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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. 2 quick questions for the fly fishers. My first is that I have a super cheap shakspeare fly reel that I would like to try to turn into a float reel, i understand it won't end up too smooth but I just want to get a feel for them. How would I do this? The second is that I'm having trouble landing dry flies. I have always been able to fish them but lately the fly line has actually been sinking? Any theories? Thanks, RHF.
  2. Got out late today, around noon. Started further downstream casting small spinners into likely structure and logs, this turned out 2 small 5" browns (sorry no pics). The water was (complete guess) probably around 17 Celsius and at a normal level. After that we headed upstream to the provincial park, a very long (hour or so) hike in waders in full sun yielded no fish but nicer water, after hiking all the way back we headed to the far north end of the park. Casting spinners produced nothing, after wading downstream I observed several small splashes in the middle of a river. So I took out the old fly rod and tied on a royal wulff, as soon as it ouched the water, FISH ON! A very decent 9" brookie, which capped off the day nicely before barbecued chicken for dinner!
  3. I don't care what you say, I still never have bananas with me. removed a bottle of banana boat from my fishing bag this morning, don't know how that got in there.
  4. I would think that the credit would be fairly slow until bass opener. Islands would definitely be on my radar.
  5. That lake has been very polluted for years which is a shame because it's a very nice place. The welland on the other hand is a complete shock, whatever system is taking the water there should be blocked.
  6. Good luck, and don't forget to smile!
  7. Google "jazz and fly fishing" or "uncut angling" or go here... http://globalflyfisher.com/video/best
  8. lots of launches on the south side. just drive through the town and take your pick, if your using a canoe or kayak you have many, many options.
  9. Doesn't say quiet it says quite, but it should say "quite nice".
  10. Opeongo is quite if you get a water taxi to take you in, big smallies and lakers.
  11. Thanks, almost forgot these: attractor fly- a fly that does not imitate a specific food item but rather attracts the fish to it so they feed instinctively usually used for picky salmon pattern- what the fly is, for example a mayfly pattern roll cast- a way of casting which doesn't require a back cast strike indicator- basically a bobber for flies floating line- I think you can guess this one sinking line- pretty simple mend- lifting or flipping the line so that it's upstream of your fly And some flies that everyone should know: Wooly bugger goddard caddis brassie pheasant tail nymph adams dry bunny strip leach scud clouser minnow lefty's deceiver marabou muddler daves hopper royal wulff humpy
  12. Terms: Dry fly- floating fly wet fly-sinking fly streamer-wet fly that has a streamlined shape terrestrial- a bug that spends it's life on the ground, like an ant or beetle pool- a deep calm spot in a river rapids- fast flowing turbulent water in the river run- a fast flowing pool eddie- a small calm spot behind an obstruction in the flow of water oxbow- a large "bow" in the shape of a river, usually creates large pools fly line- the main line leader- the tapered line that is tied to your fly line tippet- sort of like an extra leader that is tied to your actual leader, means that you don't have to constantly replace your leader stripping- the motion of pulling in line to animate the fly dead drift- letting the fly drift down the river with no extra movement backing- the wider section of fly backing before is starts to taper, makes it easier to cast distances back cast- the step in the cast where the line is behind you false cast- casting without landing the fly, the purpose; to get line out hatch- what bugs or insects the fish are feeding on at that time riffles- shallow water flowing over rocks
  13. IMO I think it looks most natural with quick short strips.
  14. If it's the same one that Brian fishes, there are lots of deep pools by the looks of it. They will sink, and can catch almost any species using any technique, slow strip, fast strip, dead drifted or I would think worked under a float.
  15. Black labs and beagles I think are the best species. Cute little guy!
  16. Cast in the pool in the winter, fish in the summer.
  17. Nice fish! No complaints here, it would be pretty awesome to target them in BC.
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