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Everything posted by Muskieman

  1. you guys are Nuts! I like it!!
  2. We sure are .. that's a 6Mph wind. My contraption just might work ! ..
  3. "idiot internet tough guys " are quickly filtered out.. we do after all have youngen's on this board...
  4. Good Luck Wayne!! I used to sell those "original" rear vent Jerry's to local gas stations 20 at a time... Scepter or Wedgco . I used to get them from Uni-Select ..and in late 2007 they started sending me the superceeded part # the auto venters..not a customer wanted them. Odds are that If you find a part # to match the old style and order them you will get the newer superceeded version. Randy
  5. I been invited to other boards...pfft . As if? OFC all the way!! I call OFC community home..
  6. I clean mine like I clean a Walleye...pull cut around the ribcage, and cut the fillet lenghtways down the ''line''after skinning .. no bones. But I find that Perch dull a blade pretty quick. Anyone else? I used to know how to clean them with a stick.. really. Randy
  7. Right again, no matter how precocious one is ... It can all come back to bite you in the ... ya gotta wonder sometimes. Baseball... we have to use 3 bases and a home plate... they already have 9 bases covered and home plate is a courthouse.
  8. my post is all jumbled up.. not like I typed it... *edit didn't work
  9. When I was 13, I got a Commodore Vic-20 for Christmas and then upgraded to a Commodore 64.. I enrolled onto something .. well It wasn't a website.. since there was no Web back then. and no OFC.. it was called Quantum Link (Q-Link).. a place where you could chat ... look at some pixelated pictures and order stuff... download games and share files. Pretty cool Eh? for the mid 80's. Well.. I used to have a "butterfly lock" on my bedroom door... seems to keep every 13yr old safe ... my son has one. Anyways... after about a months use of Q-Link... I was sitting at the 64 with a friend playing World Games... WOW what a game that was!! <a href="http://s183.photobucket.com/albums/x268/suran_photos/?action=view&current=WorldGames_D3_Animation.gif" target="_blank"><img src="http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x268/suran_photos/WorldGames_D3_Animation.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> The door to my room burst open , sending the "butterfly lock" onto Pat's cheek cutting him pretty good...It sent Pat running for a Band-Aid and a Kleenex.. It was my MOM Armed with a pair of Wiltshire Staysharp Scissors... waving a 750.00$ Bell Phone Bill in my face .. she was screaming profanities in French .... Mom tore the keyboard from my desk and cut the phone lines to my modem. (modems on the 64 were plugged into it's ) Turns out that I was calling L.A. California 4 times a week for a month ... Hmmm . The following month we got another for about 400.00$.... needless to say that Q-Link was no more. Now, my Son, Tyler is 13 ... he has the Net in his room with all the bells and whistles $$$.. under conditions that I get full access to his 'puter and that he never makes a 750.00 bill appear in the mail box.. We've come a long way.. since the mid 80's ... now I'm kinda scared to think what the NET will be like in another 25yrs.. But without it's advent we all wouldn't be here discussing it .. I think that T.J coined this one "Y'a can't go fishing without the NET" The posted video is a reminder on how "We knew it all" then... my 8 year old is more advance now than Katie Couric was then... ya gotta wonder how the next generation will turn out Eh? Randy
  10. I re-read it as well... You seem to be right.. No stone circles.. Hmmmm.. time for another E-mail Randy
  11. I fired off an E-Mail to the MNR regarding this topic. My question.......... Q: Is it legal or illegal to have a fire directly on the ice , ie:frozen waterway.. must it be contained? like in a stove or bucket or portable pit, chimmnea? A: from E-mail Reply: Yes Hello Randy, Thank you for your enquiry. Under the Public Lands Act; Unauthorized filling - 27. (1) Except with the written consent of the Minister or an officer authorized by the Minister, no person shall deposit or cause to be deposited any material, substance or thing, (a) on public lands, whether or not the lands are covered with water or ice; or ( on water or ice covering public lands. 2010, c. 16, Sched. 10, s. 4 (2). Having a fire on a frozen water body would leave debris and ash on the ice surface, which would be considered 'deposited material'. Therefore you can't have a fire directly on the ice of a lake or river. You may have a fire in a barrel or other contained vessel as long as it's removed after use and leaves no trace behind. We hope you find this information helpful. If you require further assistance, please contact the Natural Resources Information Centre at 1-800-667-1940. Regards, nric web reader - rb ******************************************* Natural Resources Information Centre PO Box 7000 Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5 1-800-667-1940 TTY: 1-866-686-6072 Fax: 705-755-1677 [email protected] http://themnrstore.mnr.gov.on.ca ******************************************** Randy
