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Everything posted by CLofchik

  1. Gah whaaa haaaaa haaaaaa lol, coromorant...snorf. I hear pike can be vegans though...y'know when they lose their teeth during the summer
  2. Drifting roe under a..ahem..."searching leader"...does indeed produce the same result. If you're using a hook smaller than a 1/0 treble the only time it will stay pinned is if you snag a part of the head, almost always unless you are real "lucky" a small hook won't stay stuck in a fin. That's when you see bottom fishing guys getting "sniffs" or "rubs" or "short strikes". So the fish that are landed are ones where the hook finds the jaw hinge or a piece of flesh in the roof of the mouth, and then hey obviously the fish ate the ear plug, look it's hooked in the mouth! It does sound kooky, but that's how it works. Salmon WILL eat eggs in the river, but they are very spooky fish. If you can see them, they can see you and sure as heck aren't in the mood to be chasing anything. Here's a shot of a salmon that actually ate some skein under a float, see how deep the hook is? If it's around the edges of the jaw or hooked from outside-in it's probably a floss job.
  3. Lol picture what Bob said about the chorus line, only with two dozen people drifting the fast water at the head of the Claybanks hole on Bronte. Hell on a weekend the most I've seen was eighty people fishing that one hole. The crowd would start to boo & heckle that one guy who had too much weight and kept hanging up on bottom (everybody is bouncing bottom, bobbers hadn't caught on yet). One image stands out in my mind, you've got the dozen guys on both sides of the stream drifting the head, then much whooping & hollering as four guys come running through. Two are trying herd salmon out of the riffles, one is trying to scoop them up with a huge Lucky Strike blue poly net, and the fourth is running around with a rope stringer of atleast 15 fish tied to his waist filming it all on a 16mm home movie camera. Everybody stops their drift, let them run by, then in unison all throw back into the hole in perfect coordination without saying a word. That was 1986, crazy wild west fishing.
  4. Oh don't get your panties in a bunch, sheesh. "Angler who catches the noble steelhead using current induced drag method" is too much of a mouthful, I find "pinhead" a bit catchier.
  5. I think we're past the Seafoam point, might as well just rinse with cheaper diesel (diesel rinses crud better than gasoline). The tank is going to be the easy part, the carbs are going to be a PITA, complete disassembly required. Was the petcock to the carbs atleast closed? If left open all the gas evaporates from the carbs and you just have varnish to deal with, if the petcock was open the carbs will be full of the same sludge in the tank. Been there done that with a bank of 4 CV Keihins. Not fun.
  6. Orly? Solo is a very very wise man...y'know, for a pinhead. Knot if you tie the right knot properly. (Knot...not...heh get it? tee hee). For braid-flouro I like the Albright's. Uni's are a pain to tie on the water and can put a pile of stress on the line when they tighten, Surgeon's I'll use tying float tippets but because they tighten off centre it will spin & twist retrieving lures. And flouro being stiff can't take line twists. You can trim an Albrights right next to the knot leaving no tag end to catch guides or weed, put a drop of Super Glue on it if you're paranoid. http://www.animatedknots.com/albright/inde...imatedknots.com
  7. Salmon don't actually bite the marshmallow, the whole point is to float your hook off bottom and snag them by their big hooked mouths. Doesn't have to be a marshmallow, a foam earplug or piece of styrofoam will work just as well. Actually better, ear plugs don't melt. That's why bottom fishing for salmon is looked down upon as a lazy immoral way to catch a fish. Was that you & your friend with the pods fishing the channel? The better carp spot is fishing the bay side further south right off Eastport Dr. by the traffic lights.
  8. Yeah just noticed he was talking about a colour unit, which will cut down the times by half compared to a monochrome, should still get more than 10 hours though, more like double, atleast.
