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Everything posted by RangerGuy

  1. Those are some real nice looking flies. Good job
  2. I run a Garmin 276c. All I can say is I love it.. PROS: - Maps are super accurate (they are reproductions directly from government charts) - Maps Viewable on my PC ( you can add/edit/delete waypoints,tracks, courses ) much better than lowrance when I was shopping around - Works with Topo's,Road and hydrographic - Accuracy (I get less than 8 feet with WAAS consistently) CONS: - Screen Size could be bigger ( but you pay big for large screens )
  3. Well it's certainly not American Flavor LOL! You go to these stores in the states (atleast the 2 that i've been to ) and you get 10 times the service.
  4. Yup, been on his boat.. got to see it in action That was a few years back tho... so I'm hoping they've improved it even more LOL! I have a feeling bass pro is going to jerk me around with this motor.. they guy promised he'd call his buyer today and I'd know today.. and guess what still no call... It shouldn't take him more than 1 call to find out if he can order it for me or not. I hate given this store any money anymore.. brutal service... was there looking at 2 layout blinds and a Foiles Goose call.. Sales rep walks away because he didn't know the price of the layout blind and never came back... we were waiting there 10 minutes... watched him help 2 other customers before he was out of site. Didn't even make an effort to look for the price for me. So I bought them online from another store!
  5. Thanks irishfield, I didn't expect BPS to have 'm LundGuy i'm stuck with BPS Price because I have better part of the cost covered with gift cards . My fingers are crossed I talked to the Manager on saturday. He said he'd check with his buyer to see if they could get one in. We will see I'm stopping in after work today.
  6. Thanks Irishfield, I'm not expecting them to have stock of this motor, if they don't I hope they'll order it for me..
  7. Hi Everyone, Wondering if anybody has used this motor. What did you think of it? I'll be picking up a new trolling motor this year.. have nice stock pile of BPS Gift Cards I haven't checked to see if BPS in Toronto has them in stock.. my guess is NOT! but maybe I'll get lucky.
  8. Rob is one of the nicest people I have ever met! I feel just terrible about what Rob and his family are been going thru. Our prayers are with you bud! If you need anything like I always tell you please feel free to call me!
  9. Sorry you see it that way addy79. I don't think somebody that cares about being Canadian would stand on the 401 with a loaded weapon to get thier point across. I'm not being racists .. I don't care what thier race is. That act is illegal and is a violent civil protest which should have been shut down as soon as possible as to protect the general public. Here in Canada our laws do not/nor should they allow this sort of behavior dangerous acts no MATTER WHAT GROUP YOU ARE WITH! Peacefully protest holding signs, voting etc are how to get your views heard. NOT LOADED FIREARMS!
  10. Well, I was going to reply with this big thing. What's the point. I will say this though. As far as I'm concerned it's a criminal offence and these people should have been given 2 options stand down or be shot. They are criminals who cares what your race is YOUR A CRIMINAL! You don't get to stand on the 401 with guns! The whole lot should be thrown in jail for a very long time! WHAT JOKE!
  11. Congradulations! Nice looking dog. Does she like to go after balls and toys? You could try using the same logic as you do for kennel training a pup. Here's a few suggestions that might help. I would get her excited for a toy then throw the toy thru the door so she has to go in to the house and get it. Make sure you always feed her in the house atleast for a couple months. Drop little treats all around the house where she's going to find them. Kind trick her into walking around the house a few times on her own. I'm sure she'll warm up before ya know it.
  12. Yeh $150 for a full dump truck load.
  13. Hey There, Wondering if anybody knows about building a driveway. I came across a contractor that was willing to give us some dirt for free for our backyard. I happened to mention that we are going to do the driveway after we finish with the backyard. He said that he could get this stuff for the base of the driveway that makes a good solid base. It's like ashpalt they use on the roads but is chewed up into little pieces kinda like small stones. After while it compacts real good and makes a good solid base to put ashpalt over. I can get it for 150 a load. Anybody know if this is good stuff to use? Also, does anybody know the going rate for load of topsoil?
  14. Yup I would have been much happier if we got Cabelas instead of BPS. Cabelas is much better store. Always great service and lots of stock
  15. Here's my Suzy. She's 6 months old here. She's a really smart and gentle pup. By 5 months Suzy knew Sit,Stand,Down,Come & touch. I can't wait to see how much she likes the water Our last pup Tishy @ 20 years old in this picture. Also her last trip to the cottage She is missed very much!
  16. Nice Ride Bud! Congrats!
  17. Awesome report! Yup I had a feeling it would be good this year. To bad my boat is away cause I have a new pup to train I wonder how hard it will be to teach her to work a jerkbait LOL!
  18. LOL! No worries.. she'll be let up on the couch as soon as she's house trained LOL! HAHAH! That's a great pic Lew!
  19. Your right MistyRiver! We have been looking at pups for sometime.. this one just became affordable at the right time I'll let her up again when she's done training and out of the chew stage LOL! Tina and I are already fighting for who gets to go home at lunch and let her out for a pee LOL!
  20. Suzy is going to make a great fishing partner. She is 11 weeks old and has been with us since last Wednesday and already fetches, sits when on a leash and goes to the door when she needs to go the washroom Although she's pretty sneaky. Last night she was sleeping in her kennel and when I left the room she would get up and go on the couch LOL! When I'd say down and put my hand in her kennel and say bed she'd huff and climb in and go back to sleep LOL! This is a pic of her last time on the couch once we figured out she wouldn't sleep in her kennel if she was allowed up on the couch LOL! Man it's hard to say no to a puppy hehe!
  21. Nice Truck MuskyBill.. 5-speed.. better keep that emerg brake ship shape. I used to tow the Ranger with a Ford Ranger 5 -speed. One day on the ramp my emerg brake broke when pulling the boat up on the trailer. I almost lost the dog and truck in the lake. I guess the engine didn't have enough compression to hold it in first gear when not running LOL! Hope she's a good truck for ya
  22. That's AWESOME! Congradulations!... Work hard and be safe
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