  12. I was out for 1 hour today and caught NOTHING!!! The wind was gusting and my CONTRAPTION DOES NOT WORK!! I rotated it from side to side of my hole to "Catch Wind" it still didn't work... every now and then a "Flip-A-Shack" gust would come along and knock the whole thing over.. never mind "Auto Jiggin'" It looked good in my "Man Cave" and seemed to work on my deck, but when the lure is submerged with a minnow things are totally different. Back to the drawing board... next is a Large Tupperware lid... PS* don't tell my wife I'm cutting up her Tupperware. Randy
  13. I made another door stop tip up .. using a door stop spring... it's nothing new.. everyone has one.. I put a real reel on mine and kinda made a deluxe version.. But they are DEAD lines ... barely move with the strongest wind.. I tried something .. well It works. I heated up a CD with a lighter and bent it with some pliers and wedged it into the spring. <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid183.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fx268%2Fsuran_photos%2FPicture.mp4"> Randy
  14. we have Mackerel in Ontario?
  15. Nice Pike!! Happy birthday!!!... This might sound stupid and may be something I should recognize.. but...What kind of fish does the guy in the white snowpants have in his mouth?... Frozen Walleye? Randy
  16. A lot of people bring garden rakes, bent to fit through the hole, to clear the weeds from under their spots. I think that there's a fine for that.
  17. They're all built from the same platform...just look different. fit and finish might be different as well as the seating as for bells and whistles. Strip 'em down and in most cases they share the same powertrain , suspensions, and braking systems. Just like Fords and Mazda.. GMC and Suzuki..(domestic imports) I know what you mean... but the basics are usually the same... It would be like comparing a high end Lincoln MKZ to a low end Mazda 6 Randy
  18. They are the same as JEEP or vice versa Outlander = Jeep Patriot/Compass/Dodge Caliber
  19. I'm pretty sure it is... something to do with phosphates and pollution.. I think that it has to be contained.. Actually , If I remember correctly , this happened 10 yrs or so ago. 's fine was for littering.
  20. ... We were fishing on the Veuve River .. Oh, 100' from a shack when a Gold Toyota 4 Runner pulled up.. the driver a local showed up. He unlocked his hut and and made fire. He took out a Jiffy and started it.. walked right over to my Bud's wife, spun the auger full throttle within 10" of her face and said "You're fishing in my hole Squaw" she's native. We all surrounded him and told to put the auger down. He did put it down, but didn't apologize to Sheila... , he said that all the holes that he had punched were his by law... little did he know that we just happened to punch a hole beside one that was frozen over.... Anyways he didn't back down saying that he'd jump into his truck and run us over .. and "M'a toute vous passer au couteau" meaning that he's take his knife and fillet us all. We all had our wives and kids with us that day and were not lookin' for a confrontation... although Sheila's husband was fit to be tied he didn't take out his anger on We reeled in our lines and left. ...Later that night I received a phone call from Mike... "I'm going to pick Jeff and you up"... We drove onto Cache Bay .. into the Veuve and hooked up 's Ice Hut ... we towed it out passed Cross Point .. some 25Kms away. The next morning a few of the Boys went back to that very spot on the Veuve... a while later a Gold 4 Runner showed up, an stepped out to see that no shack was to be found. He immediately started screaming at us ... Mike politely told him that our wives and kids weren't with us and to shut up or else.. quickly realized that yesterday's incident was a blessing in disguise and he would pay the price today if he didn't listen... He left. A few weeks later we were on the Veuve and was already there.. with his shack (I still don't know how he found it) with a raging bonfire burning on the ice. I quickly called Bill.. a local C.O ... he made his way onto the Veuve.. and proceeded to charge for being over the limit on Pike, having a fire on the ice and open alcohol. I wasn't a physical fight .. but could've been... It was more of an intellectual fight and we ended up winning. Randy
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