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Everything posted by ryanheritage

  1. there is a by law the dog will be "deemed at large" and they will be fined. But the best thing would be to spray the mutt with some water in this freezing weather and watch him whine. Or wait with some fire works and the second that dog goes for a crunch give him a scare. If you retaliate to your neighbors they will just be ignorant. Make the dog scared of your property.
  2. aawwww so your a mean boss lol I know but the aggrevation that it would cause would put a big smile on my face especially if I had no job and some extra time on my hands. I do know that before a year is up u don't get that much respect at the office but if you ask for the time off well in advance but get threatened with your job I do know that is not allowed. All I think is he should travel all his paths before he decides to go. But if he has a boss like that then I would find a new job anyhow. Oh and I would send pictures of my trip to the boss and show him how little I care.. Dosce cervaso por foi vore!!!!!
  3. If your boss threatens you with your job you can just let human resources know and it will be end of topic. Talk to HR and they will advise you properly. Don't quit or go without giving notice on paper. You can go if you give proper notice and hr is aware. And you need a written warning for insubordanation <spelled wrong. and after your first written is when you can be dismissed. so go come back to a letter and and tell your boss to eat a d**k
  4. If anyone is going to the show tonight i was hoping to catch a ride. I live in ajax but i am in markham (close to 407 and kennedy.) till later tonight. anyone avail? will of course pitchin or pay for gas
  5. Ok i thought all that info was in my profile. But here i go I am just a guy that does some fishing on weekends mostly at my cottage on bobs lake north of kingston. Don't really get a chance to go more places cause don't ever have luck anywere else. I love to fish it s the only time I get to do nothing but enjoy life. I rented a hut on simcoe for sunday and my friend and i are going for his first time for whitefish and my 2ncd time. Don't know alot about it except for what i read in ontario outdoors so I was hoping to get some local advice or advice from people who catch more then colds. I am a catch and release advocate, and I just enjoy being out their on the water.
  6. I was wondering if anyone knows if anything is being caught at Mitchells ice fishing huts ? On simcoe out from beaverton and if anyone knows what kind of jigs or bait is hot right now?
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