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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Very good work again Garry! I hope you're saving some blanks for yourself
  2. Hey Dwayne! Welcome to the forums, since I joined ofc last year I've met lots of new friends and I'm sure you will too. Cheers, Christopher
  3. A while back a board member ordered bunch of buck tails from me (15), only thing was that he wanted longshank. Since I couldn't find any online I tried to hire someone to pour them for me, it has been over a month and they still aren't ready so I'm looking for other options. If anyone is interested I need jigs (any style i can tie on, preferred minnow head) in sizes 1/8, 1/4, and 3/8 oz, I need them by next week, pm me for details. Thanks, Christopher
  4. a lot of the kawarthas do.
  5. Muskie (should get one this year) lake trout splake brook trout over 12" bass over 5lbs barramundi pink salmon
  6. That's 2 pts
  7. There's another, not pretty but it's a goal
  8. 1-0 leafs right now, pretty even game
  9. No, clear lake for splake
  10. Fishing sure wasn't good today.., It looked alright on gull lake, theres a small town out there (about 15 huts). I don't know if they were catching, but you'll have good ice at least, about a foot. Good luck!
  11. Skunked, couldn't mark a fish all day, fished from 5ft all the way to 100ft using live minnows, frozen minnows, small tubes and twister tails, just couldn't find them. Oh well, pike and perch tomorrow
  12. Was in kinmount area today on some splake and rainbow lakes. Not one fish but a good 8" to a foot of ice everywhere we went, all clear blue.
  13. That doesn't sound like much fun. Well by next week the little pond will be more then ready, could try that. I also have my eye on another nice pond (looks a little better then the first one we went to) that we could try. Let me know when you're feeling better and we'll try to get out. Until then have some fish broth and get to bed
  14. I'll let you know after tomorrow
  15. I can design the website, if you're open to me using a hosting site. Even though it would be build on a template it would look completely custom. Let me know. (you can see an example at yetifish.com) Edit: if you need it I can also design a professional logo, email me if you want pics
  16. Trap them....
  17. That's the one I was trying
  18. Might make it better Great fish by the way
  19. Can't wait to see this thing in person!
  20. LOL! It was down yesterday too.
  21. What did she end up choosing to do?
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