  9. El Cheapo Ghetto Option: 8 pack AA battery holder from The Source/electronics parts store, have to solder connections yourself. Cost around $40 for the batteries, holder, charger if you shop around. Lasts a day of fishing. De Luxe Trailer Trash Option: R/C hobby store 12v 7amp, this is the kind of battery used to power remote controlled planes, boats et al. With a bit of creativity you can mesh a case, battery, head unit & transducer into one convenient carry package. Cost around $70 for battery & charger, will last you a whole week with 7amps. Wiring is pretty straightforward, there should be a diagram with your owner's manual. Just remember to put an inline fuse on the POSITIVE side of the battery, or all that expensive smoke will escape. For a charger any 12v charger will work, just keep the maximum amperage around 10% of battery capacity and you won't have a problem (7amp battery, 0.7amp charger). More Cash Than Brains Option: Just buy the IcePak
  10. It's a big ad...
  11. Part of the problem with GBay & Huron is that they're not stocking them, the King runs depend mostly on natural reproduction.
  12. A couple of years ago during another big bloom I let my dog go swimming in the Bay. Took two weeks & bottle of antibacterial shampoo for the rash to go away. Fun stuff.
  13. Yes they do, they can search any premises or vehicle without a warrant. Surprisingly for Ontario these broad & exceptional powers are rarely abused. Oh Fishnwire, ever had anyone lately make an offer for your camp? Heh the only backwoods experience I have with CO's comes secondhand, seems someone I know who has a camp in one of my fav canoe tripping areas had a group of guys that wanted to buy the family camp and wouldn't take no for an answer. After they couldn't buy the camp they started making complaints about "abuses" going on there, just to start pressuring them to sell.
  14. It's a coho, they're getting pretty scarce on this side of the lake. They hadn't been stocked since 2003 but resumed last season.
  15. To be fair to others that don't know him, I've fished next to him & the rest of the Bronte regulars for a number of years and he's generally been a good guy. Maybe not too bright in not double checking the dates, but I'm sure he genuinely thought somebody scooped up his fish.
  16. A collapsible water jug (or two) works good for this. Or a console....
  17. +1 For a basic speed/waypoint unit you can't beat the econo Etrex. I get about 8-12 hours from a pair of rechargeable AA's and they are waterproof. Only cons are they aren't expandable so all they are capable of is speed/location/waypoints.
  18. Nah, I can catch them in a boat it's the damn piers that are snubbing me! Well the casting range on the Shad Raps are shall we say limited, and I can't think of a better camouflage at night than chrome. Appreciate the sentiments but I think I have a fairly good handle on bait selections, it's just rough when you've been at something so long you like to think you know what you're doing, then get a solid drubbing over & over again. Aaargh back at it again in the morning, can't let the fish win! Atleast I haven't seen anyone else doing that great either.
  19. Uh...I was there when he was captured and the above pic was taken.
  20. Then explain the fantails that show up every year? They can only come from NY hatcheries and there's a few caught out of the Ganny every year, and I've seen atleast two in the flesh come out of the Wilmot. Given they're a genetic hatchery anomaly that only happens with one fish out of a thousand, if there's one fantail odds are there are several hundred of his hatchery brethren around. Not dozens. If you have a run of 10,000 fish, then an extra 500 doesn't really have an impact. But when that run drops to 3000, suddenly that 5% has become a more substantial part of your run. Oh and apparently you missed the memo from the MNR, the correct wording should be "take away all other salmonids for a few dozen Atlantics".
  21. Heh, I don't think the CRAA caught him, but were "made aware" of his capture during the chinook egg collection last year And I wouldn't exactly call him a true coaster, just a big brookie that likes to wander a bit. Atleast he's gotten two free rides in the Atlantic Limo (I'm assuming he was trucked upstream again). Not a "Coaster", but a big brookie for the Credit.
  22. The fish out east have always been skinnier than west end Kings, with the bad August/September in the West there's more eastern fish getting posted up. All the Kings I've seen caught from Credit/Bronte/Niagara have been thick, but lampreys are definitely on the rise in the last few seasons.
  23. Fifteen years or so for me. I gave up Lake O tribs when a guy with a sword ran by me in the river chasing a nook. Yes, a sword.
  24. Nada. After landing 4 Kings off piers in August I've totally blanked all September. Hell only saw one fish landed last night/morning, the West end of Lake O has not been kind this year, 4 damn fish shouldn't even be a good night let alone season. Meh chinny mojos hez weft meh
  25. Uh, he ate the fish.
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