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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Nothing will be hatching for 3 weeks anyways (nothing we care about at least), stones are a good bet, the caddis still exist as well, can't go wrong with a streamer too (just go small and slow to start).
  2. Alright, well it doesn't seem to like that many links, it was supposed to be boston rag, deacon blues, rikki don't lose that number, then california and roundabout.
  3. Well in that case here are a couple others I really like. And something else I've been listening to.
  4. Musky on the fly pike over 40" kill a turkey, deer, and a few grouse
  5. Sorry about that, just cleared it up a bit. Will send you a pm.
  6. As some of you may know, I've spent the last 2 months prepping for my first hunting season. I've scouted a few parcels of public forest for next week's turkey opener and know there are a couple birds around but both a ton. What worries me is that after opening week there will be no sense in even trying this forest once it sees some pressure. Which brings me to my question. After opener passes I would like to have another option for where I could go and escape the crowds. Because I decided that I was going to do this so late in the offseason I didn't get a chance to bang on doors to get access to any private lands. If anyone has land in turkey country that they may be open to having a bow hunter on this spring you can send me a message and we could work details out. I would be very willing to help out with work on the property, clean up any garbage I find (of course I would never litter), I would also be happy to share the bounty. I realize that it's not the most conventional way of putting this question out and that it's very late to be doing this but if figured it was worth a shot. Thanks for any help, Chris
  7. Well knowing that just makes me feel better again! I'll be doing my testing this weekend, ordered a bow and it should be here tomorrow.
  8. Could have been, I thought the same about the beard but the bird itself seemed a little scrappy.
  9. So the last few days I've been walking around the neighbourhood enjoying the weather and practicing my turkey calling (diaphragm call). Well today I walked down past some houses on a quiet street that backed on to the upper Don Creek. I'm walking, yelping away and out of nowhere this gobbling just stops my heart. I freeze, get low to the ground and start calling back, within a few seconds I see a little blue head poking out of a hedgerow, again gobbling back to me. Soon enough we're having a nice conversation and I have a jake walking straight to me! I take out the cell and call my dad to grab the camera gear and get down as fast as he can, long story short I was going back and forth with this bird for maybe 40 minutes, him no more than 40 feet from me. Needless to say I suddenly have a lot more confidence in my calling, can't wait for opening day!
  10. Love this song but I can only listen for so long before it really brings me down.
  11. I can help alleviate that problem if you'd like
  12. The time has come, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say.

    1. Terry


      You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way

    2. Acountdeleted


      Kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown. Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

  13. Sorry Bill, but I'm siding with Mike on this one, you'll have an easier time building line speed and punching out larger flies with a shorter rod then a longer. A long rod will give you more distance IF you're using a long line as well, but with a bass line or shooting head it will be a nice combo. There's a reason most bass specific rods are 7'11"-8'6".
  14. Managed to get it cleaned up with some linseed oil, thanks for the help guys (especially Art for your kind offer). I'll try to get some pictures up later.
  15. Last month I bought a set of knives off a board member and one of them (a folder) has some corrosion down the handle on the rivets, I would consider using something like CLR but it has a wooden handle and I obviously wouldn't want to damage it. Just curious to hear everybody's opinions on what the best way to go about this would be.
  16. Been on a bit of a Doors kick lately... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq9oR9x171w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJQwnAhXnBk
  17. A scope isn't a replacement for a pair of binos, if he could or couldn't identify he's still in the wrong.
  18. Bow is a great trip but you mention you only have hip waders? You can still fish with them but in some areas it's nice to have chest waders. I can give you some spots in the banff area if you'd like.
  19. Well this seems like something that will be incredibly inaccurate...
  20. I know, that was the one I was telling you about
  21. Looks like I'm working the 11th, sorry guys, would have been fun.
  22. Oh, and just to make you guys jealous, I just gave my dad David Gilmour tickets for his birthday
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