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Everything posted by CLofchik

  1. Why do you irrationally fear inanimate objects? Green minivans scare me more than Glocks, because them and their drivers are more likely to kill me. What he said.
  2. Friend of the family owns two miles of prime water on a GBay trib that also holds a good resident population of brookies, does that count as a two'fer?.........I know, life is rough. I'm not a big fan of eating freshwater fish, I love fresh tuna and will even eat a salad if it has grilled mackerel on it........but I can't resist keeping a few freshwater shrimp fed GBay trout. AND it's fiddlehead season.......mmmmmm planked trout with fiddlehead risotto, I mean c'mon who can't resist that.
  3. Just go whole hog and spend the weekend out on the water. These guys have the right idea
  4. If you want the "felt" bottom on a pair of wading boots hit the bottom of an old pair of tennis shoes with a disc grinder and glue on some carpet scraps with Shoe-Goo. Worked great for gripping river rock goo on an old pair of boot-foot waders and some old Nike's I had.
  5. Had a good day down at Fishmasters hitting the kitties on the weekend, nothing huge but 9 for 10 made for a decent way to kill an afternoon. Made up a quick vid:
  6. Don't forget the rise last year was entirely due to speculators playing with paper oil. As long as Wall Street stays pummeled they don't have the cash to play games.
  7. Mornings till noon, then there seems to be a long dry spell in the afternoon. Evenings going till dark seem the best, though if you're on the cats you'll get bit all day long. If you haven't had a bump in half an hour somethings wrong.
  8. Nice brown! See sig. <runs hides> You should baby that one, pull out all the stops. White linen table cloth, bottle of wine older than your kids........that's like a $1200 fish, most expensive dinner you'll have this year! So out of touch here he is filming a segment for his show on the new Port Dalhousie pen project last week..........y'know the one he's been harping on about for years up by his firepit in Owen Sound. And not one bio in sight..........
  9. Had most of the day and couldn't decide between trout or catfish..........the kitties won. Hit Fishmasters in Dunnville around two, a few others around but not alot happening. Left just after the sun went down, so around seven hours, litre of coffee, half a pack of cigarettes and one cigar. A few nibbles but it was consistently slow, but I bagged my first cat AND I remembered the camera. Decent enough size, a little north of 15lb. What bites there were came on shrimp or fresh sucker bait.
  10. Been there, got the t-shirt.......... Heh my first stadium show ever, down in the Mistake By The Lake.....good times.
  11. http://www.creditvalleycons.com/recandleis...urs.htm#ilcahrs
  12. The new location is the old marina just downstream from town. You can't see it from the road, take the gravel road by the billboard sign and follow it. http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&source=...mp;t=h&z=14
  13. Epic. Do you know if those fish are a wild strain native to the Manistee? They look alot more built than the Erie cookie cutter trout. And that pool below the dam looks like a perfect spot to slip in a canoe or kayak.....atleast they can't deflate And about flouro, I run either 12lb or 15lb Seaguar and never get nicks bumping along mussel infested harbour bottoms. You mentioned this before in another flouro th'd, huh I'm stumped.
  14. Hamilton is used as a training area for several marine units, so plan to be stopped by units that might be short on knowledge and long on attitude.
  15. It's actually a crime in Canada to harass someone otherwise legally angling. I've never heard of anyone actually charged, but usually a word or two from a LEO who is actually knowledgeable in the Fish & Game Act is enough to stifle organizations like yacht clubs and overzealous cottage associations that claim to "own" water.
  16. Don't be, because it's enclosed from the big lake it might get windy but it doesn't build up the large seas you'd get on Lake O. 14 1/2 is fine. It is, but fairly new and rarely observed & enforced. The only time the LEO's get sticky on speed is during Poker Runs. Yup. http://www.hamiltonport.ca/default.aspx
  17. The easiest way to tell a parr Atlantic from everything else is their head. See how large the eye is compared to the size of fish and small mouth with a jaw that doesn't close past the eye. Atlantic.
  18. Wut, hee's just talking about the Atlantic program. Well atleast we now know what ate all the Atlantics that they stocked.......
  19. Lol, I had somebody on Bronte pier last season ID me from my shoes. Never doubt teh powah of teh Internetz!
  20. Hamilton? The only concerns should be lack of fish & over abundance of goose poo! Nice place for a picnic, but the fishing isn't exactly stellar.
  21. Uhhhhh, it's a political appointee job, based more on favours done for whichever group of swivel servants are in power at the time. In the states an equivalent would be Ambassador to Luxembourg, where they make max USD$168k. Their utilities companies are private, and actually have to turn a profit to justify their position. Am I the only one that remembers my high school teachers? 29 out of 30 of them were over paid at $30k/yr.
  22. Yeah those guys go whole hog with the contraptions they come up with. Usual setup is a 10' steel pole, folding 2x10's as a stand, pair of flood lights & Princess Auto genny to power them. Load it all up in a Lil' Red Wagon for the walk from the parking lot and you're golden. Save the home made brandy until after dark, it gets friggin' cold. No, the half dozen crews down there haven't caught much yet.
  23. Fortino's, $6.99/lb BTW--You can keep one Atlantic from the lake (25"+), but any caught in the tribs is C&R only.
  24. Only the province has been withholding budget funds at a higher exchange rate than what the Special Purpose Fund adds. For every fishing license dollar that adds to the MNR fish & wildlife budget, the province has withdrawn around $1.38 of provincial funding. So from a high (adjusted for inflation) of around $100Mil in 1992, funded without license fees, the fish & wildlife budget is now around $72mil. $60Mil from the Special Purpose Fund, $12Mil from the province. Saying "every dollar from fishing & hunting licenses goes back into the MNR" is paper pushing semantics when you simply take more money away from other areas. How many hundreds of thousands of smolts have been stocked every year for the last two decades with NOTHING to show for it? So now we've gone to yearlings, and again we have to wait & see. When can we as anglers finally say the entire Atlantic program is nothing but smoke & mirrors that only exists because of various agendas driving it?
  25. The only information that's relevant is that Ontario has stocked the better part of a million Atlantics into Lake O, with captured returns measured only in the hundreds. There's enough evidence now to safely say it's a dead end that should be abandoned. If an Australian wine company wasn't footing the bill we wouldn't even be having this discussion. It's become pretty obvious the only way to keep Lake O salmonid fishing going is to get out and get involved with volunteer groups that are keeping the fishery going. Ringwood, CRAA & St. Kitts fishing club are the volunteer grass roots people that will keep the fish around, not dumping more money into a ministry that gave up on Lake O a long time ago. CRAA is doing their steelhead lift, are you going to be there? General revenue. The MNR's priorities are logging & mining (i.e. where the $ is), recreational fishing fell off the radar a long time ago.
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