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Everything posted by ryanheritage

  1. Black jack gum? ? ? never heard of it! but I do remember blackbart gum! lol I think yer alzhiemers kicked in there Motov8tr.lol Just teasing... Ah don't feel bad I am only 31 and I remember that stuff. Just alot of advances in technology FAST!!!! Remember when kids came door to door collecting bottles for change? How about a radio flyer? Don't worry at least you got your .. uhm... well.. your wisdom! lol
  2. I honestly didn't even think about hitting another site... I think I just got my fill from this one.. I get to bark at people about Global warming without too much flak lol and I get to learn and give advice on fishing( even if either isn't good lol) But no real need to talk about other sites really it only matters what goes on in here. So far this site is the only fishing community I would like to be part of. The only bad thing about this site is a couple weeks ago my addiction to it was too much lol. But everyone here is good people with an intrest to help one an other out. So to all tight lines good fishing!!
  3. Vaccination should be Yellow fever, Hepatitis A.B. and Malaria tablet course seek advice from your local GP.... I love that line ...lol wow
  4. If you get a fish from a lake you cannot keep it. If you get a fish from a stocking facility you can keep it. The problem being if you are transporting live fish is that you could potentially be transporting disease or non native species (eggs, baitfish,) to different areas thus the dead fish thing. But if you were to get a stocking fish from a farm you can keep it and no it wouldn't be considered out of season if you caught it in your tank. ( private land). Lets think about this... You ever bought a live trout north of the cn rail tracks out of season? the ones swimming around in the grocery store tank? Or have you seen the demonstrations at Bass pro? I know this cause I have actullay asked this question. lol Yep too much paint chips as a kid.. I buy bait from a place called Leonards in Verona ontario, and he is the guy that supplies walleye, and catfish to Bass pro for that hhuge tank. He also supplies walleye fingerlings and other species for stocking programs throughout ontario. He has only had one problem.... Sending fish to tanks across the border(south). other then that don't fish out of season.
  5. Naw I gota lund fishing boat.. this is purely camping.. I have however fished in kayaks before in banff. It was great fun.. I am considering doing some pike fishing from them though I want to see if I can get pulled about!!!
  6. Hi doug,,, Welcome!
  7. How about we (OFC COMMUNITY) put together "A CLEANUP DAY" with some schools? Like a day in june? It can be a volunteer thing for an extra mark. This is something I have been thinking of doing since I saw The "float you fanny down the ganny" devistaion. We could maybe get some sponsors? City approval and help? maybe some media attention? I dunno but it is soo sad to see what people are doing to the rivers and creeks..
  8. In sharbot aout 5-8 mins south of HWY 7. is a place. I thinks its called annes? Its right on the water its on the east side of 38. When you turn south off hwy 7 just follow that road. You will go past the school, past a bait shop, past a retirement home. and then it will be right there on your left. A big white place, GREAT breakfast. Just realized what your doing in that area... didn't read your whole post. My cottage is on BOB's lake just south of sharbot. It is part of a lake system that is 36 miles end 2 end. Crow lake is a great deep cold lake for trout, bob's is known for walleye, pike, bass, and then there is green bay which has HUGE pike, bucks bay with bass,pike and walleye. Iam on Bucks bay,..... I know on my system for fact that there are quite a few places for sale. Alot of americans are selling... My lake system feeds the rideau and is about 15-20 minutes south of sharbot thru alot of dirt roads. I kind send you some more info if you want. But if you are looking in that area (north frontenac) I would be happy to help. I have been there 20+ years.
  9. So i got my kayaks, and I was impressed... I didn't think I would be getting a great boat but they turned out better then expected. His brand name is upper canada paddle company. I suggest anyone that is intrested give him a shout Had some nice canoes and kayaks.. he gave me two, two piece aluminum handle day tripper paddles, two kayaks, two spray skirts, all for 750.00.. It was a bit of a drive to tweed but it was worth it I saved over 400 total.
