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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Nice! With any luck this fight will soon come to a close. Good luck with the next trip!
  2. can always just cut the head off....
  3. congrats! they are one of my favourites :)

  4. More snow up north, but colder Less snow down south but warmer I'm guessing its about even
  5. I do this on my dads accord too, in my mom's CRV I slide the rods from the trunk along the roof to the passenger seat, they stay snug against the top of the car until you take them out (the only thing you have to remember is when you open the door sometimes they will slide out, watch out you don't crush them when you close it and you'll be fine)
  6. Great news tj! I do like the new features, just not huge on the look...
  7. I'll supply you some stock for the store let me know if you'd be interested
  8. Ya, also... http://www.niagarafishing.net/forums/ http://www.lakesimcoemessageboard.com/ http://www.ontariosportfishing.com/ http://forums.oodmag.com/forumdisplay.php?f=5 http://ontarioshorefishing.com/forum/ http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing/index.php There are more too...
  9. I need ice! So I can complain. Still if I could fish softwater I would.
  10. Proceed to bacon and whiskey...
  11. Neither are carp but you can't use them as bait... Herring are listed as a baitfish in the regulations
  12. Pretty sure you can use anything you buy from a store (if it's dead), for example shrimp makes good bait but it's not listed (also, you can also use live herring)
  13. That sucks, at least they found it.
  14. If you can find 'em ya, but they aren't the easiest things to get.
  15. I guess it went well Wayne?

    1. irishfield


      Not a matter of "well" Chris.. a matter it was her last one.. we sure hope anyhow!


    2. Christopheraaron
  16. Nice! Even if you didn't get out much you sure made the best of it
  17. Go ahead and post the link, if it helps him find it who cares?
  18. Wow! Nice catch there, a beast for sure!
  19. LOL, ya, but simcoe is like 50 000 times bigger then this pond!
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