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About SBCregal

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  1. grimsbylander, the way I read it, the $7500 is what the value of the warranty would be if they charged for it, not a ceiling for coverage of repairs.
  2. I was looking at these as well to replace the tires on my truck. I had the ltx ms2 on my old safari van and they are probably the nicest tires I've driven on. Let us know how you like them. Ryan
  3. the amount these water bottling plants are drawing are a proverbial drop in the bucket when you look at the overall daily water usage by the entire province
  4. would Miska or JDJ carry something like this? hwy 6 north of waterdown
  5. imagine the research that will be done once it becomes legal and the big players can make money from it.
  6. I have an older kodiak with itp mudlites on it. i don't think i've come across a situation where the tire was the limiting factor. not the smoothest riding tire out there but it's done everything i've asked them to
  7. An expired ID isn't valid at a casino (guess how I found out). I'd imagine it'd be the same to the MNR.
  8. you can pick up a bluetooth obdII adapter on amazon for about 20 bucks shipped. if you have a smartphone you can download a free app to read the codes. you can pull most codes with that combination, as well as a few other neat features. the code number and google will get you a whole bunch of info and tips.
  9. The do not call list doesn't apply to anybody you do business with.
  10. had to avoid an ottoman on hwy 69 south today.
  11. looks like maybe it was an inboard/outboard setup originally and maybe it needed replacing. i'd think it's cheaper to toss an outboard on back than rebuild a motor or drive/lower unit.
  12. does the shifter move fine once it is out of park or is it really stiff? If it moves easily once out of park i'd look at the shift interlock or brake switch. if it is really difficult to move once out of park it is likely the shifter cable. my dad had a 2000 or so jimmy and had to have the cable replaced
  13. i've never been to murphys point but we make a point of getting to charleston lake as often as we can.
  14. My buddy used Eagle Canvas in Burlington. Finished product looks real nice and he was happy with what he got for what he paid.
  15. I bought a broil king baron 320 this year and love it. We didn't need tons of space or additional side burners or stainless steel. It is a quality built unit with a great warranty and it cooks awesome. The grilles are cast iron, burners are stainless. Built in North America. We paid $450 at Lowe's at the beginning of summer. I imagine there are some sales on at this time of year. Ryan
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