  10. LOL I didn't even get to see it.. lol .. But becareful of craigslist its gota alot of scams and hookers on it !! lol
  11. This is NEW information. This is an ongoing thing and every day we are learning more about the affects of global warming. All the old youtube or old disputes are over and done with. This is what we know now about Global warming. With that being said.. there is no need to be stubborn or pretend GW isn't happening it's time to address this problem and do your part in making people aware and helping the environment recover.
  12. UN to issue bleak global warming report Global warming could cause more hunger in Africa and melt most Himalayan glaciers by the 2030s, according to a draft UN report due out on Friday. The report will also warn that the poorest nations are likely to suffer most. The UN climate panel, giving the most authoritative study on the regional impact of climate change since 2001, also predicts more heatwaves in countries such as the United States, and damage to coral including Australia's Great Barrier Reef. "We are talking about a potentially catastrophic set of developments," said UN Environment Program head Achim Steiner. "Even a half-metre rise in sea levels would have catastrophic effects in Bangladesh and some island states." Scientists and officials from more than 100 countries meet in Belgium from Monday to review and approve a 21-page summary for policy-makers in the report amid disputes on some findings, including on how far rising temperatures may contribute to spreading disease. Among the gloomy forecasts, the report predicts that glaciers in the Himalayas, the world's highest mountain range, will melt away, affecting hundreds of millions of people. "If current warming rates are maintained, Himalayan glaciers could decay at very rapid rates, shrinking from the present 500,000 square kilometres to 100,000 square kilometres by 2030s," according to a draft technical summary. And disruptions are likely to be felt hardest in poor nations, such as sub-Saharan Africa and Asia where millions more could go hungry because of damage to farming and water supplies. But some nations will see some benefits, according to the draft by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which draws on work by 2,500 scientists. Global farm potential might increase with a rise of 3 degrees Celsius in temperatures, before sinking worldwide, it says. Crops might grow better in nations far from the tropics such as Canada, Russia, New Zealand or Scandinavia.
  13. An international panel of climate scientists said yesterday that there is an overwhelming probability that human activities are warming the planet at a dangerous rate, with consequences that could soon take decades or centuries to reverse. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, made up of hundreds of scientists from 113 countries, said that based on new research over the last six years, it is 90 percent certain that human-generated greenhouse gases account for most of the global rise in temperatures over the past half-century. Declaring that "warming of the climate system is unequivocal," the authors said in their "Summary for Policymakers" that even in the best-case scenario, temperatures are on track to cross a threshold to an unsustainable level. A rise of more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit above pre-industrial levels would cause global effects -- such as massive species extinctions and melting of ice sheets -- that could be irreversible within a human lifetime. Under the most conservative IPCC scenario, the increase will be 4.5 degrees by 2100. MORE:::::: Sat Mar 31, 6:34 PM ET From the micro to the macro, from plankton in the oceans to polar bears in the far north and seals in the far south, global warming has begun changing life on Earth, international scientists will report next Friday. Changes in climate are now affecting physical and biological systems on every continent," says a draft obtained by The Associated Press of a report on warming's impacts, to be issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the authoritative U.N. network of 2,000 scientists and more than 100 governments. In February the panel declared it "very likely" most global warming has been caused by manmade emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Animal and plant life in the Arctic and Antarctic is undergoing substantial change, scientists say. Rising sea levels elsewhere are damaging coastal wetlands. Warmer waters are bleaching and killing coral reefs, pushing marine species toward the poles, reducing fish populations in African lakes, research finds. "Hundreds of species have already changed their ranges, and ecosystems are being disrupted," said University of Michigan ecologist Rosina Bierbaum, former head of the U.S. IPCC delegation. "It is clear that a number of species are going to be lost." The IPCC draft estimates that if temperatures rise approximately 2 to 4 degrees Fahrenheit more, one-third of species will be lost from their current range, either moved elsewhere or vanished.
