thanks for sharing....Great pics except that one picture was ruined with that red habs thing stuck in it......LOL
  19. Just for the clear record, the Police can enforce/ and or charge someone under any by-law they see fit without any input from the municipality. Lots of interesting discussion on this one.
  20. Snag, Are you talking about the Toronto Humber Yacht club up the Humber river or the ones in Humber Bay? Mimico or the Etobicoke Yacht Club? I know a little bit about the Toronto waterfront and at first glance my reply would be you would definately be allowed to fish where there are navigatble waters, however like some have said there are certain exceptions but I have never heard of any for the waterfront except in the Toronto Harbour boundries which are controlled by the Toronto Port Authority which would be similar to what snowball is referring to in Thunder Bay because it is a commercial Port run by a federal Agency and they have exclusive rights over the waterways in the port. I can try and find out more but if it was me I would just politely say call the Police, They will come and sort it out for you. If your in the wrong which I doubt you are you will most likely be just asked to leave. Some Marina types think they own everything around them including the water but they are in most cases wrong. If they have any rights at all to the area they will have to produce proof to the officers. Also a quick call to the MNR for the Toronto area should clear that up for you. If your lawfully fishing they cannot harass you remember. Craig
  21. After reading this I thought oh, mine must have blocked everyone out cause no messages.. I checked, nope nobody blocked out!! Oh well...
  22. Congrats, I'm sure it's the start of many fond memories. Especially for the kids.
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