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Everything posted by Muskieman

  1. I'm gonna sit right here on the edge of this pier and drink a beer .

    1. ketchenany


      You're going to get cold!

    2. misfish



      Go away wind.

  2. Olive The Lake .. edit ** should've read beyond my nose , closed for the winter , sorry.
  3. Portable rechargeable unit , hands down , the memory of a stereo can kill your RV battery in a week , I bought a " Sport Music " for 20$ on-line , it sounds great ! Takes a mini SD card , is a FM radio with rather good reception , acts as a signal booster for your cell phone , can connect to your phone or MP3 player .. quite possibly the best 20$ I've ever spent , other than that time in Holland .
  4. ^^^ yes , so long as it's done humanely , you are allowed to dispatch any stray without identifying tags on private property ... been there done that ,after nearly losing my hand to a bite from a stray. those who follow me on FB can attest to it .
  5. 102 of my Facebook friends have shared the video , it drives me nuts , sure , BIG yes ,a very nice Laker , 30lbs or so , maybe even 35 ... but far from a near record , possibly an ice line class record if that even exists , the actual record for a Laker is over 100lbs , Canada's largest freshwater gamefish . Sorry for ranting eh .
  6. That's friggin ' awesome ! Copied this , most of us probably already knew this . "The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), is a widespread bird of prey in the family Falconidae. A large, crow-sized falcon, it has a blue-gray back, barred white underparts, and a black head and moustache. The Peregrine is renowned for its speed, reaching over 325 km/h (202 mph) during its characteristic hunting stoop, making it the fastest member of the animal kingdom."
  7. She is very respectful , she gives respect to people who deserve it , not people who expect it , just because someone is older doesn't mean they deserve respect . she's the top of her class and well liked by everyone who meets her , she's open minded and answer seeking , she makes her own decisions and choices , again free will . She's able to intellectually tear apart some adults I know , again , the result of free will and a non corrupt ( brainwashed ) mind . If believing in a supreme being gives you comfort and inner peace, that's wonderful - I salute you. Just don't try to force others to pay lip service prayer to your god, or any other service to a god we may not believe in . Have a nice day .
  8. What the priest asked my daughter was just as insulting to her as her response was to him . I teach my kids to question everything .
  9. But in French . My wife and daughter were at No Frills on Saturday ... a local priest leaned toward my daughter ( 11 ) and asked " what do you think of the beautiful day that god has given us today ? " My daughter looked at him , rolled her eyes and spun her index finger by her temple and said " who do you think you are ? " " let me correct you " " it's Mother Nature , Science ! " and walked away ... she has her own thoughts , free will and an open mind And I love her
  10. I can't wait for Bill Nye to intellectually demolish Creationism in his up coming debate. Evolution all the way !! Go Science GO !! I always change the channel when the parting sermon comes on.
  11. But didn't Yamaha and Mercury / Mariner share engine blocks 90-115 range at some point ? That turned out to be absolute garbage ? Not bashing either brand ( BRP , Suzuki , Tohatzu and Honda ) included ... just asking.
  12. The guy from the Maytag commercials , he looks bored as hell , may as well take him fishing .
  13. They did great !!! the song is far from gone ! apparently the CBC want to buy it !
  14. I usually cast my heaviest lure , then I pull out 2 or 3 rod lengths of line , I then reel on 2 widths of electrical tape , then reel in the line , works like a charm , works well on spinning outfits too , no more deep twists or backlashes .
  15. The first time I told my brother to phoque off
  16. ^^^ they weren't that bad , better than a Jimmy or Raider.
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