  14. Pay attention to what I wrote. I said nothing about humans causing GW I said it has been proven without a doubt its happening.. And Jonaton its fine if you disaprove of what I said.... I mean its not a personal opinion its a fact by scientists from the last week. And Muskienlakers, I am from the big city... This is fact my friend.. GW is here, its happening and its fact take your head outta the sand. And AGAIN I NEVER SAID HUMANS ARE THE MAIN CAUSE... There are many reasons for it but we HUMANS have the ability to slow it down and maybe even stop it.
  15. DON"T GO TO MOODIES!!!!!! that is the most disgusting place on the planet... there is a trailer park right behind it!! no lake!!! lol there is alot better places within 45 mins.. There is a motel 6 even in whitby, quality in aswell stay clear of moodys though... Its the town joke!!! He can look on the website www.durhamregion.com but god forbid he goes to moodies. Its old, dirty, and filled with people that will steal the pennies from a dead man. Check Port perry, Its right on Lake Scugog, Or find something close to Bomaville marina, pickering's frenchmans bay, or even the rouge river in Scarborough, there are lots of fish in these area's about to head up river to spawn,,
  16. dropp shot them... If you put them behind a spinner or your planning on pulling them through the water you gota do it real slow.. They will just turn without looking like a minnow. I would put a bit of weight on the front of them a pull them along bottom.. Or give to the kids to use off the dock. I remember having a blue fox set up with those minnows behind a spinner and when I checked the action I chucked the lure. Too bad they didn't have single hooks thought them instead they would be good to throw into weed poeckets....
  17. Good buy!! I love my lund, (despite the reno Im doing on it) lol....
  18. Great job!! nice eyes! Thats so weird that you fished the detroit river recently... last night I was watching pete bowman fishin the detriot for eyes on TV. He explained the 24 fishing license for michigan and everything... I guess its a good river for them there eyes... I always thought that the detroit river was a nasty river that three eyed scaless fish swam in? I gota make my way now and try out that river (and some windsor casino's) lol
  19. Oh man!! I can't beleive this thread is still going on!! Has anybody just heard about the 24+ hours spent discussing GW at a un summit? 2300-2500 scientists have done their homework and have informed the UN that GW is real, 30% of the worlds animals and fauna are looking at extinction with a 2degree increase. And we are talking by the year 2050. The GW has been proven hands down without a doubt now... The reason we are having this type of weather is a direct effect of GW. It will be causing alot more strange weather... So hold on... I know this debate and thread has been going on for awile , Im tired of it too... BUT they have (the UN) have come to the agreement GW is real and it is a serious problem. The fact that we keep talking about how crazy the weather is lately should be enough for us to realize that their is something behind all the talk on GW. Any how I am done.... THe only thing I can do now is update with links.. So to all in this debate..... Keep your parka, umbrella,sunscreen, hats, ice skates, skis, life jackets, fresh water, at the door that way you will be prepared for any day comming... lol
  20. nice one dano... this will be my first one.. I kayaked a couple times in banff when I used to live out west. Ever since then I have always been thinking about doing it again.. Are you from Ontario? where do you paddle?
  21. Yeah I know its expensive I got mine at princess auto... You should thompson water seal or urathene that ply wood though.. It would hlep alot. Good luck and good job.. Looking forward to seeing the end result.
  22. So tomorrow I am on my way to pick up two kayaks, paddles and boat skirts for 750.00 brand new! I am really excited about this so thought I would share... The guy I am gettng them from has a variety of kayaks and canoes for sale at a real amazing prices. like this canoe under 450.00..... I just thought if anyone was looking they might want to get his number from me... He gets factory seconds at real cheap prices.. Like a winners for boats lol.. here is the kayak I am getting well i am getting two actually me ad the missus... Oh yeah he ships for $75 dollars to the GTA. I don't know him just a good deal so I thought I would pass on the info... He is in tweed.
  23. Nice job I go back to work on my reno on sunday.. But you gotta admit how expensive is the aluminum??!!
  24. maybe 12 " suckers lol..... 12 foot suckers? maybe your the reason for the declining sturgeon.lol Just messing with you dsn........
  25. you have to buy your harbour pass from the toronto port authority. I think its about 150.00
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