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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Yesterday Jeremy and I ventured out onto a few lakes in the richmond hill area, spent most of the morning on a new lake to us, we found a bunch of crappie there, just couldn't get them to hit, by 2 we decided it was a lost cause and we packed up. Next on the agenda was my secret perch spot, on the way we passed a good crappie lake, we stopped and fished it for 20 mins, Jeremy got one hit but that was it. So we continued to my pond, upon arrival as always this spot seems dead, but it had good ice and I reassured Jeremy that this was a lively spot. So we drilled a couple holes and started looking, when he first put his transducer down there was nothing to mark, still he dropped down his jig and within seconds was getting bit. This is what his flasher looked like as soon as the jig went down... http://s1148.beta.photobucket.com/user/minientrepreneur/media/IMG_0407_zps197bbcc6.mp4.html It didn't matter what we did, but almost every drop I would have a fish before the bait got to bottom, we don't have many pics just cause the fishing was so hot, but here's one that I took that was roughly 10 inches (a lot were this size, and I've caught multiple 13 inchers out of this pond) It started getting dark, then the cop came, apparently they had been getting many "concerned calls" (which I'm sure were complaints) from people who live around the lake. First the cop yelled to us from shore saying that the ice was unsafe, we told him that we had been checking every 10 feet or so and that it was fine, we were both wearing float suits, had ice picks and a rope. Then he said that it may be safe where we were but the area infront of us was very dangerous, then of course he walked across the extremely dangerous ice to get to us. He asked us to measure (hoping he could get us) I stuck down my tape and it came back up at exactly 4" of good ice, he proceeded to ask us if we were keeping any, how we got in, if we had licences, we didn't want to keep arguing and find ourselves packing in the dark so we backed down and left, WE WILL BE BACK LOL. In the end we got about 80 perch in the couple hours we were there, and I had my first perch (new favourite )
  2. Oh ya, Jeremy was telling me about your auger today chad, what model is it?
  3. Haha, our cop was going on about how thin it was, then he walked right across the "thin" stuff to us! Lol
  4. I need that! Could just use a Jon as a sled and sit in it while fishing
  5. I got a pic of the one I kept and vid of your flasher

  6. Just got off the ice, 50 perch in 2 hours (I like the old look much better aswell)

  7. Just got off the ice, 50 perch in 2 hours

  8. Will the normal design be available anymore? Not having issues, just like the old look better.
  9. LOL! Happened to me too, those things don't get scared easily!
  10. Congrats mike! It's about time you get noticed
  11. LOL! Probably uses that look to petrify it's prey, easy hunting Nice pick WSB
  12. I hope so! But if it's not safe I guess I'll try to sneak off around the muskokas
  13. LOL! My favourite movie of all time, of course this is the best scene (even though scene 24 is "marvolous" as the narrator puts it) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvKIWjnEPNY
  14. Saw this at freshco today, very, very accurate labelling system they have
  15. I'll bring out my metal detector if you take me out on the ice
  16. Got it, evidently not too late , it's also the square of the number of terms.
  17. There's only so much you can weight them, they feel like the lightest crappie jigs you've ever used on spinning gear, but put one on a fly rod and it feels like you're whipping around a 6 oz weight!
  18. yes, the fibonacci sequence, but why that many terms?
  19. Anyone figure out what mine means? And why it's special? 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144
  20. Nice! Hoping for the same tomorrow
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