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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. Great report & fantastic fishing you had.....WTG cheers
  2. great report jen!!!!!! awesome pics as well.thanks for sharing,all those perch & that walleye sure look good ..yummmmmmy cheers
  3. Thats a great video clip TJ .. ..too bad that pike wasnt on my spinnerbait lol...lol
  4. No the ball you see is a huge ball of baitfish,and the hooks or straight lines you see are the salmon ...and just a few seconds after i took the pic...one of our rods fired up from the dipsey diver....as for the graph one side is 200kh and the other is 50kh one is a large diameter cone shaped ping and the other[50kh] is the much more powerfull cone,it also can track our cannonballs and of course mark the thermalcline...these new very powerfull lowrance graphs are amazing thanks for inquiring
  5. Yes i am doing the bass opener....BUT IF I TOLD YOU WHERE I WOULD HAVE TO KILL YOU....lol..lol..lol it will be around the bancroft area
  6. Well hello david!!!!!!! great detailed report & pics,well the smiles on everyones faces says it all, the weather looked great as well and there was some very nice sized quinte walleyes & pike there too ,and they will remember that for along time,thanks for sharing david cheers
  7. well that was a great fish and you gave him a great fight for sure...now lets go get you a bigger one for the salmon derby....cheers
  8. Well how about a citizens arrest it worked for me once before....and if you have to you can use self defense...lol..lol.. go get him....drive him a few times for us fishermen too.....
  9. Great catch guys!!!!!!!! well done great pics of those tasty walleyes, thanks for sharing...cheers
  10. Right on bud!!!!!!!!! there is nothing better than the feeling of getting a new boat.. ..its way better than getting a new car...lol..lol well congrats and i hope she gives you alot of fun,and money returns for your charters,.. ..hey i would love to come there and do a charter with you as we do them on lake ontario,cheers
  11. Good question brian,well i would think that braid is slower because it is made of fibers and its not smooth at all,while flouro is very smooth it should slide with less fristion right??? ?????? at least thats what i think,i moatly use braid for salmon,fishing or for my walleye rods for bottom bouncing,so its not like i cast it all the time,but after lots of use,the braid will have lots of little frays on it. ..so who knows.....cheers
  12. Thats a huge freshwater drum thats for sure!!!!!!!! man way to go,i bet he put up a great fight,they just dont give up,thats one of the biggest ones i have ever seen.....cheers
  13. Awesome report!!!!!!!!! well done steve,man they are some real nice looking smallies,it also looks like a very structured lake,they also have a nice dark color on them. ..well i hope you marked those spots on your GPS,for your tournament in july,thanks for sharing man....cheers
  14. Nice report & pics!!!!!!! cheers [oh ya,and next time SHARPEN YOUR HOOKS ]
  15. You bet i will.. ..too bad and i hope the catch those responsible. very sorry to hear that where .was it stolen from[what area might help]..that really sucks ,and i hope the police can make a speedy recovery ...good luck bro..
  16. Thats a great report & pics!!!!!!! well everyone sure had a very busy weekend,glad you got to all go out and do a little bit of fishing with all the sun,it sure was hot. ..the kids sure look like they had a gret time and bly had some good action as well.,thanks for sharing cliff,if i dont talk to you and carol have a gret time at lakeair...and good-luck cheers
  17. Great report!!!!!!! right on guys thats some great fishing as well....nice looking kings and thats a real nice bow as well....we had one bleed like that on sat...he ended up in the box,well thanks for sharing,cheers
  18. Well my freind capt.robert simmen [time off] and myself hit lake ontario very early sat morn...about 4:30am out of port darlington,so we set-up rods in about 65ft of water using our wire dipsey rods,and spoon off 1 rigger and a herring strip /with a homemade 3-fly rig...well we had a very busy day ,and we trolled from the cement plat,to the oshawa hrbour area,and back the whole trip lasting about 7hrs,well we had great action and boated 13 kings out of 17 fish hooked...so it was very hard work all the fish came on everything we were using with the single fly rig running behind an inticer/flasher....running 111ft down on a dipsey #3 setting,the fish all weighed between 10-25lbs.and this time of year in the cold water man do these FISH FIGHT HARD with some doing 150yard runs just peeling line off those big reels like nothing,and man they are without a doubt the hardest fighting fish there is,so after a day of that you dam well feel it big time....so...with a nice 12lb rainbow we hooked on our way back around the darlington nuke plant.we heeded home..the water temps were great down anywhere from 35ft down to 49.7degrees at 50ft.so the baitfish were there and we marked them pretty well all the way west of the nuke plant,with the most being out front of oshawa,anywhere from 55ft right out to about 80ft...the weather was perfect and lake conditions as well...so in total we kept a few salmon and that rainbow,and the rest we released so i cant wait for the salmon derby in a few weeks so we can start to enter some of these hard fighting very big lake ontario chinook salmon,and thanks to my good friend Capt. Robert Simmen .[boat name] TIME OFF so with all that said here is some of the big fish..pics so enjoy
  19. Hey well done!!!!! and from a kyak,thats a very interesting way to fish,thats for sure....nice report,and a cool muskie...cheers
  20. Yes its happening more and more all the time,with more people using the waterways....and they have no respect for fishermen,all those sea-doos whipping around and speedboats flying through marked channels,as well as no-wake signs,and no respect for cottage owners property with erosion,and smashing thier boats on the docks...more police and enforcement is needed...but like that will happen....maybe they need to have commercials...or take adds in the paper....it makes us so mad....like weekends in the kawarthas....i dont even fish them anymore because off all the boat traffic...its insane.....
  21. It depends where,and what i am fishing for,if its lake ontario im pretty much a catch and release [unless a freind wants one] but if im fishing for walleyes or bass i will keep a few for the pan,and the majority go back to swim another day.....i really enjoy eating our fish,and there is nothing wrong with doing that....cheers
  22. I try to buy locally but if im looking for specialty items for walleye or salmon fishing i will go to e-bay....man they have almost everything ,or to cabelas,or other stores online just keep shopping around,deals are out there you just have to do some homework first....good-luck cheers
  23. Great fishing!!!!!!!!! man those are some real nice cats for sure, great pics as well...thanks for sharing cheers
  24. WOW!!!! thats alot of walleyes,man that sure was quite a fishing trip,looking forward to seeing those pics...cheers
  25. Well i guess im a true walleye fisherman first. ..followed by salmon,and then it doesnt really matter as i will fish for anything,as long as im in a boat im happy,even if i dont catch anything......oh ya and by the way LAND SUCKS. .....cheers keep up the great work aaron...
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